Robert George’s Conservative Thinking in the Age of Trump

The Wall Street Journal, Feb 24, 2017.

The Princeton legal scholar on America’s refugee policy, Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch and his ‘I told you so’ moment with liberal friends over the recent flood of executive orders.


Princeton University professor Robert George hasn’t been surprised by the flood of executive orders signed by President Donald Trump in his first month in office. For more than 30 years, the conservative legal scholar and political theorist has worried about what he sees as the dangerous expansion of executive power.

He recalls having conversations on the subject with colleagues during the previous administration. When President Barack Obama “made good on his threat to act unilaterally…if Congress did not give him what he wanted legislatively,” Dr. George warned his liberal friends that those powers would “someday end up in the hands of another president,” he says. “I frankly didn’t expect it to come to pass quite this quickly or quite this dramatically.” Lately, he has been saying “I told you so” a lot.

Wall Street Journal