
Dueling Economists

– Allen, Charlotte, The Weekly Standard, July 1, 2013.
Excerpt: “In the long run, we are all dead,” Keynes famously declared, throwing down the gauntlet to classical economics. He believed that governments have a duty to intervene in the short run to smooth out the harsh effects of fluctuating business… More

The Road to Recovery

– Taylor, John B. City Journal. Summer 2012.
Excerpt: Few thinkers of the past century understood the importance of economic freedom better than the Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek did. As we confront our current situation, Hayek’s work has much to tell us, especially about policy rules, the rule… More

Ten (Mostly) Hayekian Insights for Trying Economic Times

– Caldwell, Bruce. Heritage Foundation. February 1, 2011.
Abstract: The economist Friedrich Hayek attempted in his writings to spotlight the interlocking set of ideas­—constructivist rationalism, scientism, socialism, “the engineering mentality”—that was leading the West down what he famously called the… More

Why Friedrich Hayek Is Making a Comeback

– Roberts, Russ. Wall Street Journal, June 28, 2010.
Excerpt: He was born in the 19th century, wrote his most influential book more than 65 years ago, and he’s not quite as well known or beloved as the sexy Mexican actress who shares his last name. Yet somehow, Friedrich Hayek is on the rise. When Glenn Beck… More

Hayek and the Common Law

– Sandefur, Timothy. With responses by Daniel Klein, Bruce Caldwell, and John Hasnas. Cato Unbound. December 2009.
In his lead essay, lawyer and legal theorist Timothy Sandefur proposes that Friedrich Hayek’s understanding of law and justice is flawed: Spontaneous order may be a descriptively accurate concept, but it has little or no effective normative content.… More

Hayek on Spontaneous Order and the Mirage of Social Justice by John Tomasi

– John Tomasi, "Hayek on Spontaneous Order and the Mirage of Social Justice," lecture, Manhattan Institute, June 20, 2007.
Excerpt: There is a problem with this simple reading of Hayek, however, and it has much vexed Hayek scholars. For while claiming to reject social justice, Hayek often invokes a standard of social justice in arguing for his Ron Paul–like policies of limited… More

Hayek’s Challenge by Bruce Caldwell

– Caldwell, Bruce. Hayek's Challenge. Chicago, IL: University Of Chicago Press, December 15, 2005.
Summary: Friedrich A. Hayek is regarded as one of the preeminent economic theorists of the twentieth century, as much for his work outside of economics as for his work within it. During a career spanning several decades, he made contributions in fields as… More

The Limits of Spontaneous Order

– McNamara, Peter. Claremont Review of Books. Spring 2005.
Excerpt: Friedrich Hayek was an influence on Ronald Reagan and a substantial influence on Margaret Thatcher, not to mention on a legion of lesser lights in the conservative and libertarian movements. In the Soviet Bloc he was an inspiration to the oppressed… More

On Reading Hayek: Choice, Consequences and the Road to Serfdom

– Boettke, Peter J. European Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 21, pp. 1042-1053, 2005.
Abstract:  The basic thesis in The Road to Serfdom is that the lure of socialist ideology has the unintended and undesirable consequence of economic depravation and political tyranny when countries follow its policy agenda. Socialist planning requires… More

The Roads to Serfdom

– Dalrymple, Theodore. City Journal. Spring 2005.
Excerpt: The growing spirit of collectivism in Britain during the war provoked an Austrian economist who had taken refuge there, F. A. von Hayek, to write a polemical counterblast to the trend: The Road to Serfdom, published in 1944. It went through six… More

The Hayek Century

– Cassidy, John. Hoover Digest. June 2000. Adapted from The Price Prophet. New Yorker. February 7, 2000.
Summary: Economist and Hoover honorary fellow Friedrich Hayek spent seven decades extolling the supremacy of capitalism over socialism. For most of those decades, Hayek was a voice in the wilderness. Yet as John Cassidy argues, by the end of his life Hayek… More

