Aux origines du libéralisme: Benjamin Constant
– "Aux origines du libéralisme: Benjamin Constant." Review of Écrits politiques, by Benjamin Constant, ed. Marcel Gauchet. Commentaire no. 11 (Autumn 1980): 483-91.Les infortunes de la liberté
– "Les infortunes de la liberté." Review of Politics and the Pursuit of Happiness, by Ghita Ionescu, and The State, by Anthony de Jasay. Commentaire no. 30 (Summer 1985): 732-6.Les libéraux
– Les libéraux. Collection "Pluriel." 2 vols. Paris: Hachette, 1986. Reprinted in one volume, collection "Tel." Paris: Gallimard, 2001.Situation du libéralisme
– "Situation du libéralisme." Commentaire 9, no. 35 (Autumn 1986): 388-99.L’État moderne: problèmes d’interprétation
– "L'État moderne: problèmes d'interprétation." Commentaire no. 41 (Spring 1988): 328-35.Paine, “Droits de l’homme”
– "Paine, Droits de l'homme." In Dictionnaire des oeuvres politiques, edited by F. Châtelet, O. Duhamel, E. Pisier. 2nd ed. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.Notre destin libéral
– "Notre destin libéral." Preface to Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss et la notion de politique, by Heinrich Meier, 7-12. Translated by Françoise Manent. Collection "Commentaire." Paris: Julliard, 1990.The Contest for Command
– "The Contest for Command." In New French Thought, translated by Rebecca Balinski, edited by Mark Lilla, 178-85. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.An Intellectual History of Liberalism
– An Intellectual History of Liberalism. Translated by Rebecca Balinski, with a foreword by Jerrold Siegel. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. Originally published as Histoire intellectuelle du liberalisme: Dix leçons (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1987). Published in Brazilian as História intelectual do liberalismo: dez liçoes (Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1990). Published in Polish as Intelektualna historia liberalizmu, trans. Marian Miszalski (Lódz: Kurs, 1990; Krakow: Arcana, 1994). Published in Italian as Storia intellettuale del liberalismo, trans. L. Caracciolo di San Vito (Rubbettino, 2010).Highlighting the social tensions that confront the liberal tradition, Pierre Manent draws a portrait of what we, citizens of modern liberal democracies, have become. For Manent, a… More
Tocqueville and the Nature of Democracy
– Tocqueville and the Nature of Democracy. Translated by John Waggoner. With a foreword by Harvey C. Mansfield Jr. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1996. Originally published as Tocqueville et la nature de la démocratie (1982; Paris: Fayard, 1993; Paris: Gallimard, 2006).One of France’s leading and most controversial political thinkers explores the central themes of Tocqueville’s writings: the democratic revolution and the modern passion for… More
Review of Libéraux et communautariens, edited by André Berten, Pablo da Silveira and Hervé Pourtois
– Review of Libéraux et communautariens, edited by André Berten, Pablo da Silveira and Hervé Pourtois. Archives de sciences sociales des religions 102, no. 1 (1998): 108.The City of Man
– The City of Man. Translated by Marc A. LePain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998. Originally published as La cité de l'homme (Paris: Fayard, 1994).The “City of God” or the “City of Man”? This is the choice St. Augustine offered 1500 years ago–and according to Pierre Manent the modern West has decisively… More
Modern Liberty and Its Discontents
– Modern Liberty and Its Discontents. Edited and translated by Daniel J. Mahoney and Paul Seaton. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998.In this book, distinguished French philosopher Pierre Manent addresses a wide range of subjects, including the Machiavellian origins of modernity, Tocqueville’s analysis of democracy,… More
L’héritage libéral
– "L'héritage libéral." Revue des deux mondes (May 2002): 47-54.Révolution française, Révolution liberale
– "Révolution française, Révolution liberale." In Psychanalyse de l'antilibéralisme: Les Français ont-ils raison d'avoir peur?, 83 ff. Edited by Christian Stoffaës. Paris: Éditions Saint-Simon, Institut d'Histoire de l'Industrie, 2006.A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State
– A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State. Translated by Marc LePain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. Originally published as Cours familier de philosophie politique (Paris: Fayard, 2001). Published in Greek as Apla maqhmata politikis filosofias (Athens: Polis, 2005).We live in the grip of a great illusion about politics, Pierre Manent argues in A World beyond Politics? It’s the illusion that we would be better off without politics–at least… More
Enquête sur la démocratie: Études de philosophie politique
