
MP Jesse Norman: Oakeshott on Liberal Education

- The audio from a talk given by British Member of Parliament Jesse Norman entitled, "Where PPE Went Wrong: Oakeshott's Liberal Learning, Liberalism and the University." 21 minutes.
(PPE is a university degree from Oxford in Philosophy, Politics and Economics)  

Andrew Sullivan on Michael Oakeshott

- Columnist Andrew Sullivan reflecting on his discovery of the writings of Michael Oakeshott. 2 minutes.
The Daily Beast Television. A reader asks: Could you summarize Oakeshott’s political theories and how they’ve influenced you?  

Michael Oakeshott’s Cold War Liberalism

- On November 9-10, 2012, The Asan Institute for Policy Studies held the second conference of the Asan Cold War Liberalism Project. The theme of the second conference was:  “Michael Oakeshott’s Cold War Liberalism."