The Legacy of F. A. Hayek: Politics, Philosophy and Economics

– Boettke, Peter J., ed. Aldershot: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2000.
Summary: This major three-volume collection – offered in the centenary year of Hayek’s birth – celebrates a lifetime of scholarship and original contributions that cross the disciplines of politics, philosophy and economics. Hayek rose to fame as a… More

Hayek: A Critique

– de Benoist, Alain. Telos. Vol. 1998, no. 110, 71-104 (December 21, 1998).
Excerpt: The “Club de l’Horloge” held its 5th annual meeting October 20–22 1989 in Nice, on “Liberalism at the People’s Service.” The general tone was “national liberal” conservative. According to the Club’s president, Henry de… More

Hayek contra Pangloss on Evolutionary Systems

– Whitman, Douglas. Constitutional Political Economy, 9, 45–66 (1998).
Abstract. Some analysts have criticized Friedrich Hayek’s theory of cultural evolution for implying that the rules, customs, norms, and institutions that emerge from the evolutionary process are necessarily efficient or desirable in all cases. This… More

Hayek as Humean

– Livingston, Donald W. Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society. Volume 5, Issue 2, (1991).
Abstract: In his Hayek and Modern Liberalism, Chandran Kukathas claims that Hayek’s political philosophy is fundamentally incoherent because it is heavily influenced from two incompatible directions: that of Hume and that of Kant. But in fact, the… More

Hayek’s Bizarre Liberalism: A Critique

– Forsythe, Murray. Political Studies. Volume 36, Issue 2, pages 235–250, (June 1988).
Abstract: This paper questions the conventional view of F. A. Hayek as a reviver of ‘classical liberalism’. It argues that the foundation of Hayek’s doctrine is a naturalist or physicalist conception of man which is at variance with the classic… More

Hayek’s Transformation

– Caldwell, Bruce. History of Political Economy. Vol. 20, no. 4 (Winter 1988): pp. 513-541.

Exclusive Interview with F.A. Hayek

– Blanchard, James U. Policy Report. May-June 1984.
Excerpt: F.A. Hayek is one of the world’s leading free-market economists and social philosophers. Besides the important 1944 bestseller, The Road to Serfdom, he has written books on subjects ranging from economics (Prices and Production; Monetary… More

Justice and the Market

– MacLeod, A. M. Canadian Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 13, No. 4 (December, 1983), pp. 551-561.

Interview with F.A. Hayek

Policy Report. February 1983.
Excerpt: In December the Cato Institute launched its Distinguished Lecturer Series with an address by F. A. Hayek, 1974 Nobel laureate in economics and author of numerous books, including The Road to Serfdom; The Constitution of Liberty; Prices and… More

F. A. Hayek and the Rebirth of Classical Liberalism by John Gray

– Gray, John. “F.A. Hayek and the Rebirth of Classical Liberalism.” In Literature of Liberty, Winter 1982, vol. 5, No. 4 (1982).
Excerpt: In the recent revival of public and scholarly interest in the values of limited government and the market order, no one has been more centrally significant than Friedrich A. Hayek. His works have figured as a constant point of reference in the… More

Mises, Hayek, Hahn and The Market Process: Comment on Littlechild

– White, Lawrence H. “Mises, Hayek, Hahn and The Market Process: Comment on Littlechild.” In Method, Process, and Austrian Economics: Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises. Edited by Israel M. Kirzner. Lexington, Mass. & Toronto: Lexington-Books, D.C. Heath and Company, 1982, pp. 103–110.
Excerpt: Littlechild correctly emphasizes Mises’s recognition that the conditions necessary for general equilibrium cannot be met in the real world. It is not so much that the future is unrealistically certain in the general equilibrium constructs of… More

Hayek on Law

– Shearmur, Jeremy. “Hayek on Law.” Unpublished paper presented to The Carl Menger Society Conference on Hayek, London, October 30, 1982.