– Enquête sur la démocratie: Études de philosophie politique. Collection "Tel." Paris: Gallimard, 2007.Les Européens ont aujourd’hui bien du mal à s’entendre, mais il y a au moins un sujet qui semble les réunir : c’est la démocratie. Que nous soyons libéraux ou… More
Interview: Le Libéralisme et le monde moderne
– "Le Libéralisme et le monde moderne." Interview with France Catholique, June 2, 2008.Grandeur et misère du libéralisme
– "Grandeur et misère du libéralisme." Confèrence prononcée le 2 mars 2009 à l'Institut français de Prague.éral et catholique
– "Libéral et catholique." In Penser le monde moderne: Le bon grain et l'ivraie?, 7-12. Edited by Philippe Bénéton and Marie-Jeanne Seppey. Paris: Cujas, 2009.The Greatness and Misery of Liberalism
– "The Greatness and Misery of Liberalism." Modern Age (Summer 2010): 176-83.Le regard politique
– Le regard politique. Entretiens avec Bénédicte Delorme-Montini. Collection "Essais." Paris: Flammarion, 2010.“Aujourd’hui, la faculté humaine qui reçoit toute l’approbation, c’est l’imagination. Or je n’ai pas d’imagination, je ne suis pas un artiste et… More
Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West
– "Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West." Perspectives on Political Science 41, no. 2 (2012): 100-5.The old Western synthesis, the coming together of self-government, the Christian proposition, modern equality, and the commitment to relieving man’s estate, appears to be unraveling. In… More
Preface to “La Constitution de l’intérêt général dans le libéralisme politique,” by Florence Perrin
– Preface to La Constitution de l'intérêt général dans le libéralisme politique: entre droits et intérêts particuliers, by Florence Perrin. Clermont-Ferrand: Varenne, 2012.Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic
– Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic. Translated by Marc LePain. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013. Originally published as Les métamorphoses de la cité (Paris: Flammarion, 2010). Published in Italian as Le metamorfosi della città: Saggio sulla dinamica dell'Occidente, trans. Giulio Di Ligio (Rubbettino, 2014).What is the best way to govern ourselves? The history of the West has been shaped by the struggle to answer this question, according to Pierre Manent. A major achievement by one of… More
La crise du libéralisme
– "La crise du libéralisme." Commentaire no. 141 (2013): 91 ff.La ‘gouvernance’: un machiavélisme sans virtù
– "La 'gouvernance': un machiavélisme sans virtù." Commentaire no. 146 (Summer 2014): 309 ff. Originally printed in Les Cahiers de l'hôtel de Galliffet (2014), ed. Giulio De Ligio, proceedings of the conference "Le problème Machiavel: Science de l'homme, conscience de l'Europe" at the Institut culturel italien, October 4-5, 2013.L’Homme moderne au marché du monde
– Panagiotis Christias. "L'Homme moderne au marché du monde. Pierre Manent critique du libéralisme?" In La politique et l'âme : autour de Pierre Manent (Paris: CNRS, 2014).Un libéral et un classique
– Daniel J. Mahoney. "Un libéral et un classique. La lecture néo-aristotélicienne de Raymond Aron par Pierre Manent." In La politique et l'âme : autour de Pierre Manent (Paris: CNRS, 2014).Essays
Aux origines du libéralisme: Benjamin Constant
– "Aux origines du libéralisme: Benjamin Constant." Review of Écrits politiques, by Benjamin Constant, ed. Marcel Gauchet. Commentaire no. 11 (Autumn 1980): 483-91.Les infortunes de la liberté
– "Les infortunes de la liberté." Review of Politics and the Pursuit of Happiness, by Ghita Ionescu, and The State, by Anthony de Jasay. Commentaire no. 30 (Summer 1985): 732-6.Les libéraux
– Les libéraux. Collection "Pluriel." 2 vols. Paris: Hachette, 1986. Reprinted in one volume, collection "Tel." Paris: Gallimard, 2001.Situation du libéralisme
– "Situation du libéralisme." Commentaire 9, no. 35 (Autumn 1986): 388-99.L’État moderne: problèmes d’interprétation
– "L'État moderne: problèmes d'interprétation." Commentaire no. 41 (Spring 1988): 328-35.Paine, “Droits de l’homme”
– "Paine, Droits de l'homme." In Dictionnaire des oeuvres politiques, edited by F. Châtelet, O. Duhamel, E. Pisier. 2nd ed. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.Notre destin libéral
– "Notre destin libéral." Preface to Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss et la notion de politique, by Heinrich Meier, 7-12. Translated by Françoise Manent. Collection "Commentaire." Paris: Julliard, 1990.The Contest for Command
– "The Contest for Command." In New French Thought, translated by Rebecca Balinski, edited by Mark Lilla, 178-85. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.An Intellectual History of Liberalism
