Paul de Lagarde
– "Paul de Lagarde," Der Jude, Vol. 8, No. 1 (January 1924). Reprinted in Gesammelte Schriften: Band 2. Reprinted in Leo Strauss: The Early Writings.Excerpt: The Jew is in need of an extraordinary measure of reflectiveness; while for the peoples of the world a distance is given from the start, he must first attain it by a great… More
Review of On the Progress of Metaphysics
– Review of On the Progress of Metaphysics, by Julius Ebbinghaus, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, Vol. 52 (December 27, 1931). Reprinted in Gesammelte Schriften: Band 2. Reprinted in Leo Strauss: The Early Writings.Excerpt: We are used to people showing just scorn and mockery for the belief in progress. However, we are also used to these very scorners and mockers having no qualms from the outset… More
Maimonides’s Doctrine of Prophecy and Its Sources
– "Maimonides's Doctrine of Prophecy and Its Sources," Le Monde Oriental (Uppsala), Vol. 28 (1934). Reprinted in Philosophy and Law.Excerpt: One can with a certain right call Maimonides’s position “medieval religious Enlightenment.” With a certain right: namely if one accepts the view that not only… More
Philosophy and Law
– Philosophy and Law: Contributions to the Understanding of Maimonides and His Predecessors, trans. Eve Adler, State University of New York Press, 1995. Originally published as Philosophie und Gesetz: Beiträge zum Verständnis Maimunis und Seiner Vorlaüfer, Schocken Verlag, 1935.Excerpt: The latecomers, who saw that the attacks of Hobbes, Spinoza, Bayle, Voltaire, and Reimarus could not be parried by defensive measures such as Moses Mendelssohn’s, agreed,… More
Persecution and the Art of Writing
– "Persecution and the Art of Writing," Social Research, Vol. 8, No. 4 (November 1941). Reprinted in Persecution and the Art of Writing.Excerpt: In a considerable number of countries which, for about a hundred years, have enjoyed a practically complete freedom of public discussion, that freedom is now suppressed and… More
Review of C. H. McIlwain: Constitutionalism, Ancient and Modern
– Review of Constitutionalism, Ancient and Modern, by C. H. McIlwain, Social Research, Vol. 9, No. 1 (February 1942). Reprinted in What is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: This book surveys those stages in the growth of constitutionalism which are most relevant “to the political problems facing us here and now” (p. vii). There is a… More
On Classical Political Philosophy
– "On Classical Political Philosophy," Social Research, Vol. 12, No. 1 (February 1945). Reprinted (revised) in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: TODAY the status of political philosophy is more precarious, and its meaning is more blurred, than at any time since political philosophy emerged many centuries ago, somewhere in… More
Review of Leonardo Olschki: Machiavelli the Scientist
– Review of Machiavelli the Scientist, by Leonardo Olschki, Social Research, Vol. 13, No. 1 (March 1946). Reprinted in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: According to Olschki, however, Machiavelli was primarily interested in elaborating” a new science of man which anticipated in spirit and mental procedure Galileo’s… More
On a New Interpretation of Plato’s Political Philosophy
– "On a New Interpretation of Plato's Political Philosophy," Social Research, Vol. 13, No. 3 (September 1946).Excerpt: Professor Wild’s recent book on Plato is not simply a historical work. His presentation of Plato’s doctrine of man is animated by the zeal of a reformer and is meant… More
Review of Ernst Cassirer: The Myth of the State
– Review of The Myth of the State, by Ernst Cassirer, Social Research, Vol. 14, No. 1 (March 1947). Reprinted in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: However one may have to judge this view of myth, Cassirer is certainly right in negatively characterizing philosophy proper by its “struggle against myth.” In Greek… More
Political Philosophy and History
– "Political Philosophy and History," Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 10, No. 1 (January 1949). Reprinted in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: Political philosophy is not a historical discipline. The philosophic questions of the nature of political things and of the best, or just, political order are fundamentally… More
On the Spirit of Hobbes’s Political Philosophy
– "On the Spirit of Hobbes's Political Philosophy," Revue Internationale de Philosophie, Vol. 4, No. 14 (October 1950). Reprinted in Natural Right and History (Ch. 3A).Excerpt: Hobbes rejects the idealistic tradition on the basis of a fundamental agreement with it. he means to do adequately what the Socratic tradition did in a wholly inadequate… More
Preface to Isaac Husic: Philosophical Essays
– Preface to Philosophical Essays: Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern, by Isaac Husic, ed. Milton C. Nahm and Leo Strauss, Basil Blackwell, 1952.Walker’s Machiavelli
– "Walker's Machiavelli," review of Discourses of Niccolò Machiavelli, ed. L. J. Walker, Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 6, No. 3 (March 1953).Excerpt: Walker is not the first to contend that Machiavelli’s achievement consists chiefly or exclusively in the discovery of a new method. In fact, it would appear that the view… More
Machiavelli’s Intention: The Prince
– "Machiavelli's Intention: The Prince," American Political Science Review, Vol. 51, No. 1 (March 1957). Reprinted in Thoughts on Machiavelli (Ch. 2).Excerpt: Let us follow this movement somewhat more closely. At first sight The Prince belongs to the traditional genre of Mirrors of Princes, which are primarily addressed to legitimate… More
The Liberalism of Classical Political Philosophy
– "The Liberalism of Classical Political Philosophy," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 12, No. 3 (March 1959). Reprinted in Liberalism Ancient and Modern. Review essay on E. A. Havelock: The Liberal Temper in Greek Politics.Excerpt: Some readers may blame us for having devoted so much time and space to the examination of an unusually poor book. We do not believe that their judgment of the book is fair. Books… More
What Is Political Philosophy?