Hayek on Spontaneous Order

– Gray, John N. “Hayek on Spontaneous Order.” Unpublished paper presented to The Carl Menger Society Conference on Hayek, London, Oct. 30, 1982.

Constitution or Competition? Alternative Views on Monetary Reform

– Brown, Pamela. “Constitution or Competition? Alternative Views on Monetary Reform.” Literature of Liberty 5 (Autumn 1982): 7–52
Excerpt: Money, for practically as long as it has existed, has been employed to realize two fundamentally different sorts of goals: production or plunder. In a market economy, private individuals routinely use monetary institutions in a cooperative way to… More

Hayek, the Answer Man

– “Hayek, the Answer Man.” The Washington Post (December 2, 1982), pp. C1, C17.
He is everything you want an 83-year-old Viennese conservative economist to be. Tall and rumpled. A pearl stickpin in his tie. A watch chain across his vest, even though he wears a digital watch on his wrist. An accent which melds German Z’s and British… More

The Political Economy of F.A. Hayek

– Gordon, Scott. “The Political Economy of F.A. Hayek.” Canadian Journal of Economics 14 (1981): 470–487.
Excerpt: “Why should a book on political philosophy be reviewed in an economics journal? If one reads the “Note to contributors” published regularly on the back cover of this journal, it would be difficult to believe that its editors would… More

Hayek on Socialism

– Steele, David Ramsey. “Hayek on Socialism.” Unpublished paper presented to The Carl Menger Society Conference entitled “Hayek—An Introductory Course,” London, Dec. 6, 1980.

Spontaneous Order and Traditionalism in Hayek

– Steele, David Ramsey. “Spontaneous Order and Traditionalism in Hayek.” Expanded version of a paper delivered to The Colloquium on Austrian Philosophy and Austrian Politics, organized jointly by The Seminar for Austro-German Philosophy & The Carl Menger Society, at The Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, April 26–27, 1980, 75 pp. (Available at the Institute for Humane Studies.)

Hayek on Law

– Smith, Graham. “Hayek on Law.” Unpublished paper presented to The Carl Menger Society conference entitled “Hayek—An Introductory Course,” London, Dec. 6, 1980.

Hayek on Politics

– Shearmur, Jeremy. “Hayek on Politics.” Unpublished paper presented to The Carl Menger Society conference entitled “Hayek—An Introductory Course,” London, Dec. 6, 1980

Hayek and the Invisible Hand

– Shearmur, Jeremy. “Hayek and the Invisible Hand.” Unpublished paper presented to the Seminar for Austro-German Philosophy at Carl Menger joint conference on Austrian Philosophy & Austrian Politics, London, April 26, 1980.

Hayek—An Overview

– Liggio, Leonard P. “Hayek—An Overview.” Unpublished paper presented to The Carl Menger Society Conference entitled “Hayek—An Introductory Course,” London, December 6, 1980.

Hayek or the Political Economy of Liberty

– Lepage, Henri. “Hayek ou l’économie politique de la liberté.” [“Hayek or the Political Economy of Liberty”]. Part 6 of Demain le libéralism [“Tomorrow Liberalism”]. Paris: Le Livre de Poche (8358L), Collection Pluriel, 1980, pp. 409–453.

