Tag: Modernity


Les infortunes de la liberté

– "Les infortunes de la liberté." Review of Politics and the Pursuit of Happiness, by Ghita Ionescu, and The State, by Anthony de Jasay. Commentaire no. 30 (Summer 1985): 732-6.

Quelques remarques sur la notion de sécularisation

– "Quelques remarques sur la notion de sécularisation." In The French Revolution and the Creation of Modern Political Culture, vol. 3, The Transformation of Political Culture 1789-1848, 351-7. Edited by François Furet and Mona Ozouf. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1987-9.

Strauss et Nietzsche

– "Strauss et Nietzsche." Revue du métaphysique et de morale 3 (July/Sept. 1989): 337-45.

Letter from Paris

– "Letter from Paris." Government and Opposition 25, no. 3 (Summer 1990): 317-20.

The Modern State

– "The Modern State." In New French Thought, 123-33. Edited by Mark Lilla. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.

L’homme moderne: en fuite ou en liberté?

– "L'homme moderne: en fuite ou en liberté?" In La Grâce et le Désordre: Entretiens sur le protestantisme et la modernité, edited by Pierre-Olivier Monteil. Collection "Autres Temps." Labor et Fides, 1998.

Tocqueville and the Ambiguities of Modern Liberty

– "Tocqueville and the Ambiguities of Modern Liberty." The John Coffin Memorial Lecture in the History of Ideas, School of Advanced Study, Institute of United States Studies, University of London. 2000.

La démocratie de notre temps

– "La démocratie de notre temps." With Alain Finkielkraut and Marcel Gauchet. Transcription de l'émission de radio Répliques. Geneva: Tricorne, 2003.

Modern Democracy as a System of Separations

– "Modern Democracy as a System of Separations." Translated by Phil Costopoulos. Journal of Democracy 14, no. 1 (January 2003): 114-25. (A translation of the first chapter of Manent's A World beyond Politics?)

Révolution française, Révolution liberale

– "Révolution française, Révolution liberale." In Psychanalyse de l'antilibéralisme: Les Français ont-ils raison d'avoir peur?, 83 ff. Edited by Christian Stoffaës. Paris: Éditions Saint-Simon, Institut d'Histoire de l'Industrie, 2006.

A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State

A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State. Translated by Marc LePain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. Originally published as Cours familier de philosophie politique (Paris: Fayard, 2001). Published in Greek as Apla maqhmata politikis filosofias (Athens: Polis, 2005).
We live in the grip of a great illusion about politics, Pierre Manent argues in A World beyond Politics? It’s the illusion that we would be better off without politics–at least… More

The Transatlantic Predicament

– "The Transatlantic Predicament." In America at Risk: Threats to Liberal Self-Government in an Age of Uncertainty, 15-28. Edited by Robert Faulkner and Susan Shell, with the assistance of Thomas E. Schneider. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2009.

Le regard politique

Le regard politique. Entretiens avec Bénédicte Delorme-Montini. Collection "Essais." Paris: Flammarion, 2010.
“Aujourd’hui, la faculté humaine qui reçoit toute l’approbation, c’est l’imagination. Or je n’ai pas d’imagination, je ne suis pas un artiste et… More

Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West

– "Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West." Perspectives on Political Science 41, no. 2 (2012): 100-5.
The old Western synthesis, the coming together of self-government, the Christian proposition, modern equality, and the commitment to relieving man’s estate, appears to be unraveling. In… More

Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic

Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic. Translated by Marc LePain. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013. Originally published as Les métamorphoses de la cité (Paris: Flammarion, 2010). Published in Italian as Le metamorfosi della città: Saggio sulla dinamica dell'Occidente, trans. Giulio Di Ligio (Rubbettino, 2014).
What is the best way to govern ourselves? The history of the West has been shaped by the struggle to answer this question, according to Pierre Manent. A major achievement by one of… More

L’Homme moderne au marché du monde

– Panagiotis Christias. "L'Homme moderne au marché du monde. Pierre Manent critique du libéralisme?" In La politique et l'âme : autour de Pierre Manent (Paris: CNRS, 2014).

Montaigne: La vie sans loi

Montaigne: La vie sans loi. Collection "Tandem." Paris: Flammarion, 2014.
Il va de soi aujourd’hui que Montaigne est notre ami. Il nous captive, nous émeut, nous persuade. Mais Montaigne nous trompe. Il nous conduit par le bout du nez. Nous devons donc… More


Les infortunes de la liberté

– "Les infortunes de la liberté." Review of Politics and the Pursuit of Happiness, by Ghita Ionescu, and The State, by Anthony de Jasay. Commentaire no. 30 (Summer 1985): 732-6.