– "What Is Political Philosophy?" What Is Political Philosophy, The Free Press, 1959. Revised version of the Judah L. Magnes Lectures given at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in December 1954-January 1955. Hebrew translation published in Iyyun in April 1955.Excerpt: When we describe the political philosophy of Plato and of Aristotle as classical political philosophy, we imply that it is the classic form of political philosophy. The classic was… More
On the Basis of Hobbes’s Political Philosophy
– "On the Basis of Hobbes's Political Philosophy," What Is Political Philosophy?, The Free Press, 1959. First printing of English original of "Les fondements de la philosophie politque de Hobbes," Critique, Vol. 10, No. 83 (April 1954).Excerpt: We begin by wondering why we should study Hobbes. This question implies that we doubt whether Hobbes’s teaching is the true teaching. It implies, therefore, that our… More
Comment on W. S. Hudson: The Weber Thesis Re-examined
– "Comment on W. S. Hudson: The Weber Thesis Re-examined," Church History, Vol. 30, No. 1 (March 1961).Excerpt: This meeting, I gather, is concerned with the need for reinterpretation. I am not at all certain that reinterpretation is a universal necessity, i.e., that there cannot be final or… More
Liberal Education and Responsibility
– "Liberal Education and Responsibility," Education: The Challenge Ahead, ed. C. Scott Fletcher, Norton, 1962. Reprinted in Liberalism Ancient and Modern.Excerpt: In the light of philosophy, liberal education takes on a new meaning: liberal education, especially education in the liberal arts, comes to sight as a preparation for philosophy. … More
The Crisis of Our Time and The Crisis of Political Philosophy
– "The Crisis of Our Time" and "The Crisis of Political Philosophy," in The Predicament of Modern Politics, ed. Harold J. Spaeth, University of Detroit Press, 1964.The City and Man
– The City and Man, Rand McNally, 1964. Reprint: University of Chicago Press, 1978.Excerpt: It is not self-forgetting and pain-loving antiquarianism nor self-forgetting and intoxicating romanticism which induces us to turn with passionate interest, with unqualified… More
Philosophy and Politics I and II
– Victor Gourevitch, "Philosophy and Politics I," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Sep. 1968). Victor Gourevitch, "Philosophy and Politics I," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Dec. 1968).Excerpt: On the face of it, On Tyranny is a straightforward commentary on Xenophon’s dialogue Hiero or Tyrannicus. As such it is a very model of thoroughness and learning. It amply… More
Liberalism Ancient and Modern
– Liberalism Ancient and Modern, Basic Books, 1968. Reprint: University of Chicago Press, 1995.Excerpt: Liberal education is education in culture or toward culture. The finished product of a liberal education is a cultured human being. “Culture” (cultura) means… More
Machiavelli and Classical Literature
– "Machiavelli and Classical Literature," Review of National Literatures, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Spring 1970).Excerpt: I shall speak somewhat less briefly on La Vita de Castruccio Castracani da Lucca, For this graceful little work reveals Machiavelli s moral taste in a more direct or simple and… More
A Giving of Accounts
– "A Giving of Accounts," with Jacob Klein, The College, Vol. 22, No. 1 (April 1970).Excerpt: I must begin with an introduction to my introduction. Some faculty members, I was told, had misgivings about this meeting. The only ones which are justified concern this… More
Niccolo Machiavelli
– History of Political Philosophy, ed. Leo Strauss and Joseph Cropsey, Rand McNally, 1963. Second Edition: Rand McNally, 1972. Third Edition, University of Chicago Press, 1987.Excerpt: Men often speak of virtue without using the word but saying instead “the quality of life” or “the great society” or “ethical” or even… More
The Three Waves of Modernity
– "The Three Waves of Modernity," Political Philosophy: Six Essays, ed. Hilail Gildin, Pegasus-Bobbs-Merrill, 1975.Excerpt: The crisis of modernity reveals itself in the fact, or consists in the fact, that modern western man no longer knows what he wants–that he no longer believes that he can know… More
Progress or Return?