F.A. Hayek on Liberty and Tradition

– Gray, John N. “F.A. Hayek on Liberty and Tradition.” The Journal of Libertarian Studies 4 (Spring 1980): 119–137.
Excerpt: “One of the most salutary results of the recent revival of scholarly interest in the intellectual traditions of classical liberalism is that Hayek’s social and political writings have begun to be taken as seriously as they deserve.… More

Hayek on Inflation

– Ebeling, Richard. “Hayek on Inflation.” Unpublished Paper presented to The Carl Menger Society Conference entitled “Hayek—An Introductory Course,” London, Dec. 6, 1980

F.A. Hayek on Constructivism and Ethics

– Diamond, Arthur M. “F.A. Hayek on Constructivism and Ethics.” The Journal of Libertarian Studies 4, no. 4 (Fall 1980): 353–366.
Excerpt: “Long before receiving his Nobel Prize, Hayek was well respected in the academic community. Keynes had glowing praise for Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom. Milton Friedman and Paul Samuelson, antagonists on many issues, agree that… More

Hayek and the New Right

– Brittan, Samuel. “Hayek and the New Right.” Encounter 54 (January 1980): 30–46.
Excerpt: “Since the publication of his Road to Serfdom in 1944, Hayek has been cursed by sneerers, who dismiss everything he has to say without giving it a hearing, and even more by admirers, who agree with it before they have studied it, and regard… More

Hayek and Institutional Evolution

– Arnold, Roger A.  “Hayek and Institutional Evolution.” The Journal of Libertarian Studies 4, no. 4 (Fall 1980): 341–352.
Excerpt: “Casual observation of the last thirty years or so indicates that the role government plays in the lives of individuals has been increasing. Within the internal structure of government there are a number of reasons for this, but perhaps the… More

Handeln in Ungewissheit. F.A. v. Hayek’s Grundlegung einer freiheitlichen Sozialphilosphie

– Zöller, Michael. “Handeln in Ungewissheit. F.A. v. Hayek's Grundlegung einer freiheitlichen Sozialphilosphie.” [“Acting under Uncertainty. F.A. von Hayek's Foundation of a Liberal Social Philosophy.”] In Zur Verfassung der Freiheit: Festgabe für Friedrich A. von Hayek zur Vollendung seines achtzigsten Lebensjahres. Stuttgart, New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag (Ordo 30), 1979, pp. 117–129

Zu F.A. Hayeks verfassungsrechtlichen Ideen

– Simson, W. von “Zu F.A. Hayeks verfassungsrechtlichen Ideen.” Der Staat, Zeitschrift für Staatslehre, Offentliches Recht un Verfassungeschichte. Berlin 18, no. 3, (1979): 403–421.

Introduction: The Debate, 1931–71

– Shenoy, Sudha R. “Introduction: The Debate, 1931–71.” in F.A. Hayek, A Tiger by the Tail: The Keynesian Legacy of Inflation, Cato 1979.
Excerpt: “The roots of current economic ideas and of those guiding the wages policy lie in the 1930s, in discussion inspired by the publication of the General Theory.  Though Keynes’s  ideas diverged significantly from the theoretical structure… More

The Cognitive Basis of Hayek’s Political Thought

– Miller, Eugene F. “The Cognitive Basis of Hayek's Political Thought.” In Robert L. Cunningham Liberty and the Rule of Law. College Station and London: Texas A & M University Press, 1979. pp. 242–267.

American Conservatism and F.A. Hayek

– Dyer, P.W. and Hickman, R.H. “American Conservatism and F.A. Hayek.” Modern Age 23, no. 4 (Fall 1979).
Excerpt: “It has been asserted often that the political ideas of F.A. Hayek are consistent with those of American conservatism. This opinion has come from sources as diverse as the members of the American conservative community and their detractors, as… More

Liberty and the Rule of Law

– Cunningham, Robert L. (ed.) Liberty and the Rule of Law. College Station, Texas: Texas A & M University Press, 1979.
This collection of essays originated in a conference held in 1976 at the University of San Francisco to discuss Hayek’s defense of liberal constitutionalism and in particular his thesis that the rule of law is a necessary and effective safeguard for… More

Hayek’s Critique of Social Injustice

– Torrence, Thomas. “Hayek's Critique of Social Injustice.” Unpublished paper presented to The Carl Menger Society Conference on Hayek, October 28, 1978.