Quelques remarques sur la notion de sécularisation

– "Quelques remarques sur la notion de sécularisation." In The French Revolution and the Creation of Modern Political Culture, vol. 3, The Transformation of Political Culture 1789-1848, 351-7. Edited by François Furet and Mona Ozouf. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1987-9.

Strauss et Nietzsche

– "Strauss et Nietzsche." Revue du métaphysique et de morale 3 (July/Sept. 1989): 337-45.

Letter from Paris

– "Letter from Paris." Government and Opposition 25, no. 3 (Summer 1990): 317-20.

The Modern State

– "The Modern State." In New French Thought, 123-33. Edited by Mark Lilla. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.

L’homme moderne: en fuite ou en liberté?

– "L'homme moderne: en fuite ou en liberté?" In La Grâce et le Désordre: Entretiens sur le protestantisme et la modernité, edited by Pierre-Olivier Monteil. Collection "Autres Temps." Labor et Fides, 1998.

Tocqueville and the Ambiguities of Modern Liberty

– "Tocqueville and the Ambiguities of Modern Liberty." The John Coffin Memorial Lecture in the History of Ideas, School of Advanced Study, Institute of United States Studies, University of London. 2000.

La démocratie de notre temps

– "La démocratie de notre temps." With Alain Finkielkraut and Marcel Gauchet. Transcription de l'émission de radio Répliques. Geneva: Tricorne, 2003.

Modern Democracy as a System of Separations

– "Modern Democracy as a System of Separations." Translated by Phil Costopoulos. Journal of Democracy 14, no. 1 (January 2003): 114-25. (A translation of the first chapter of Manent's A World beyond Politics?)

Révolution française, Révolution liberale

– "Révolution française, Révolution liberale." In Psychanalyse de l'antilibéralisme: Les Français ont-ils raison d'avoir peur?, 83 ff. Edited by Christian Stoffaës. Paris: Éditions Saint-Simon, Institut d'Histoire de l'Industrie, 2006.

A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State

A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State. Translated by Marc LePain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. Originally published as Cours familier de philosophie politique (Paris: Fayard, 2001). Published in Greek as Apla maqhmata politikis filosofias (Athens: Polis, 2005).
We live in the grip of a great illusion about politics, Pierre Manent argues in A World beyond Politics? It’s the illusion that we would be better off without politics–at least… More

The Transatlantic Predicament

– "The Transatlantic Predicament." In America at Risk: Threats to Liberal Self-Government in an Age of Uncertainty, 15-28. Edited by Robert Faulkner and Susan Shell, with the assistance of Thomas E. Schneider. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2009.

Le regard politique

Le regard politique. Entretiens avec Bénédicte Delorme-Montini. Collection "Essais." Paris: Flammarion, 2010.
“Aujourd’hui, la faculté humaine qui reçoit toute l’approbation, c’est l’imagination. Or je n’ai pas d’imagination, je ne suis pas un artiste et… More

Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West

– "Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West." Perspectives on Political Science 41, no. 2 (2012): 100-5.
The old Western synthesis, the coming together of self-government, the Christian proposition, modern equality, and the commitment to relieving man’s estate, appears to be unraveling. In… More

Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic

Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic. Translated by Marc LePain. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013. Originally published as Les métamorphoses de la cité (Paris: Flammarion, 2010). Published in Italian as Le metamorfosi della città: Saggio sulla dinamica dell'Occidente, trans. Giulio Di Ligio (Rubbettino, 2014).
What is the best way to govern ourselves? The history of the West has been shaped by the struggle to answer this question, according to Pierre Manent. A major achievement by one of… More

L’Homme moderne au marché du monde

– Panagiotis Christias. "L'Homme moderne au marché du monde. Pierre Manent critique du libéralisme?" In La politique et l'âme : autour de Pierre Manent (Paris: CNRS, 2014).

Montaigne: La vie sans loi

Montaigne: La vie sans loi. Collection "Tandem." Paris: Flammarion, 2014.
Il va de soi aujourd’hui que Montaigne est notre ami. Il nous captive, nous émeut, nous persuade. Mais Montaigne nous trompe. Il nous conduit par le bout du nez. Nous devons donc… More


Les infortunes de la liberté

– "Les infortunes de la liberté." Review of Politics and the Pursuit of Happiness, by Ghita Ionescu, and The State, by Anthony de Jasay. Commentaire no. 30 (Summer 1985): 732-6.