– "Progress or Return? The Contemporary Crisis in Western Civilization," Modern Judaism, Vol. 1, No. 1 (May 1981). Reprinted in The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism.Excerpt: The title of this lecture indicates that progress has become a problem-that it could seem as if progress has led us to the brink of an abyss, and it is therefore necessary to… More
Strauss’ Natural Right and History
– Richard Kennington, "Strauss' Natural Right and History," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Sep. 1981).Excerpt: At the time Strauss published Natural Right and History (1953) the state of the question of natural right was a mixture of oblivion and fitful restoration. Natural right had… More
Correspondence Concerning Modernity
– "Correspondence Concerning Modernity," Independent Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 4 (1983). Reprinted in Leo Strauss: Gesammelte Schriften, Band 3.Leo Strauss and the History of Political Philosophy
– Nathan Tarcov and Thomas L. Pangle, "Epilogue: Leo Strauss and the History of Political Philosophy," History of Political Philosophy, Third Edition, ed. Leo Strauss and Joseph Cropsey, University of Chicago Press, 1987.Excerpt: A student using this book might legitimately and naturally wonder about the approach to the teaching of political philosophy presented here. The originator of this approach was the… More
On a Certain Critique of “Straussianism”
– Nathan Tarcov, "On a Certain Critique of 'Straussianism,'" The Review of Politics, Vol. 53, No. 1 (Winter 1991).Excerpt: This article examines a certain critique of what I will take the liberty of calling “Straussianism,” a critique which raises questions I believe are worth discussing,… More
A Return to Classical Political Philosophy and the Understanding of the American Founding
– Christopher Bruell, "A Return to Classical Political Philosophy and the Understanding of the American Founding," The Review of Politics, Vol. 53, No. 1 (Winter 1991).Excerpt: What is the significance for the understanding of the American Founding of Leo Strauss’s efforts toward the recovery of classical political philosophy? That this is a… More
German Nihilism
– "German Nihilism," Interpretation, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Spring 1999). Corrections to "German Nihilism," Interpretation, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Fall 2000). Talk given on February 26, 1941 at the New School for Social Research.Excerpt: What is nihilism? And how far can nihilism be said to be a specifically German phenomenon? I am not able to answer these questions; I can merely try to elaborate them a little. For… More
The Living Issues of German Postwar Philosophy
– "The Living Issues of German Postwar Philosophy," Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem, by Heinrich Meier, Cambridge University Press, 2006.Excerpt: But Husserl was not the only superior mind who was responsible for the great change we have been witnessing. At least as influential in this respect was the work of Nietzsche.… More
Reason and Revelation
– "Reason and Revelation," Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem, Cambridge University Press, 2006. Talk given on April 27, 1948, at Hartford Theological Seminary.Excerpt: Today, we do not have a direct access to what philosophy originally meant. Our concept of philosophy is derived from modern philosophy, i.e. a derivative form of philosophy. Modern… More
Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem by Heinrich Meier
– Heinrich Meier, Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem, Cambridge University Press, 2006.From the publisher: This book, by one of the most prominent interpreters of the Leo Strauss’s thought, is the first to examine the theme that Leo Strauss considered to be key to his… More
What Can We Learn from Political Theory?
– "What Can We Learn from Political Theory?" Review of Politics, Vol. 69, No. 4 (Fall 2007). Talk given in July 1942 at the New School for Social Research.Excerpt: The title of this lecture is not entirely of my own choosing. I do not like very much the term political theory; I would prefer to speak of political philosophy. Since this… More
The Truth about Leo Strauss: Political Philosophy and American Democracy
– Catherine and Michael Zuckert, The Truth about Leo Strauss: Political Philosophy and American Democracy, University of Chicago Press, 2008.From the publisher: Is Leo Strauss truly an intellectual forebear of neoconservatism and a powerful force in shaping Bush administration foreign policy? The Truth about Leo Strauss puts… More
The Cambridge Companion to Leo Strauss
– The Cambridge Companion to Leo Strauss, ed. Steven B. Smith, Cambridge University Press, 2009.Table of Contents: 1. Introduction: Leo Strauss today by Steven B. Smith 2. Leo Strauss: the outlines of a life by Steven B. Smith 3. Leo Strauss and the theologico-political predicament… More
Leo Strauss: An Intellectual Biography
– Daniel Tanguay, Leo Strauss: An Intellectual Biography, Yale University Press, 2011.From the publisher: Since political theorist Leo Strauss’ death in 1973, American interpreters have heatedly debated his intellectual legacy. Daniel Tanguay recovers Strauss from the… More
Ancients and Moderns: Did Leo Strauss Exaggerate the Break?
– "Ancients and Moderns: Did Leo Strauss Exaggerate the Break?," A Faculty Roundtable, featuring Leo Paul de Alvarez, Jonathan Culp, Richard Dougherty, Tiffany Jones Miller, and Thomas G. West, University of Dallas, February 22, 2012.Essays
Paul de Lagarde
– "Paul de Lagarde," Der Jude, Vol. 8, No. 1 (January 1924). Reprinted in Gesammelte Schriften: Band 2. Reprinted in Leo Strauss: The Early Writings.Excerpt: The Jew is in need of an extraordinary measure of reflectiveness; while for the peoples of the world a distance is given from the start, he must first attain it by a great… More
Review of On the Progress of Metaphysics
– Review of On the Progress of Metaphysics, by Julius Ebbinghaus, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, Vol. 52 (December 27, 1931). Reprinted in Gesammelte Schriften: Band 2. Reprinted in Leo Strauss: The Early Writings.Excerpt: We are used to people showing just scorn and mockery for the belief in progress. However, we are also used to these very scorners and mockers having no qualms from the outset… More
Maimonides’s Doctrine of Prophecy and Its Sources
– "Maimonides's Doctrine of Prophecy and Its Sources," Le Monde Oriental (Uppsala), Vol. 28 (1934). Reprinted in Philosophy and Law.Excerpt: One can with a certain right call Maimonides’s position “medieval religious Enlightenment.” With a certain right: namely if one accepts the view that not only… More