Hayek and Liberty

– Steiner, Hillel. “Hayek and Liberty.” Unpublished paper presented to The Carl Menger Society Conference on Hayek, Oct. 28, 1978.

Hayek, Smith (and Hume)

– Shearmur, Jeremy. “Hayek, Smith (and Hume).” Unpublished manuscript of paper presented at one-day Conference on Hayek at University College, London, October 28, 1978, and sponsored by The Carl Menger Society.

Law and the Liberal Society: F.A. Hayek’s Constitution of Liberty

– Hamowy, Ronald. “Law and the Liberal Society: F.A. Hayek's Constitution of Liberty.” Journal of Libertarian Studies 2, no. 4 (1978): 287–297.
Excerpt: “This paper will focus on the work of Hayek, the leading modern exponent of the liberal conception of freedom and the rule of law. I intended my analysis to lay bare the incongruous views and weaknesses in Hayek’s definition of freedom,… More

Time in Economics vs. Economics in Time. The ‘Hayek Problem

– Boland, L.A. “Time in Economics vs. Economics in Time. The ‘Hayek Problem.’” In The Canadian Journal of Economics (Canadian Economic Association) Toronto, 2, no. 2 (1978): 240–262.
Excerpt: “Several notable writers have recently charged that neoclassical economics is ‘timeless.’ But strictly speaking neoclassical economics is not timeless. Indeed, several types of neoclassical models treat time explicitly. The proper… More

Hayek and Political Order: The Rule of Law

– Baumgarth, William P. “Hayek and Political Order: The Rule of Law.” The Journal of Libertarian Studies 2, no. 1 (Winter 1978): 11–28
Excerpt: “We might assume from the title of Hayek’s earliest comprehensive treatment of the subject that the “rule of law” would appear as the summation of his political philosophy, as his legal ideal. Indeed, Hayek’s formulation… More

Friedrich A. Hayek: Nobel Prizewinner

– Shearmur, Jeremy.  “Friedrich A. Hayek: Nobel Prizewinner.” In Fritz Machlup, ed., Essays on Hayek. New York: New York University Press, 1976, pp. 171–176.

The Relevance of Friedrich A. Hayek

– Roche III, George C. “The Relevance of Friedrich A. Hayek.” In Fritz Machlup, ed., Essays on Hayek. New York: New York University Press, 1976, 1–12.

Hayek’s Critique of Reason

– Miller, Eugene F. “Hayek's Critique of Reason.” Modern Age 20, no. 4 (Fall 1976): 383–394.
Excerpt: “My essay will examine what I take to be the foundation of Hayek’s thoughts, namely, the accounts he gives of human knowledge. There is ample evidence that his work in the special sciences—logic, psychology, ethics, politics and… More

Hayek’s Perception of the ‘Rule of Law’

– Leube, Kurt R. “Hayek's Perception of the ‘Rule of Law’.” The Intercollegiate Review (Winter 1976/1977).
Excerpt: “Of society’s many organizations, the biggest one called Government, has the double task of enforcing the general rules of society and providing those services to the citizens which have to be provided by the organization of government.… More

The Achievements of Friedrich A. Hayek

– Letwin, Shirley Robin. “The Achievements of Friedrich A. Hayek.” In Fritz Machlup, ed. Essays on Hayek. New York: New York University Press, 1976, pp. 147–162.

Rereading von Hayek

– Leduc, G. “En rélisant von Hayek.” Revue d'Economie Politique 86 (1976): 491–494.

Capitalism and the Historians

– Hartwell, Ronald Max. “Capitalism and the Historians.” In Fritz Machlup, ed. Essays on Hayek. New York: New York University Press, 1976, pp. 73–94.