– An Intellectual History of Liberalism. Translated by Rebecca Balinski, with a foreword by Jerrold Siegel. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. Originally published as Histoire intellectuelle du liberalisme: Dix leçons (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1987). Published in Brazilian as História intelectual do liberalismo: dez liçoes (Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1990). Published in Polish as Intelektualna historia liberalizmu, trans. Marian Miszalski (Lódz: Kurs, 1990; Krakow: Arcana, 1994). Published in Italian as Storia intellettuale del liberalismo, trans. L. Caracciolo di San Vito (Rubbettino, 2010).Highlighting the social tensions that confront the liberal tradition, Pierre Manent draws a portrait of what we, citizens of modern liberal democracies, have become. For Manent, a… More
Tocqueville and the Nature of Democracy
– Tocqueville and the Nature of Democracy. Translated by John Waggoner. With a foreword by Harvey C. Mansfield Jr. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1996. Originally published as Tocqueville et la nature de la démocratie (1982; Paris: Fayard, 1993; Paris: Gallimard, 2006).One of France’s leading and most controversial political thinkers explores the central themes of Tocqueville’s writings: the democratic revolution and the modern passion for… More
Review of Libéraux et communautariens, edited by André Berten, Pablo da Silveira and Hervé Pourtois
– Review of Libéraux et communautariens, edited by André Berten, Pablo da Silveira and Hervé Pourtois. Archives de sciences sociales des religions 102, no. 1 (1998): 108.The City of Man
– The City of Man. Translated by Marc A. LePain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998. Originally published as La cité de l'homme (Paris: Fayard, 1994).The “City of God” or the “City of Man”? This is the choice St. Augustine offered 1500 years ago–and according to Pierre Manent the modern West has decisively… More
Modern Liberty and Its Discontents
– Modern Liberty and Its Discontents. Edited and translated by Daniel J. Mahoney and Paul Seaton. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998.In this book, distinguished French philosopher Pierre Manent addresses a wide range of subjects, including the Machiavellian origins of modernity, Tocqueville’s analysis of democracy,… More
L’héritage libéral
– "L'héritage libéral." Revue des deux mondes (May 2002): 47-54.Révolution française, Révolution liberale
– "Révolution française, Révolution liberale." In Psychanalyse de l'antilibéralisme: Les Français ont-ils raison d'avoir peur?, 83 ff. Edited by Christian Stoffaës. Paris: Éditions Saint-Simon, Institut d'Histoire de l'Industrie, 2006.A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State
– A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State. Translated by Marc LePain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. Originally published as Cours familier de philosophie politique (Paris: Fayard, 2001). Published in Greek as Apla maqhmata politikis filosofias (Athens: Polis, 2005).We live in the grip of a great illusion about politics, Pierre Manent argues in A World beyond Politics? It’s the illusion that we would be better off without politics–at least… More
Enquête sur la démocratie: Études de philosophie politique
– Enquête sur la démocratie: Études de philosophie politique. Collection "Tel." Paris: Gallimard, 2007.Les Européens ont aujourd’hui bien du mal à s’entendre, mais il y a au moins un sujet qui semble les réunir : c’est la démocratie. Que nous soyons libéraux ou… More
Interview: Le Libéralisme et le monde moderne
– "Le Libéralisme et le monde moderne." Interview with France Catholique, June 2, 2008.Grandeur et misère du libéralisme
– "Grandeur et misère du libéralisme." Confèrence prononcée le 2 mars 2009 à l'Institut français de Prague.éral et catholique
– "Libéral et catholique." In Penser le monde moderne: Le bon grain et l'ivraie?, 7-12. Edited by Philippe Bénéton and Marie-Jeanne Seppey. Paris: Cujas, 2009.The Greatness and Misery of Liberalism
– "The Greatness and Misery of Liberalism." Modern Age (Summer 2010): 176-83.Le regard politique
– Le regard politique. Entretiens avec Bénédicte Delorme-Montini. Collection "Essais." Paris: Flammarion, 2010.“Aujourd’hui, la faculté humaine qui reçoit toute l’approbation, c’est l’imagination. Or je n’ai pas d’imagination, je ne suis pas un artiste et… More
Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West
– "Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West." Perspectives on Political Science 41, no. 2 (2012): 100-5.The old Western synthesis, the coming together of self-government, the Christian proposition, modern equality, and the commitment to relieving man’s estate, appears to be unraveling. In… More
Preface to “La Constitution de l’intérêt général dans le libéralisme politique,” by Florence Perrin
– Preface to La Constitution de l'intérêt général dans le libéralisme politique: entre droits et intérêts particuliers, by Florence Perrin. Clermont-Ferrand: Varenne, 2012.Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic
– Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic. Translated by Marc LePain. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013. Originally published as Les métamorphoses de la cité (Paris: Flammarion, 2010). Published in Italian as Le metamorfosi della città: Saggio sulla dinamica dell'Occidente, trans. Giulio Di Ligio (Rubbettino, 2014).What is the best way to govern ourselves? The history of the West has been shaped by the struggle to answer this question, according to Pierre Manent. A major achievement by one of… More
La crise du libéralisme
– "La crise du libéralisme." Commentaire no. 141 (2013): 91 ff.La ‘gouvernance’: un machiavélisme sans virtù
– "La 'gouvernance': un machiavélisme sans virtù." Commentaire no. 146 (Summer 2014): 309 ff. Originally printed in Les Cahiers de l'hôtel de Galliffet (2014), ed. Giulio De Ligio, proceedings of the conference "Le problème Machiavel: Science de l'homme, conscience de l'Europe" at the Institut culturel italien, October 4-5, 2013.L’Homme moderne au marché du monde
– Panagiotis Christias. "L'Homme moderne au marché du monde. Pierre Manent critique du libéralisme?" In La politique et l'âme : autour de Pierre Manent (Paris: CNRS, 2014).Un libéral et un classique
– Daniel J. Mahoney. "Un libéral et un classique. La lecture néo-aristotélicienne de Raymond Aron par Pierre Manent." In La politique et l'âme : autour de Pierre Manent (Paris: CNRS, 2014).Commentary
Aux origines du libéralisme: Benjamin Constant
– "Aux origines du libéralisme: Benjamin Constant." Review of Écrits politiques, by Benjamin Constant, ed. Marcel Gauchet. Commentaire no. 11 (Autumn 1980): 483-91.Les infortunes de la liberté
– "Les infortunes de la liberté." Review of Politics and the Pursuit of Happiness, by Ghita Ionescu, and The State, by Anthony de Jasay. Commentaire no. 30 (Summer 1985): 732-6.Les libéraux
– Les libéraux. Collection "Pluriel." 2 vols. Paris: Hachette, 1986. Reprinted in one volume, collection "Tel." Paris: Gallimard, 2001.Situation du libéralisme
– "Situation du libéralisme." Commentaire 9, no. 35 (Autumn 1986): 388-99.L’État moderne: problèmes d’interprétation
– "L'État moderne: problèmes d'interprétation." Commentaire no. 41 (Spring 1988): 328-35.Paine, “Droits de l’homme”
– "Paine, Droits de l'homme." In Dictionnaire des oeuvres politiques, edited by F. Châtelet, O. Duhamel, E. Pisier. 2nd ed. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.Notre destin libéral
– "Notre destin libéral." Preface to Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss et la notion de politique, by Heinrich Meier, 7-12. Translated by Françoise Manent. Collection "Commentaire." Paris: Julliard, 1990.The Contest for Command
– "The Contest for Command." In New French Thought, translated by Rebecca Balinski, edited by Mark Lilla, 178-85. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.An Intellectual History of Liberalism
– An Intellectual History of Liberalism. Translated by Rebecca Balinski, with a foreword by Jerrold Siegel. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. Originally published as Histoire intellectuelle du liberalisme: Dix leçons (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1987). Published in Brazilian as História intelectual do liberalismo: dez liçoes (Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1990). Published in Polish as Intelektualna historia liberalizmu, trans. Marian Miszalski (Lódz: Kurs, 1990; Krakow: Arcana, 1994). Published in Italian as Storia intellettuale del liberalismo, trans. L. Caracciolo di San Vito (Rubbettino, 2010).Highlighting the social tensions that confront the liberal tradition, Pierre Manent draws a portrait of what we, citizens of modern liberal democracies, have become. For Manent, a… More
Tocqueville and the Nature of Democracy
– Tocqueville and the Nature of Democracy. Translated by John Waggoner. With a foreword by Harvey C. Mansfield Jr. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1996. Originally published as Tocqueville et la nature de la démocratie (1982; Paris: Fayard, 1993; Paris: Gallimard, 2006).One of France’s leading and most controversial political thinkers explores the central themes of Tocqueville’s writings: the democratic revolution and the modern passion for… More
Review of Libéraux et communautariens, edited by André Berten, Pablo da Silveira and Hervé Pourtois
– Review of Libéraux et communautariens, edited by André Berten, Pablo da Silveira and Hervé Pourtois. Archives de sciences sociales des religions 102, no. 1 (1998): 108.The City of Man
– The City of Man. Translated by Marc A. LePain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998. Originally published as La cité de l'homme (Paris: Fayard, 1994).The “City of God” or the “City of Man”? This is the choice St. Augustine offered 1500 years ago–and according to Pierre Manent the modern West has decisively… More
Modern Liberty and Its Discontents