Quelques remarques sur la notion de sécularisation

– "Quelques remarques sur la notion de sécularisation." In The French Revolution and the Creation of Modern Political Culture, vol. 3, The Transformation of Political Culture 1789-1848, 351-7. Edited by François Furet and Mona Ozouf. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1987-9.

Strauss et Nietzsche

– "Strauss et Nietzsche." Revue du métaphysique et de morale 3 (July/Sept. 1989): 337-45.

Letter from Paris

– "Letter from Paris." Government and Opposition 25, no. 3 (Summer 1990): 317-20.

The Modern State

– "The Modern State." In New French Thought, 123-33. Edited by Mark Lilla. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.

L’homme moderne: en fuite ou en liberté?

– "L'homme moderne: en fuite ou en liberté?" In La Grâce et le Désordre: Entretiens sur le protestantisme et la modernité, edited by Pierre-Olivier Monteil. Collection "Autres Temps." Labor et Fides, 1998.

Tocqueville and the Ambiguities of Modern Liberty

– "Tocqueville and the Ambiguities of Modern Liberty." The John Coffin Memorial Lecture in the History of Ideas, School of Advanced Study, Institute of United States Studies, University of London. 2000.

La démocratie de notre temps

– "La démocratie de notre temps." With Alain Finkielkraut and Marcel Gauchet. Transcription de l'émission de radio Répliques. Geneva: Tricorne, 2003.

Modern Democracy as a System of Separations

– "Modern Democracy as a System of Separations." Translated by Phil Costopoulos. Journal of Democracy 14, no. 1 (January 2003): 114-25. (A translation of the first chapter of Manent's A World beyond Politics?)

Révolution française, Révolution liberale

– "Révolution française, Révolution liberale." In Psychanalyse de l'antilibéralisme: Les Français ont-ils raison d'avoir peur?, 83 ff. Edited by Christian Stoffaës. Paris: Éditions Saint-Simon, Institut d'Histoire de l'Industrie, 2006.

A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State

A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State. Translated by Marc LePain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. Originally published as Cours familier de philosophie politique (Paris: Fayard, 2001). Published in Greek as Apla maqhmata politikis filosofias (Athens: Polis, 2005).
We live in the grip of a great illusion about politics, Pierre Manent argues in A World beyond Politics? It’s the illusion that we would be better off without politics–at least… More

The Transatlantic Predicament

– "The Transatlantic Predicament." In America at Risk: Threats to Liberal Self-Government in an Age of Uncertainty, 15-28. Edited by Robert Faulkner and Susan Shell, with the assistance of Thomas E. Schneider. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2009.

Le regard politique

Le regard politique. Entretiens avec Bénédicte Delorme-Montini. Collection "Essais." Paris: Flammarion, 2010.
“Aujourd’hui, la faculté humaine qui reçoit toute l’approbation, c’est l’imagination. Or je n’ai pas d’imagination, je ne suis pas un artiste et… More

Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West

– "Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West." Perspectives on Political Science 41, no. 2 (2012): 100-5.
The old Western synthesis, the coming together of self-government, the Christian proposition, modern equality, and the commitment to relieving man’s estate, appears to be unraveling. In… More

Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic

Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic. Translated by Marc LePain. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013. Originally published as Les métamorphoses de la cité (Paris: Flammarion, 2010). Published in Italian as Le metamorfosi della città: Saggio sulla dinamica dell'Occidente, trans. Giulio Di Ligio (Rubbettino, 2014).
What is the best way to govern ourselves? The history of the West has been shaped by the struggle to answer this question, according to Pierre Manent. A major achievement by one of… More

L’Homme moderne au marché du monde

– Panagiotis Christias. "L'Homme moderne au marché du monde. Pierre Manent critique du libéralisme?" In La politique et l'âme : autour de Pierre Manent (Paris: CNRS, 2014).

Montaigne: La vie sans loi

Montaigne: La vie sans loi. Collection "Tandem." Paris: Flammarion, 2014.
Il va de soi aujourd’hui que Montaigne est notre ami. Il nous captive, nous émeut, nous persuade. Mais Montaigne nous trompe. Il nous conduit par le bout du nez. Nous devons donc… More


Les infortunes de la liberté

– "Les infortunes de la liberté." Review of Politics and the Pursuit of Happiness, by Ghita Ionescu, and The State, by Anthony de Jasay. Commentaire no. 30 (Summer 1985): 732-6.