Hayek on The Rule of Law

– Dietze, Gottfried. “Hayek on The Rule of Law.” In Fritz Machlup, ed. Essays on Hayek. New York: New York University Press, 1976, pp. 107–146

F.A. Hayek, Freedom for Progress

– Crespigny, Anthony de. “F.A. Hayek, Freedom for Progress.” in Anthony de Crespigny and Kenneth Minogue (eds.) Contemporary Political Philosophers. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1975; London: Methuen, 1976, pp. 49–66

F. A. Hayek: Next Construction for the Giant

– Worsthorne, Peregrine. “F. A. Hayek: Next Construction for the Giant.” In: Prophets of Freedom and Enterprise. Edited by Michael Ivens. London: Kogan Page, Ltd., for Aims of Industry, 1975. pp. 70–80.

Inflation, Unemployment and Hayek

– Spencer, Roger W. “Inflation, Unemployment and Hayek.” Review (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.) 57 (1975): 6–10.
Excerpt: “In these times of high unemployment and rising price levels, one looks to the leaders of the economics profession for analysis and solutions. One possible candidate, who has investigated these problems in detail, is Friedrich August von Hayek.… More

Hayek and Keynes: A Retrospective Assessment

– O'Driscoll, Jr. Gerald P. “Hayek and Keynes: A Retrospective Assessment.” Iowa State University Department of Economics Staff Paper No. 20. Ames, Iowa: Xerox 1975. [Paper prepared for the Symposium on Austrian Economics, University of Hartford, June 22–28, 1975.]

The Facts of Hayek

– Johnson, Frank. “The Facts of Hayek.” Sunday Telegraph Magazine, September 261975, pp. 30–34.

Hayek: The Road to Stockholm

– “Hayek: The Road to Stockholm.” The Alternative: An American Spectator 8, no. 8 (May 1975): 10–12

Reflections on John Hick’s ‘The Hayek Story’

– Ebeling, Richard. “Reflections on John Hick's ‘The Hayek Story.’” Unpublished manuscript, no date; 23 pp.: Available from the Institute for Humane Studies, Menlo Park, California 94025.

Hayek Revisited: Mind as a Process of Classification

– Agonito, Rosemary. “Hayek Revisited: Mind as a Process of Classification.” In: Behaviorism: A Forum for Critical Discussions 3, no. 2 (Spring 1975): 162–171.
Excerpt: “During the fifties an extremely perceptive work in theoretical psychology appeared in  this country which provided an account of mind defined as the process of classification, which included both neurological information processing and… More

Friedrich von Hayek’s Contribution to Economics

– Machlup, Fritz. “Friedrich von Hayek's Contribution to Economics.” The Swedish Journal of Economics 76 (December 1974): 498–531.
Excerpt: “Some of Hayek’s 15 books appeared also in foreign translations. There are altogether 20 foreign language editions (in 11 different languages), so that the combined count comes to 35 books. The bibliography contains 10 pamphlets, and 10… More

The Political Philosophy of Friedrich A. Hayek

– Wilhelm, Morris M. “The Political Philosophy of Friedrich A. Hayek.” Columbia University Ph.D. Dissertation in Political Science, New York, 1969. An article based on this, in condensed form, appears as “The Political Thought of Friedrich A. Hayek,” in Political Studies 20, no. 2 (June 1972): 169–184.

Professor Hayek on Individualism

– Harris, R.  “Professor Hayek on Individualism.” In R. Harrod, ed. Economic Essays, 2nd edition. London and New York: 1972. pp. 293–301.

Friedrich Hayek: An Appreciation

– Glasner, David. “Friedrich Hayek: An Appreciation.” Intercollegiate Review 7 (Summer 1971): 251–255.
Excerpt: “One of the most eminent scholars of our time, Prof. Hayek has collected in this volume a selection of the work which he has been engaged in during the years since 1944. As the author puts it in his preface, ‘This volume contains a… More