– Modern Liberty and Its Discontents. Edited and translated by Daniel J. Mahoney and Paul Seaton. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998.In this book, distinguished French philosopher Pierre Manent addresses a wide range of subjects, including the Machiavellian origins of modernity, Tocqueville’s analysis of democracy,… More
L’héritage libéral
– "L'héritage libéral." Revue des deux mondes (May 2002): 47-54.Révolution française, Révolution liberale
– "Révolution française, Révolution liberale." In Psychanalyse de l'antilibéralisme: Les Français ont-ils raison d'avoir peur?, 83 ff. Edited by Christian Stoffaës. Paris: Éditions Saint-Simon, Institut d'Histoire de l'Industrie, 2006.A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State
– A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State. Translated by Marc LePain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. Originally published as Cours familier de philosophie politique (Paris: Fayard, 2001). Published in Greek as Apla maqhmata politikis filosofias (Athens: Polis, 2005).We live in the grip of a great illusion about politics, Pierre Manent argues in A World beyond Politics? It’s the illusion that we would be better off without politics–at least… More
Enquête sur la démocratie: Études de philosophie politique
– Enquête sur la démocratie: Études de philosophie politique. Collection "Tel." Paris: Gallimard, 2007.Les Européens ont aujourd’hui bien du mal à s’entendre, mais il y a au moins un sujet qui semble les réunir : c’est la démocratie. Que nous soyons libéraux ou… More
Interview: Le Libéralisme et le monde moderne
– "Le Libéralisme et le monde moderne." Interview with France Catholique, June 2, 2008.Grandeur et misère du libéralisme
– "Grandeur et misère du libéralisme." Confèrence prononcée le 2 mars 2009 à l'Institut français de Prague.éral et catholique
– "Libéral et catholique." In Penser le monde moderne: Le bon grain et l'ivraie?, 7-12. Edited by Philippe Bénéton and Marie-Jeanne Seppey. Paris: Cujas, 2009.The Greatness and Misery of Liberalism
– "The Greatness and Misery of Liberalism." Modern Age (Summer 2010): 176-83.Le regard politique
– Le regard politique. Entretiens avec Bénédicte Delorme-Montini. Collection "Essais." Paris: Flammarion, 2010.“Aujourd’hui, la faculté humaine qui reçoit toute l’approbation, c’est l’imagination. Or je n’ai pas d’imagination, je ne suis pas un artiste et… More
Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West
– "Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West." Perspectives on Political Science 41, no. 2 (2012): 100-5.The old Western synthesis, the coming together of self-government, the Christian proposition, modern equality, and the commitment to relieving man’s estate, appears to be unraveling. In… More
Preface to “La Constitution de l’intérêt général dans le libéralisme politique,” by Florence Perrin
– Preface to La Constitution de l'intérêt général dans le libéralisme politique: entre droits et intérêts particuliers, by Florence Perrin. Clermont-Ferrand: Varenne, 2012.Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic
– Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic. Translated by Marc LePain. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013. Originally published as Les métamorphoses de la cité (Paris: Flammarion, 2010). Published in Italian as Le metamorfosi della città: Saggio sulla dinamica dell'Occidente, trans. Giulio Di Ligio (Rubbettino, 2014).What is the best way to govern ourselves? The history of the West has been shaped by the struggle to answer this question, according to Pierre Manent. A major achievement by one of… More
La crise du libéralisme
– "La crise du libéralisme." Commentaire no. 141 (2013): 91 ff.La ‘gouvernance’: un machiavélisme sans virtù
– "La 'gouvernance': un machiavélisme sans virtù." Commentaire no. 146 (Summer 2014): 309 ff. Originally printed in Les Cahiers de l'hôtel de Galliffet (2014), ed. Giulio De Ligio, proceedings of the conference "Le problème Machiavel: Science de l'homme, conscience de l'Europe" at the Institut culturel italien, October 4-5, 2013.L’Homme moderne au marché du monde
– Panagiotis Christias. "L'Homme moderne au marché du monde. Pierre Manent critique du libéralisme?" In La politique et l'âme : autour de Pierre Manent (Paris: CNRS, 2014).Un libéral et un classique
– Daniel J. Mahoney. "Un libéral et un classique. La lecture néo-aristotélicienne de Raymond Aron par Pierre Manent." In La politique et l'âme : autour de Pierre Manent (Paris: CNRS, 2014).Multimedia
Aux origines du libéralisme: Benjamin Constant
– "Aux origines du libéralisme: Benjamin Constant." Review of Écrits politiques, by Benjamin Constant, ed. Marcel Gauchet. Commentaire no. 11 (Autumn 1980): 483-91.Les infortunes de la liberté
– "Les infortunes de la liberté." Review of Politics and the Pursuit of Happiness, by Ghita Ionescu, and The State, by Anthony de Jasay. Commentaire no. 30 (Summer 1985): 732-6.Les libéraux