Philosophy and Law
– Philosophy and Law: Contributions to the Understanding of Maimonides and His Predecessors, trans. Eve Adler, State University of New York Press, 1995. Originally published as Philosophie und Gesetz: Beiträge zum Verständnis Maimunis und Seiner Vorlaüfer, Schocken Verlag, 1935.Excerpt: The latecomers, who saw that the attacks of Hobbes, Spinoza, Bayle, Voltaire, and Reimarus could not be parried by defensive measures such as Moses Mendelssohn’s, agreed,… More
Persecution and the Art of Writing
– "Persecution and the Art of Writing," Social Research, Vol. 8, No. 4 (November 1941). Reprinted in Persecution and the Art of Writing.Excerpt: In a considerable number of countries which, for about a hundred years, have enjoyed a practically complete freedom of public discussion, that freedom is now suppressed and… More
Review of C. H. McIlwain: Constitutionalism, Ancient and Modern
– Review of Constitutionalism, Ancient and Modern, by C. H. McIlwain, Social Research, Vol. 9, No. 1 (February 1942). Reprinted in What is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: This book surveys those stages in the growth of constitutionalism which are most relevant “to the political problems facing us here and now” (p. vii). There is a… More
On Classical Political Philosophy
– "On Classical Political Philosophy," Social Research, Vol. 12, No. 1 (February 1945). Reprinted (revised) in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: TODAY the status of political philosophy is more precarious, and its meaning is more blurred, than at any time since political philosophy emerged many centuries ago, somewhere in… More
Review of Leonardo Olschki: Machiavelli the Scientist
– Review of Machiavelli the Scientist, by Leonardo Olschki, Social Research, Vol. 13, No. 1 (March 1946). Reprinted in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: According to Olschki, however, Machiavelli was primarily interested in elaborating” a new science of man which anticipated in spirit and mental procedure Galileo’s… More
On a New Interpretation of Plato’s Political Philosophy
– "On a New Interpretation of Plato's Political Philosophy," Social Research, Vol. 13, No. 3 (September 1946).Excerpt: Professor Wild’s recent book on Plato is not simply a historical work. His presentation of Plato’s doctrine of man is animated by the zeal of a reformer and is meant… More
Review of Ernst Cassirer: The Myth of the State
– Review of The Myth of the State, by Ernst Cassirer, Social Research, Vol. 14, No. 1 (March 1947). Reprinted in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: However one may have to judge this view of myth, Cassirer is certainly right in negatively characterizing philosophy proper by its “struggle against myth.” In Greek… More
Political Philosophy and History
– "Political Philosophy and History," Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 10, No. 1 (January 1949). Reprinted in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: Political philosophy is not a historical discipline. The philosophic questions of the nature of political things and of the best, or just, political order are fundamentally… More
On the Spirit of Hobbes’s Political Philosophy
– "On the Spirit of Hobbes's Political Philosophy," Revue Internationale de Philosophie, Vol. 4, No. 14 (October 1950). Reprinted in Natural Right and History (Ch. 3A).Excerpt: Hobbes rejects the idealistic tradition on the basis of a fundamental agreement with it. he means to do adequately what the Socratic tradition did in a wholly inadequate… More
Preface to Isaac Husic: Philosophical Essays
– Preface to Philosophical Essays: Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern, by Isaac Husic, ed. Milton C. Nahm and Leo Strauss, Basil Blackwell, 1952.Walker’s Machiavelli
– "Walker's Machiavelli," review of Discourses of Niccolò Machiavelli, ed. L. J. Walker, Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 6, No. 3 (March 1953).Excerpt: Walker is not the first to contend that Machiavelli’s achievement consists chiefly or exclusively in the discovery of a new method. In fact, it would appear that the view… More
Machiavelli’s Intention: The Prince
– "Machiavelli's Intention: The Prince," American Political Science Review, Vol. 51, No. 1 (March 1957). Reprinted in Thoughts on Machiavelli (Ch. 2).Excerpt: Let us follow this movement somewhat more closely. At first sight The Prince belongs to the traditional genre of Mirrors of Princes, which are primarily addressed to legitimate… More
The Liberalism of Classical Political Philosophy
– "The Liberalism of Classical Political Philosophy," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 12, No. 3 (March 1959). Reprinted in Liberalism Ancient and Modern. Review essay on E. A. Havelock: The Liberal Temper in Greek Politics.Excerpt: Some readers may blame us for having devoted so much time and space to the examination of an unusually poor book. We do not believe that their judgment of the book is fair. Books… More
What Is Political Philosophy?
– "What Is Political Philosophy?" What Is Political Philosophy, The Free Press, 1959. Revised version of the Judah L. Magnes Lectures given at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in December 1954-January 1955. Hebrew translation published in Iyyun in April 1955.Excerpt: When we describe the political philosophy of Plato and of Aristotle as classical political philosophy, we imply that it is the classic form of political philosophy. The classic was… More
On the Basis of Hobbes’s Political Philosophy
– "On the Basis of Hobbes's Political Philosophy," What Is Political Philosophy?, The Free Press, 1959. First printing of English original of "Les fondements de la philosophie politque de Hobbes," Critique, Vol. 10, No. 83 (April 1954).Excerpt: We begin by wondering why we should study Hobbes. This question implies that we doubt whether Hobbes’s teaching is the true teaching. It implies, therefore, that our… More
Comment on W. S. Hudson: The Weber Thesis Re-examined
– "Comment on W. S. Hudson: The Weber Thesis Re-examined," Church History, Vol. 30, No. 1 (March 1961).Excerpt: This meeting, I gather, is concerned with the need for reinterpretation. I am not at all certain that reinterpretation is a universal necessity, i.e., that there cannot be final or… More
Liberal Education and Responsibility
– "Liberal Education and Responsibility," Education: The Challenge Ahead, ed. C. Scott Fletcher, Norton, 1962. Reprinted in Liberalism Ancient and Modern.Excerpt: In the light of philosophy, liberal education takes on a new meaning: liberal education, especially education in the liberal arts, comes to sight as a preparation for philosophy. … More