Quelques remarques sur la notion de sécularisation

– "Quelques remarques sur la notion de sécularisation." In The French Revolution and the Creation of Modern Political Culture, vol. 3, The Transformation of Political Culture 1789-1848, 351-7. Edited by François Furet and Mona Ozouf. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1987-9.

Strauss et Nietzsche

– "Strauss et Nietzsche." Revue du métaphysique et de morale 3 (July/Sept. 1989): 337-45.

Letter from Paris

– "Letter from Paris." Government and Opposition 25, no. 3 (Summer 1990): 317-20.

The Modern State

– "The Modern State." In New French Thought, 123-33. Edited by Mark Lilla. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.

L’homme moderne: en fuite ou en liberté?

– "L'homme moderne: en fuite ou en liberté?" In La Grâce et le Désordre: Entretiens sur le protestantisme et la modernité, edited by Pierre-Olivier Monteil. Collection "Autres Temps." Labor et Fides, 1998.

Tocqueville and the Ambiguities of Modern Liberty

– "Tocqueville and the Ambiguities of Modern Liberty." The John Coffin Memorial Lecture in the History of Ideas, School of Advanced Study, Institute of United States Studies, University of London. 2000.

La démocratie de notre temps

– "La démocratie de notre temps." With Alain Finkielkraut and Marcel Gauchet. Transcription de l'émission de radio Répliques. Geneva: Tricorne, 2003.

Modern Democracy as a System of Separations

– "Modern Democracy as a System of Separations." Translated by Phil Costopoulos. Journal of Democracy 14, no. 1 (January 2003): 114-25. (A translation of the first chapter of Manent's A World beyond Politics?)

Révolution française, Révolution liberale

– "Révolution française, Révolution liberale." In Psychanalyse de l'antilibéralisme: Les Français ont-ils raison d'avoir peur?, 83 ff. Edited by Christian Stoffaës. Paris: Éditions Saint-Simon, Institut d'Histoire de l'Industrie, 2006.

A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State

A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State. Translated by Marc LePain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. Originally published as Cours familier de philosophie politique (Paris: Fayard, 2001). Published in Greek as Apla maqhmata politikis filosofias (Athens: Polis, 2005).
We live in the grip of a great illusion about politics, Pierre Manent argues in A World beyond Politics? It’s the illusion that we would be better off without politics–at least… More

The Transatlantic Predicament

– "The Transatlantic Predicament." In America at Risk: Threats to Liberal Self-Government in an Age of Uncertainty, 15-28. Edited by Robert Faulkner and Susan Shell, with the assistance of Thomas E. Schneider. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2009.

Le regard politique

Le regard politique. Entretiens avec Bénédicte Delorme-Montini. Collection "Essais." Paris: Flammarion, 2010.
“Aujourd’hui, la faculté humaine qui reçoit toute l’approbation, c’est l’imagination. Or je n’ai pas d’imagination, je ne suis pas un artiste et… More

Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West

– "Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West." Perspectives on Political Science 41, no. 2 (2012): 100-5.
The old Western synthesis, the coming together of self-government, the Christian proposition, modern equality, and the commitment to relieving man’s estate, appears to be unraveling. In… More

Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic

Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic. Translated by Marc LePain. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013. Originally published as Les métamorphoses de la cité (Paris: Flammarion, 2010). Published in Italian as Le metamorfosi della città: Saggio sulla dinamica dell'Occidente, trans. Giulio Di Ligio (Rubbettino, 2014).
What is the best way to govern ourselves? The history of the West has been shaped by the struggle to answer this question, according to Pierre Manent. A major achievement by one of… More

L’Homme moderne au marché du monde

– Panagiotis Christias. "L'Homme moderne au marché du monde. Pierre Manent critique du libéralisme?" In La politique et l'âme : autour de Pierre Manent (Paris: CNRS, 2014).

Montaigne: La vie sans loi

Montaigne: La vie sans loi. Collection "Tandem." Paris: Flammarion, 2014.
Il va de soi aujourd’hui que Montaigne est notre ami. Il nous captive, nous émeut, nous persuade. Mais Montaigne nous trompe. Il nous conduit par le bout du nez. Nous devons donc… More


Les infortunes de la liberté

– "Les infortunes de la liberté." Review of Politics and the Pursuit of Happiness, by Ghita Ionescu, and The State, by Anthony de Jasay. Commentaire no. 30 (Summer 1985): 732-6.