– Les libéraux. Collection "Pluriel." 2 vols. Paris: Hachette, 1986. Reprinted in one volume, collection "Tel." Paris: Gallimard, 2001.Situation du libéralisme
– "Situation du libéralisme." Commentaire 9, no. 35 (Autumn 1986): 388-99.L’État moderne: problèmes d’interprétation
– "L'État moderne: problèmes d'interprétation." Commentaire no. 41 (Spring 1988): 328-35.Paine, “Droits de l’homme”
– "Paine, Droits de l'homme." In Dictionnaire des oeuvres politiques, edited by F. Châtelet, O. Duhamel, E. Pisier. 2nd ed. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.Notre destin libéral
– "Notre destin libéral." Preface to Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss et la notion de politique, by Heinrich Meier, 7-12. Translated by Françoise Manent. Collection "Commentaire." Paris: Julliard, 1990.The Contest for Command
– "The Contest for Command." In New French Thought, translated by Rebecca Balinski, edited by Mark Lilla, 178-85. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.An Intellectual History of Liberalism
– An Intellectual History of Liberalism. Translated by Rebecca Balinski, with a foreword by Jerrold Siegel. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. Originally published as Histoire intellectuelle du liberalisme: Dix leçons (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1987). Published in Brazilian as História intelectual do liberalismo: dez liçoes (Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1990). Published in Polish as Intelektualna historia liberalizmu, trans. Marian Miszalski (Lódz: Kurs, 1990; Krakow: Arcana, 1994). Published in Italian as Storia intellettuale del liberalismo, trans. L. Caracciolo di San Vito (Rubbettino, 2010).Highlighting the social tensions that confront the liberal tradition, Pierre Manent draws a portrait of what we, citizens of modern liberal democracies, have become. For Manent, a… More
Tocqueville and the Nature of Democracy
– Tocqueville and the Nature of Democracy. Translated by John Waggoner. With a foreword by Harvey C. Mansfield Jr. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1996. Originally published as Tocqueville et la nature de la démocratie (1982; Paris: Fayard, 1993; Paris: Gallimard, 2006).One of France’s leading and most controversial political thinkers explores the central themes of Tocqueville’s writings: the democratic revolution and the modern passion for… More
Review of Libéraux et communautariens, edited by André Berten, Pablo da Silveira and Hervé Pourtois
– Review of Libéraux et communautariens, edited by André Berten, Pablo da Silveira and Hervé Pourtois. Archives de sciences sociales des religions 102, no. 1 (1998): 108.The City of Man
– The City of Man. Translated by Marc A. LePain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998. Originally published as La cité de l'homme (Paris: Fayard, 1994).The “City of God” or the “City of Man”? This is the choice St. Augustine offered 1500 years ago–and according to Pierre Manent the modern West has decisively… More
Modern Liberty and Its Discontents
– Modern Liberty and Its Discontents. Edited and translated by Daniel J. Mahoney and Paul Seaton. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998.In this book, distinguished French philosopher Pierre Manent addresses a wide range of subjects, including the Machiavellian origins of modernity, Tocqueville’s analysis of democracy,… More
L’héritage libéral
– "L'héritage libéral." Revue des deux mondes (May 2002): 47-54.Révolution française, Révolution liberale
– "Révolution française, Révolution liberale." In Psychanalyse de l'antilibéralisme: Les Français ont-ils raison d'avoir peur?, 83 ff. Edited by Christian Stoffaës. Paris: Éditions Saint-Simon, Institut d'Histoire de l'Industrie, 2006.A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State
– A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State. Translated by Marc LePain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. Originally published as Cours familier de philosophie politique (Paris: Fayard, 2001). Published in Greek as Apla maqhmata politikis filosofias (Athens: Polis, 2005).We live in the grip of a great illusion about politics, Pierre Manent argues in A World beyond Politics? It’s the illusion that we would be better off without politics–at least… More
Enquête sur la démocratie: Études de philosophie politique
– Enquête sur la démocratie: Études de philosophie politique. Collection "Tel." Paris: Gallimard, 2007.Les Européens ont aujourd’hui bien du mal à s’entendre, mais il y a au moins un sujet qui semble les réunir : c’est la démocratie. Que nous soyons libéraux ou… More
Interview: Le Libéralisme et le monde moderne
– "Le Libéralisme et le monde moderne." Interview with France Catholique, June 2, 2008.Grandeur et misère du libéralisme
– "Grandeur et misère du libéralisme." Confèrence prononcée le 2 mars 2009 à l'Institut français de Prague.éral et catholique