The Crisis of Our Time and The Crisis of Political Philosophy
– "The Crisis of Our Time" and "The Crisis of Political Philosophy," in The Predicament of Modern Politics, ed. Harold J. Spaeth, University of Detroit Press, 1964.The City and Man
– The City and Man, Rand McNally, 1964. Reprint: University of Chicago Press, 1978.Excerpt: It is not self-forgetting and pain-loving antiquarianism nor self-forgetting and intoxicating romanticism which induces us to turn with passionate interest, with unqualified… More
Philosophy and Politics I and II
– Victor Gourevitch, "Philosophy and Politics I," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Sep. 1968). Victor Gourevitch, "Philosophy and Politics I," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Dec. 1968).Excerpt: On the face of it, On Tyranny is a straightforward commentary on Xenophon’s dialogue Hiero or Tyrannicus. As such it is a very model of thoroughness and learning. It amply… More
Liberalism Ancient and Modern
– Liberalism Ancient and Modern, Basic Books, 1968. Reprint: University of Chicago Press, 1995.Excerpt: Liberal education is education in culture or toward culture. The finished product of a liberal education is a cultured human being. “Culture” (cultura) means… More
Machiavelli and Classical Literature
– "Machiavelli and Classical Literature," Review of National Literatures, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Spring 1970).Excerpt: I shall speak somewhat less briefly on La Vita de Castruccio Castracani da Lucca, For this graceful little work reveals Machiavelli s moral taste in a more direct or simple and… More
A Giving of Accounts
– "A Giving of Accounts," with Jacob Klein, The College, Vol. 22, No. 1 (April 1970).Excerpt: I must begin with an introduction to my introduction. Some faculty members, I was told, had misgivings about this meeting. The only ones which are justified concern this… More
Niccolo Machiavelli
– History of Political Philosophy, ed. Leo Strauss and Joseph Cropsey, Rand McNally, 1963. Second Edition: Rand McNally, 1972. Third Edition, University of Chicago Press, 1987.Excerpt: Men often speak of virtue without using the word but saying instead “the quality of life” or “the great society” or “ethical” or even… More
The Three Waves of Modernity
– "The Three Waves of Modernity," Political Philosophy: Six Essays, ed. Hilail Gildin, Pegasus-Bobbs-Merrill, 1975.Excerpt: The crisis of modernity reveals itself in the fact, or consists in the fact, that modern western man no longer knows what he wants–that he no longer believes that he can know… More
Progress or Return?
– "Progress or Return? The Contemporary Crisis in Western Civilization," Modern Judaism, Vol. 1, No. 1 (May 1981). Reprinted in The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism.Excerpt: The title of this lecture indicates that progress has become a problem-that it could seem as if progress has led us to the brink of an abyss, and it is therefore necessary to… More
Strauss’ Natural Right and History
– Richard Kennington, "Strauss' Natural Right and History," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Sep. 1981).Excerpt: At the time Strauss published Natural Right and History (1953) the state of the question of natural right was a mixture of oblivion and fitful restoration. Natural right had… More
Correspondence Concerning Modernity
– "Correspondence Concerning Modernity," Independent Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 4 (1983). Reprinted in Leo Strauss: Gesammelte Schriften, Band 3.Leo Strauss and the History of Political Philosophy
– Nathan Tarcov and Thomas L. Pangle, "Epilogue: Leo Strauss and the History of Political Philosophy," History of Political Philosophy, Third Edition, ed. Leo Strauss and Joseph Cropsey, University of Chicago Press, 1987.Excerpt: A student using this book might legitimately and naturally wonder about the approach to the teaching of political philosophy presented here. The originator of this approach was the… More
On a Certain Critique of “Straussianism”
– Nathan Tarcov, "On a Certain Critique of 'Straussianism,'" The Review of Politics, Vol. 53, No. 1 (Winter 1991).Excerpt: This article examines a certain critique of what I will take the liberty of calling “Straussianism,” a critique which raises questions I believe are worth discussing,… More
A Return to Classical Political Philosophy and the Understanding of the American Founding
– Christopher Bruell, "A Return to Classical Political Philosophy and the Understanding of the American Founding," The Review of Politics, Vol. 53, No. 1 (Winter 1991).Excerpt: What is the significance for the understanding of the American Founding of Leo Strauss’s efforts toward the recovery of classical political philosophy? That this is a… More
German Nihilism
– "German Nihilism," Interpretation, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Spring 1999). Corrections to "German Nihilism," Interpretation, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Fall 2000). Talk given on February 26, 1941 at the New School for Social Research.Excerpt: What is nihilism? And how far can nihilism be said to be a specifically German phenomenon? I am not able to answer these questions; I can merely try to elaborate them a little. For… More
The Living Issues of German Postwar Philosophy
– "The Living Issues of German Postwar Philosophy," Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem, by Heinrich Meier, Cambridge University Press, 2006.Excerpt: But Husserl was not the only superior mind who was responsible for the great change we have been witnessing. At least as influential in this respect was the work of Nietzsche.… More
Reason and Revelation
– "Reason and Revelation," Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem, Cambridge University Press, 2006. Talk given on April 27, 1948, at Hartford Theological Seminary.Excerpt: Today, we do not have a direct access to what philosophy originally meant. Our concept of philosophy is derived from modern philosophy, i.e. a derivative form of philosophy. Modern… More
Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem by Heinrich Meier
– Heinrich Meier, Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem, Cambridge University Press, 2006.From the publisher: This book, by one of the most prominent interpreters of the Leo Strauss’s thought, is the first to examine the theme that Leo Strauss considered to be key to his… More
What Can We Learn from Political Theory?