Quelques remarques sur la notion de sécularisation

– "Quelques remarques sur la notion de sécularisation." In The French Revolution and the Creation of Modern Political Culture, vol. 3, The Transformation of Political Culture 1789-1848, 351-7. Edited by François Furet and Mona Ozouf. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1987-9.

Strauss et Nietzsche

– "Strauss et Nietzsche." Revue du métaphysique et de morale 3 (July/Sept. 1989): 337-45.

Letter from Paris

– "Letter from Paris." Government and Opposition 25, no. 3 (Summer 1990): 317-20.

The Modern State

– "The Modern State." In New French Thought, 123-33. Edited by Mark Lilla. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.

L’homme moderne: en fuite ou en liberté?

– "L'homme moderne: en fuite ou en liberté?" In La Grâce et le Désordre: Entretiens sur le protestantisme et la modernité, edited by Pierre-Olivier Monteil. Collection "Autres Temps." Labor et Fides, 1998.

Tocqueville and the Ambiguities of Modern Liberty

– "Tocqueville and the Ambiguities of Modern Liberty." The John Coffin Memorial Lecture in the History of Ideas, School of Advanced Study, Institute of United States Studies, University of London. 2000.

La démocratie de notre temps

– "La démocratie de notre temps." With Alain Finkielkraut and Marcel Gauchet. Transcription de l'émission de radio Répliques. Geneva: Tricorne, 2003.

Modern Democracy as a System of Separations

– "Modern Democracy as a System of Separations." Translated by Phil Costopoulos. Journal of Democracy 14, no. 1 (January 2003): 114-25. (A translation of the first chapter of Manent's A World beyond Politics?)

Révolution française, Révolution liberale

– "Révolution française, Révolution liberale." In Psychanalyse de l'antilibéralisme: Les Français ont-ils raison d'avoir peur?, 83 ff. Edited by Christian Stoffaës. Paris: Éditions Saint-Simon, Institut d'Histoire de l'Industrie, 2006.

A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State

A World beyond Politics?: A Defense of the Nation-State. Translated by Marc LePain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. Originally published as Cours familier de philosophie politique (Paris: Fayard, 2001). Published in Greek as Apla maqhmata politikis filosofias (Athens: Polis, 2005).
We live in the grip of a great illusion about politics, Pierre Manent argues in A World beyond Politics? It’s the illusion that we would be better off without politics–at least… More

The Transatlantic Predicament

– "The Transatlantic Predicament." In America at Risk: Threats to Liberal Self-Government in an Age of Uncertainty, 15-28. Edited by Robert Faulkner and Susan Shell, with the assistance of Thomas E. Schneider. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2009.

Le regard politique

Le regard politique. Entretiens avec Bénédicte Delorme-Montini. Collection "Essais." Paris: Flammarion, 2010.
“Aujourd’hui, la faculté humaine qui reçoit toute l’approbation, c’est l’imagination. Or je n’ai pas d’imagination, je ne suis pas un artiste et… More

Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West

– "Political History and Political Philosophy: Making Sense of the West." Perspectives on Political Science 41, no. 2 (2012): 100-5.
The old Western synthesis, the coming together of self-government, the Christian proposition, modern equality, and the commitment to relieving man’s estate, appears to be unraveling. In… More

Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic

Metamorphoses of the City: On the Western Dynamic. Translated by Marc LePain. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013. Originally published as Les métamorphoses de la cité (Paris: Flammarion, 2010). Published in Italian as Le metamorfosi della città: Saggio sulla dinamica dell'Occidente, trans. Giulio Di Ligio (Rubbettino, 2014).
What is the best way to govern ourselves? The history of the West has been shaped by the struggle to answer this question, according to Pierre Manent. A major achievement by one of… More

L’Homme moderne au marché du monde

– Panagiotis Christias. "L'Homme moderne au marché du monde. Pierre Manent critique du libéralisme?" In La politique et l'âme : autour de Pierre Manent (Paris: CNRS, 2014).

Montaigne: La vie sans loi

Montaigne: La vie sans loi. Collection "Tandem." Paris: Flammarion, 2014.
Il va de soi aujourd’hui que Montaigne est notre ami. Il nous captive, nous émeut, nous persuade. Mais Montaigne nous trompe. Il nous conduit par le bout du nez. Nous devons donc… More