– "Libéral et catholique." In Penser le monde moderne: Le bon grain et l'ivraie?, 7-12. Edited by Philippe Bénéton and Marie-Jeanne Seppey. Paris: Cujas, 2009.The Greatness and Misery of Liberalism
– "The Greatness and Misery of Liberalism." Modern Age (Summer 2010): 176-83.Le regard politique
– Le regard politique. Entretiens avec Bénédicte Delorme-Montini. Collection "Essais." Paris: Flammarion, 2010.“Aujourd’hui, la faculté humaine qui reçoit toute l’approbation, c’est l’imagination. Or je n’ai pas d’imagination, je ne suis pas un artiste et… More
Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West
– "Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West." Perspectives on Political Science 41, no. 2 (2012): 100-5.The old Western synthesis, the coming together of self-government, the Christian proposition, modern equality, and the commitment to relieving man’s estate, appears to be unraveling. In… More
Preface to “La Constitution de l’intérêt général dans le libéralisme politique,” by Florence Perrin
– Preface to La Constitution de l'intérêt général dans le libéralisme politique: entre droits et intérêts particuliers, by Florence Perrin. Clermont-Ferrand: Varenne, 2012.Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic
– Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic. Translated by Marc LePain. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013. Originally published as Les métamorphoses de la cité (Paris: Flammarion, 2010). Published in Italian as Le metamorfosi della città: Saggio sulla dinamica dell'Occidente, trans. Giulio Di Ligio (Rubbettino, 2014).What is the best way to govern ourselves? The history of the West has been shaped by the struggle to answer this question, according to Pierre Manent. A major achievement by one of… More
La crise du libéralisme
– "La crise du libéralisme." Commentaire no. 141 (2013): 91 ff.La ‘gouvernance’: un machiavélisme sans virtù
– "La 'gouvernance': un machiavélisme sans virtù." Commentaire no. 146 (Summer 2014): 309 ff. Originally printed in Les Cahiers de l'hôtel de Galliffet (2014), ed. Giulio De Ligio, proceedings of the conference "Le problème Machiavel: Science de l'homme, conscience de l'Europe" at the Institut culturel italien, October 4-5, 2013.L’Homme moderne au marché du monde
– Panagiotis Christias. "L'Homme moderne au marché du monde. Pierre Manent critique du libéralisme?" In La politique et l'âme : autour de Pierre Manent (Paris: CNRS, 2014).Un libéral et un classique
– Daniel J. Mahoney. "Un libéral et un classique. La lecture néo-aristotélicienne de Raymond Aron par Pierre Manent." In La politique et l'âme : autour de Pierre Manent (Paris: CNRS, 2014).Teaching
Aux origines du libéralisme: Benjamin Constant
– "Aux origines du libéralisme: Benjamin Constant." Review of Écrits politiques, by Benjamin Constant, ed. Marcel Gauchet. Commentaire no. 11 (Autumn 1980): 483-91.Les infortunes de la liberté
– "Les infortunes de la liberté." Review of Politics and the Pursuit of Happiness, by Ghita Ionescu, and The State, by Anthony de Jasay. Commentaire no. 30 (Summer 1985): 732-6.Les libéraux
– Les libéraux. Collection "Pluriel." 2 vols. Paris: Hachette, 1986. Reprinted in one volume, collection "Tel." Paris: Gallimard, 2001.Situation du libéralisme
– "Situation du libéralisme." Commentaire 9, no. 35 (Autumn 1986): 388-99.L’État moderne: problèmes d’interprétation
– "L'État moderne: problèmes d'interprétation." Commentaire no. 41 (Spring 1988): 328-35.Paine, “Droits de l’homme”
– "Paine, Droits de l'homme." In Dictionnaire des oeuvres politiques, edited by F. Châtelet, O. Duhamel, E. Pisier. 2nd ed. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.Notre destin libéral
– "Notre destin libéral." Preface to Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss et la notion de politique, by Heinrich Meier, 7-12. Translated by Françoise Manent. Collection "Commentaire." Paris: Julliard, 1990.The Contest for Command
– "The Contest for Command." In New French Thought, translated by Rebecca Balinski, edited by Mark Lilla, 178-85. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.An Intellectual History of Liberalism
– An Intellectual History of Liberalism. Translated by Rebecca Balinski, with a foreword by Jerrold Siegel. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. Originally published as Histoire intellectuelle du liberalisme: Dix leçons (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1987). Published in Brazilian as História intelectual do liberalismo: dez liçoes (Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1990). Published in Polish as Intelektualna historia liberalizmu, trans. Marian Miszalski (Lódz: Kurs, 1990; Krakow: Arcana, 1994). Published in Italian as Storia intellettuale del liberalismo, trans. L. Caracciolo di San Vito (Rubbettino, 2010).Highlighting the social tensions that confront the liberal tradition, Pierre Manent draws a portrait of what we, citizens of modern liberal democracies, have become. For Manent, a… More