– "What Can We Learn from Political Theory?" Review of Politics, Vol. 69, No. 4 (Fall 2007). Talk given in July 1942 at the New School for Social Research.Excerpt: The title of this lecture is not entirely of my own choosing. I do not like very much the term political theory; I would prefer to speak of political philosophy. Since this… More
The Truth about Leo Strauss: Political Philosophy and American Democracy
– Catherine and Michael Zuckert, The Truth about Leo Strauss: Political Philosophy and American Democracy, University of Chicago Press, 2008.From the publisher: Is Leo Strauss truly an intellectual forebear of neoconservatism and a powerful force in shaping Bush administration foreign policy? The Truth about Leo Strauss puts… More
The Cambridge Companion to Leo Strauss
– The Cambridge Companion to Leo Strauss, ed. Steven B. Smith, Cambridge University Press, 2009.Table of Contents: 1. Introduction: Leo Strauss today by Steven B. Smith 2. Leo Strauss: the outlines of a life by Steven B. Smith 3. Leo Strauss and the theologico-political predicament… More
Leo Strauss: An Intellectual Biography
– Daniel Tanguay, Leo Strauss: An Intellectual Biography, Yale University Press, 2011.From the publisher: Since political theorist Leo Strauss’ death in 1973, American interpreters have heatedly debated his intellectual legacy. Daniel Tanguay recovers Strauss from the… More
Ancients and Moderns: Did Leo Strauss Exaggerate the Break?
– "Ancients and Moderns: Did Leo Strauss Exaggerate the Break?," A Faculty Roundtable, featuring Leo Paul de Alvarez, Jonathan Culp, Richard Dougherty, Tiffany Jones Miller, and Thomas G. West, University of Dallas, February 22, 2012.Commentary
Paul de Lagarde
– "Paul de Lagarde," Der Jude, Vol. 8, No. 1 (January 1924). Reprinted in Gesammelte Schriften: Band 2. Reprinted in Leo Strauss: The Early Writings.Excerpt: The Jew is in need of an extraordinary measure of reflectiveness; while for the peoples of the world a distance is given from the start, he must first attain it by a great… More
Review of On the Progress of Metaphysics
– Review of On the Progress of Metaphysics, by Julius Ebbinghaus, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, Vol. 52 (December 27, 1931). Reprinted in Gesammelte Schriften: Band 2. Reprinted in Leo Strauss: The Early Writings.Excerpt: We are used to people showing just scorn and mockery for the belief in progress. However, we are also used to these very scorners and mockers having no qualms from the outset… More
Maimonides’s Doctrine of Prophecy and Its Sources
– "Maimonides's Doctrine of Prophecy and Its Sources," Le Monde Oriental (Uppsala), Vol. 28 (1934). Reprinted in Philosophy and Law.Excerpt: One can with a certain right call Maimonides’s position “medieval religious Enlightenment.” With a certain right: namely if one accepts the view that not only… More
Philosophy and Law
– Philosophy and Law: Contributions to the Understanding of Maimonides and His Predecessors, trans. Eve Adler, State University of New York Press, 1995. Originally published as Philosophie und Gesetz: Beiträge zum Verständnis Maimunis und Seiner Vorlaüfer, Schocken Verlag, 1935.Excerpt: The latecomers, who saw that the attacks of Hobbes, Spinoza, Bayle, Voltaire, and Reimarus could not be parried by defensive measures such as Moses Mendelssohn’s, agreed,… More
Persecution and the Art of Writing
– "Persecution and the Art of Writing," Social Research, Vol. 8, No. 4 (November 1941). Reprinted in Persecution and the Art of Writing.Excerpt: In a considerable number of countries which, for about a hundred years, have enjoyed a practically complete freedom of public discussion, that freedom is now suppressed and… More
Review of C. H. McIlwain: Constitutionalism, Ancient and Modern
– Review of Constitutionalism, Ancient and Modern, by C. H. McIlwain, Social Research, Vol. 9, No. 1 (February 1942). Reprinted in What is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: This book surveys those stages in the growth of constitutionalism which are most relevant “to the political problems facing us here and now” (p. vii). There is a… More
On Classical Political Philosophy
– "On Classical Political Philosophy," Social Research, Vol. 12, No. 1 (February 1945). Reprinted (revised) in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: TODAY the status of political philosophy is more precarious, and its meaning is more blurred, than at any time since political philosophy emerged many centuries ago, somewhere in… More
Review of Leonardo Olschki: Machiavelli the Scientist
– Review of Machiavelli the Scientist, by Leonardo Olschki, Social Research, Vol. 13, No. 1 (March 1946). Reprinted in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: According to Olschki, however, Machiavelli was primarily interested in elaborating” a new science of man which anticipated in spirit and mental procedure Galileo’s… More
On a New Interpretation of Plato’s Political Philosophy
– "On a New Interpretation of Plato's Political Philosophy," Social Research, Vol. 13, No. 3 (September 1946).Excerpt: Professor Wild’s recent book on Plato is not simply a historical work. His presentation of Plato’s doctrine of man is animated by the zeal of a reformer and is meant… More
Review of Ernst Cassirer: The Myth of the State
– Review of The Myth of the State, by Ernst Cassirer, Social Research, Vol. 14, No. 1 (March 1947). Reprinted in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: However one may have to judge this view of myth, Cassirer is certainly right in negatively characterizing philosophy proper by its “struggle against myth.” In Greek… More
Political Philosophy and History
– "Political Philosophy and History," Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 10, No. 1 (January 1949). Reprinted in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: Political philosophy is not a historical discipline. The philosophic questions of the nature of political things and of the best, or just, political order are fundamentally… More
On the Spirit of Hobbes’s Political Philosophy