Hayek’s Liberalism: The Constitution of Perpetual Privilege

– Bay, Christian. “Hayek's Liberalism: The Constitution of Perpetual Privilege.” Political Science Review 1 (Fall 1971): 93–124
Excerpt: “Already the heading may strike admirers of this work as slanted and unfair, demonstrating this reviewer’s prejudice against Hayek’s Old Whig Liberalism. And I readily grant that privilege, as Hayek defines this term, is what he… More

Note on Professor Hayek’s ‘True Theory of Unemployment’

– Johr, W.A. “Note on Professor Hayek's ‘True Theory of Unemployment.’” Kyklos 30, no. 4 (1970): 713–723
Excerpt: “Prof. Hayek is an economist whose prestige, acquired by his writings on problems of economics and social philosophy, stands high. Consequently, every work he publishes deserves careful attention; this is particularly so when it concerns the… More

On Hayek

– Harris, R. “On Hayek.” Swinton Journal (1970)

Roads to Freedom: Essays in Honour of Friedrich A. von Hayek.

– Streissler, Erich et al. eds. Roads to Freedom: Essays in Honour of Friedrich A. von Hayek. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969.
The articles in this volume were written in honour of F. A. Hayek and cover the whole scope of his thought. Many of the essays take as a starting point Hayek’s own writings. The list of distinguished contributors include: Jacques Rueff, George Halm,… More

Laudatio: Un Message pour le siècle

– Rueff, Jacques. “Laudatio: Un Message pour le siècle.” In Erich Streissler et al., eds. Roads to Freedom: Essays in Honour of Friedrich A. von Hayek. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969, pp. 1–3.

The Determinants of Social Action

– Polanyi, Michael. “The Determinants of Social Action.” In Roads to Freedom: Essays in Honour of Friedrich A. von Hayek. Edited by Erich London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969, pp. 145–179.

The Hayek Story

– Heimann, E. “The Hayek Story.” In Critical Essays in Monetary Theory. Oxford University Press: 1967.

Hayek on Freedom and Coercion

– Viner, Jacob. “Hayek on Freedom and Coercion.” Southern Economic Journal 27 (January 1961): 230–236.
Excerpt: “This important and challenging book presents a learned and powerfully argued brief on behalf of the propositions, that, in general, maximum possible amounts of “liberty” or of “freedom” from “coercion” is both practicable and… More


– Seldon, Arthur, ed. “Philosophy” Agenda for a Free Society: Essays on Hayek's The Constitution of Liberty. London: Published for the Institute of Economic Affairs by Hutchinson, 1961.

Hayek on Liberty

– Robbins, Lionel. “Hayek on Liberty.” Economica (February 1961): 66–81.
Excerpt: “This is a very ambitious book. “It has been a long time,” says the author, “since that ideal of freedom which inspired modern Western civilization and whose partial realization made possible the achievements of that civilization was… More

Hayek on Liberty

– Rees, J.C. “Hayek on Liberty.” Philosophy (1961).
Professor Hayek’s book is a massive contribution to the persistent question of the limits of state action. It runs counter to prevailing notions about the role of government in economic and social matters to such an extent that a common reaction to its… More

Hayek’s Conception of Freedom: A Critique

– Hamowy, Ronald. “Hayek's Conception of Freedom: A Critique.” New Individualist Review 1, no. 1 (April 1961): 28–31.
Excerpt: F. A. HAYEK, in his latest book, The Constitution of Liberty (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1960), attempts a thorough exposition of the theoretical and historical foundations of individual liberty. His main thesis is that freedom may be… More

Prof. Hayek and the Concertina Effect

– Kaldor, N. “Prof. Hayek and the Concertina Effect.” In Economica N.S. 9 (1942): 148–176; reprinted in: Kaldor, Essays on Economic Stability and Growth. London: Duckworth, 1960
Excerpt: “It was more than ten years ago that Prof. Hayek first fascinated the academic world of economists by a new theory of industrial fluctuations which in theoretical conception, and perhaps even more in its practical implications, was… More