Tocqueville and the Nature of Democracy
– Tocqueville and the Nature of Democracy. Translated by John Waggoner. With a foreword by Harvey C. Mansfield Jr. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1996. Originally published as Tocqueville et la nature de la démocratie (1982; Paris: Fayard, 1993; Paris: Gallimard, 2006).One of France’s leading and most controversial political thinkers explores the central themes of Tocqueville’s writings: the democratic revolution and the modern passion for… More
Review of Libéraux et communautariens, edited by André Berten, Pablo da Silveira and Hervé Pourtois
– Review of Libéraux et communautariens, edited by André Berten, Pablo da Silveira and Hervé Pourtois. Archives de sciences sociales des religions 102, no. 1 (1998): 108.The City of Man
– The City of Man. Translated by Marc A. LePain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998. Originally published as La cité de l'homme (Paris: Fayard, 1994).The “City of God” or the “City of Man”? This is the choice St. Augustine offered 1500 years ago–and according to Pierre Manent the modern West has decisively… More
Modern Liberty and Its Discontents
– Modern Liberty and Its Discontents. Edited and translated by Daniel J. Mahoney and Paul Seaton. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998.In this book, distinguished French philosopher Pierre Manent addresses a wide range of subjects, including the Machiavellian origins of modernity, Tocqueville’s analysis of democracy,… More
L’héritage libéral
– "L'héritage libéral." Revue des deux mondes (May 2002): 47-54.Révolution française, Révolution liberale
– "Révolution française, Révolution liberale." In Psychanalyse de l'antilibéralisme: Les Français ont-ils raison d'avoir peur?, 83 ff. Edited by Christian Stoffaës. Paris: Éditions Saint-Simon, Institut d'Histoire de l'Industrie, 2006.A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State
– A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State. Translated by Marc LePain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. Originally published as Cours familier de philosophie politique (Paris: Fayard, 2001). Published in Greek as Apla maqhmata politikis filosofias (Athens: Polis, 2005).We live in the grip of a great illusion about politics, Pierre Manent argues in A World beyond Politics? It’s the illusion that we would be better off without politics–at least… More
Enquête sur la démocratie: Études de philosophie politique
– Enquête sur la démocratie: Études de philosophie politique. Collection "Tel." Paris: Gallimard, 2007.Les Européens ont aujourd’hui bien du mal à s’entendre, mais il y a au moins un sujet qui semble les réunir : c’est la démocratie. Que nous soyons libéraux ou… More
Interview: Le Libéralisme et le monde moderne
– "Le Libéralisme et le monde moderne." Interview with France Catholique, June 2, 2008.Grandeur et misère du libéralisme
– "Grandeur et misère du libéralisme." Confèrence prononcée le 2 mars 2009 à l'Institut français de Prague.éral et catholique
– "Libéral et catholique." In Penser le monde moderne: Le bon grain et l'ivraie?, 7-12. Edited by Philippe Bénéton and Marie-Jeanne Seppey. Paris: Cujas, 2009.The Greatness and Misery of Liberalism
– "The Greatness and Misery of Liberalism." Modern Age (Summer 2010): 176-83.Le regard politique
– Le regard politique. Entretiens avec Bénédicte Delorme-Montini. Collection "Essais." Paris: Flammarion, 2010.“Aujourd’hui, la faculté humaine qui reçoit toute l’approbation, c’est l’imagination. Or je n’ai pas d’imagination, je ne suis pas un artiste et… More
Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West
– "Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West." Perspectives on Political Science 41, no. 2 (2012): 100-5.The old Western synthesis, the coming together of self-government, the Christian proposition, modern equality, and the commitment to relieving man’s estate, appears to be unraveling. In… More
Preface to “La Constitution de l’intérêt général dans le libéralisme politique,” by Florence Perrin
– Preface to La Constitution de l'intérêt général dans le libéralisme politique: entre droits et intérêts particuliers, by Florence Perrin. Clermont-Ferrand: Varenne, 2012.Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic
– Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic. Translated by Marc LePain. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013. Originally published as Les métamorphoses de la cité (Paris: Flammarion, 2010). Published in Italian as Le metamorfosi della città: Saggio sulla dinamica dell'Occidente, trans. Giulio Di Ligio (Rubbettino, 2014).What is the best way to govern ourselves? The history of the West has been shaped by the struggle to answer this question, according to Pierre Manent. A major achievement by one of… More