– "On the Spirit of Hobbes's Political Philosophy," Revue Internationale de Philosophie, Vol. 4, No. 14 (October 1950). Reprinted in Natural Right and History (Ch. 3A).Excerpt: Hobbes rejects the idealistic tradition on the basis of a fundamental agreement with it. he means to do adequately what the Socratic tradition did in a wholly inadequate… More
Preface to Isaac Husic: Philosophical Essays
– Preface to Philosophical Essays: Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern, by Isaac Husic, ed. Milton C. Nahm and Leo Strauss, Basil Blackwell, 1952.Walker’s Machiavelli
– "Walker's Machiavelli," review of Discourses of Niccolò Machiavelli, ed. L. J. Walker, Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 6, No. 3 (March 1953).Excerpt: Walker is not the first to contend that Machiavelli’s achievement consists chiefly or exclusively in the discovery of a new method. In fact, it would appear that the view… More
Machiavelli’s Intention: The Prince
– "Machiavelli's Intention: The Prince," American Political Science Review, Vol. 51, No. 1 (March 1957). Reprinted in Thoughts on Machiavelli (Ch. 2).Excerpt: Let us follow this movement somewhat more closely. At first sight The Prince belongs to the traditional genre of Mirrors of Princes, which are primarily addressed to legitimate… More
The Liberalism of Classical Political Philosophy
– "The Liberalism of Classical Political Philosophy," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 12, No. 3 (March 1959). Reprinted in Liberalism Ancient and Modern. Review essay on E. A. Havelock: The Liberal Temper in Greek Politics.Excerpt: Some readers may blame us for having devoted so much time and space to the examination of an unusually poor book. We do not believe that their judgment of the book is fair. Books… More
What Is Political Philosophy?
– "What Is Political Philosophy?" What Is Political Philosophy, The Free Press, 1959. Revised version of the Judah L. Magnes Lectures given at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in December 1954-January 1955. Hebrew translation published in Iyyun in April 1955.Excerpt: When we describe the political philosophy of Plato and of Aristotle as classical political philosophy, we imply that it is the classic form of political philosophy. The classic was… More
On the Basis of Hobbes’s Political Philosophy
– "On the Basis of Hobbes's Political Philosophy," What Is Political Philosophy?, The Free Press, 1959. First printing of English original of "Les fondements de la philosophie politque de Hobbes," Critique, Vol. 10, No. 83 (April 1954).Excerpt: We begin by wondering why we should study Hobbes. This question implies that we doubt whether Hobbes’s teaching is the true teaching. It implies, therefore, that our… More
Comment on W. S. Hudson: The Weber Thesis Re-examined
– "Comment on W. S. Hudson: The Weber Thesis Re-examined," Church History, Vol. 30, No. 1 (March 1961).Excerpt: This meeting, I gather, is concerned with the need for reinterpretation. I am not at all certain that reinterpretation is a universal necessity, i.e., that there cannot be final or… More
Liberal Education and Responsibility
– "Liberal Education and Responsibility," Education: The Challenge Ahead, ed. C. Scott Fletcher, Norton, 1962. Reprinted in Liberalism Ancient and Modern.Excerpt: In the light of philosophy, liberal education takes on a new meaning: liberal education, especially education in the liberal arts, comes to sight as a preparation for philosophy. … More
The Crisis of Our Time and The Crisis of Political Philosophy
– "The Crisis of Our Time" and "The Crisis of Political Philosophy," in The Predicament of Modern Politics, ed. Harold J. Spaeth, University of Detroit Press, 1964.The City and Man
– The City and Man, Rand McNally, 1964. Reprint: University of Chicago Press, 1978.Excerpt: It is not self-forgetting and pain-loving antiquarianism nor self-forgetting and intoxicating romanticism which induces us to turn with passionate interest, with unqualified… More
Philosophy and Politics I and II
– Victor Gourevitch, "Philosophy and Politics I," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Sep. 1968). Victor Gourevitch, "Philosophy and Politics I," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Dec. 1968).Excerpt: On the face of it, On Tyranny is a straightforward commentary on Xenophon’s dialogue Hiero or Tyrannicus. As such it is a very model of thoroughness and learning. It amply… More
Liberalism Ancient and Modern
– Liberalism Ancient and Modern, Basic Books, 1968. Reprint: University of Chicago Press, 1995.Excerpt: Liberal education is education in culture or toward culture. The finished product of a liberal education is a cultured human being. “Culture” (cultura) means… More
Machiavelli and Classical Literature
– "Machiavelli and Classical Literature," Review of National Literatures, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Spring 1970).Excerpt: I shall speak somewhat less briefly on La Vita de Castruccio Castracani da Lucca, For this graceful little work reveals Machiavelli s moral taste in a more direct or simple and… More
A Giving of Accounts
– "A Giving of Accounts," with Jacob Klein, The College, Vol. 22, No. 1 (April 1970).Excerpt: I must begin with an introduction to my introduction. Some faculty members, I was told, had misgivings about this meeting. The only ones which are justified concern this… More
Niccolo Machiavelli
– History of Political Philosophy, ed. Leo Strauss and Joseph Cropsey, Rand McNally, 1963. Second Edition: Rand McNally, 1972. Third Edition, University of Chicago Press, 1987.Excerpt: Men often speak of virtue without using the word but saying instead “the quality of life” or “the great society” or “ethical” or even… More
The Three Waves of Modernity
– "The Three Waves of Modernity," Political Philosophy: Six Essays, ed. Hilail Gildin, Pegasus-Bobbs-Merrill, 1975.Excerpt: The crisis of modernity reveals itself in the fact, or consists in the fact, that modern western man no longer knows what he wants–that he no longer believes that he can know… More
Progress or Return?