An Unrepentant Old Whig

– Davenport, John. “An Unrepentant Old Whig.” Fortune (March 1960): 134–135, 192, 194, 197–198

The Rate of Interest in the Trade Cycle Theories of Prof. Hayek

– Palmer, G.G.D. “The Rate of Interest in the Trade Cycle Theories of Prof. Hayek.” The South African Journal of Economics 23 (1955): 1–18.
Excerpt: “For many years the trade cycle theories of Prof. Hayek have been the centre of interest and controversy. His approach stands in contrast on the one hand to that of the purely monetary school of which R.G. Hawtree is the outstanding expert, and… More

Professor Hayek’s Philosophy

– Murray, A.H. “Professor Hayek's Philosophy.” Economica 12 (August 1945): 149–162.
Excerpt: “In a series of articles the importance of which cannot be overestimated for the theory of method of economics, entitled Scientism and the Study of Society, Prof. Hayek offers what may legitimately be called a philosophic criticism of the… More

Professor Hayek on German Socialism

– Hoselitz, B.F. “Professor Hayek on German Socialism.” The American Economic Review 35 (1945): 926–934.
Excerpt: “In chapter XI of his recent book, the Road to Serfdom, Prof. Hayek undertakes to show that the philosophy of German national socialism as it has its roots in the teachings and doctrines of German socialists. Prof. Hayek claims that ‘the… More

Professor Hayek on German Socialism

– Heimann, E. “Professor Hayek on German Socialism.” The American Economic Review. 35 (1945): 935–937.
Excerpt: Mr. Hoselitz’s criticism of  Hayek’s chapter XII—or rather of his pages 168 and 169—is right as far as it goes. Bebel’s utterance was ironical; why else should he and his party have voted against the appropriations for the army… More

Keynes vs. Hayek on a Commodity Reserve Currency

– Graham, F.D. “Keynes vs. Hayek on a Commodity Reserve Currency.” The Economic Journal 54 (1944): 422–429.
Excerpt: “The issues raised in Lord Keynes’ reply to Prof. Hayek’s article on a commodity reserve currency, in a recent issue of this journal, seem worthy of more extended discussion. It will perhaps do no great injustice to Prof.… More

Professor Hayek’s Theory of Interest

– Lutz, Friedrich A. “Professor Hayek's Theory of Interest.” Economica 10 (1943): 302–310
Excerpt: “In the following discussion attention will be concentrated on that parts of Prof. Hayek’s Pure Theory of Capital which contains his theory of interest in “real” terms that is to say, almost one-half of the book (from chapter XVII… More

Hayek och ‘Ricardo-effekten’

– Welinder, C. “Hayek och ‘Ricardo-effekten’” In Ekonomisk Tidsskrift (Uppsala och Stockholm) 42 (1940): 33–39.

Professor Hayek and the Theory of Investment

– Knight, F.H. “Professor Hayek and the Theory of Investment.” The Economic Journal 45 (1935): 77–94.
Excerpt: “In the remarks which follow, I am not concerned with the technical problems of the ‘structure of investment’ actually discussed in Prof. Hayek’s recent article, and shall take no notice of what may be right or wrong in that… More

Dr. Hayek on Money and Capital

– Sraffa, Piero. “Dr. Hayek on Money and Capital [on F.A. von Hayek's Prices and Production] London 1931.” The Economic Journal 42 (1932): 42–53, 249–251.
Excerpt: “To deal with the theory of money, from its doctrinal history down to the inevitable practical proposals, touching upon some of the most perplexing parts of the subject, and all this in four lectures, must have been a feat of endurance on the… More

A Reply to Dr. Hayek

– Keynes, J.M. “A Reply to Dr. Hayek.” Economica 12 (November 1931): 387–397.
Excerpt: “In an article recently published, Dr. Hayek has invited me to clear up some ambiguities of terminology which he finds in my Treatise of Money, and also other matters. As he frankly says, he has found his difference with me difficult to… More