– "Progress or Return? The Contemporary Crisis in Western Civilization," Modern Judaism, Vol. 1, No. 1 (May 1981). Reprinted in The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism.Excerpt: The title of this lecture indicates that progress has become a problem-that it could seem as if progress has led us to the brink of an abyss, and it is therefore necessary to… More
Strauss’ Natural Right and History
– Richard Kennington, "Strauss' Natural Right and History," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Sep. 1981).Excerpt: At the time Strauss published Natural Right and History (1953) the state of the question of natural right was a mixture of oblivion and fitful restoration. Natural right had… More
Correspondence Concerning Modernity
– "Correspondence Concerning Modernity," Independent Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 4 (1983). Reprinted in Leo Strauss: Gesammelte Schriften, Band 3.Leo Strauss and the History of Political Philosophy
– Nathan Tarcov and Thomas L. Pangle, "Epilogue: Leo Strauss and the History of Political Philosophy," History of Political Philosophy, Third Edition, ed. Leo Strauss and Joseph Cropsey, University of Chicago Press, 1987.Excerpt: A student using this book might legitimately and naturally wonder about the approach to the teaching of political philosophy presented here. The originator of this approach was the… More
On a Certain Critique of “Straussianism”
– Nathan Tarcov, "On a Certain Critique of 'Straussianism,'" The Review of Politics, Vol. 53, No. 1 (Winter 1991).Excerpt: This article examines a certain critique of what I will take the liberty of calling “Straussianism,” a critique which raises questions I believe are worth discussing,… More
A Return to Classical Political Philosophy and the Understanding of the American Founding
– Christopher Bruell, "A Return to Classical Political Philosophy and the Understanding of the American Founding," The Review of Politics, Vol. 53, No. 1 (Winter 1991).Excerpt: What is the significance for the understanding of the American Founding of Leo Strauss’s efforts toward the recovery of classical political philosophy? That this is a… More
German Nihilism
– "German Nihilism," Interpretation, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Spring 1999). Corrections to "German Nihilism," Interpretation, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Fall 2000). Talk given on February 26, 1941 at the New School for Social Research.Excerpt: What is nihilism? And how far can nihilism be said to be a specifically German phenomenon? I am not able to answer these questions; I can merely try to elaborate them a little. For… More
The Living Issues of German Postwar Philosophy
– "The Living Issues of German Postwar Philosophy," Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem, by Heinrich Meier, Cambridge University Press, 2006.Excerpt: But Husserl was not the only superior mind who was responsible for the great change we have been witnessing. At least as influential in this respect was the work of Nietzsche.… More
Reason and Revelation
– "Reason and Revelation," Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem, Cambridge University Press, 2006. Talk given on April 27, 1948, at Hartford Theological Seminary.Excerpt: Today, we do not have a direct access to what philosophy originally meant. Our concept of philosophy is derived from modern philosophy, i.e. a derivative form of philosophy. Modern… More
Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem by Heinrich Meier
– Heinrich Meier, Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem, Cambridge University Press, 2006.From the publisher: This book, by one of the most prominent interpreters of the Leo Strauss’s thought, is the first to examine the theme that Leo Strauss considered to be key to his… More
What Can We Learn from Political Theory?
– "What Can We Learn from Political Theory?" Review of Politics, Vol. 69, No. 4 (Fall 2007). Talk given in July 1942 at the New School for Social Research.Excerpt: The title of this lecture is not entirely of my own choosing. I do not like very much the term political theory; I would prefer to speak of political philosophy. Since this… More
The Truth about Leo Strauss: Political Philosophy and American Democracy
– Catherine and Michael Zuckert, The Truth about Leo Strauss: Political Philosophy and American Democracy, University of Chicago Press, 2008.From the publisher: Is Leo Strauss truly an intellectual forebear of neoconservatism and a powerful force in shaping Bush administration foreign policy? The Truth about Leo Strauss puts… More
The Cambridge Companion to Leo Strauss
– The Cambridge Companion to Leo Strauss, ed. Steven B. Smith, Cambridge University Press, 2009.Table of Contents: 1. Introduction: Leo Strauss today by Steven B. Smith 2. Leo Strauss: the outlines of a life by Steven B. Smith 3. Leo Strauss and the theologico-political predicament… More
Leo Strauss: An Intellectual Biography
– Daniel Tanguay, Leo Strauss: An Intellectual Biography, Yale University Press, 2011.From the publisher: Since political theorist Leo Strauss’ death in 1973, American interpreters have heatedly debated his intellectual legacy. Daniel Tanguay recovers Strauss from the… More
Ancients and Moderns: Did Leo Strauss Exaggerate the Break?
– "Ancients and Moderns: Did Leo Strauss Exaggerate the Break?," A Faculty Roundtable, featuring Leo Paul de Alvarez, Jonathan Culp, Richard Dougherty, Tiffany Jones Miller, and Thomas G. West, University of Dallas, February 22, 2012.Multimedia
Paul de Lagarde
– "Paul de Lagarde," Der Jude, Vol. 8, No. 1 (January 1924). Reprinted in Gesammelte Schriften: Band 2. Reprinted in Leo Strauss: The Early Writings.Excerpt: The Jew is in need of an extraordinary measure of reflectiveness; while for the peoples of the world a distance is given from the start, he must first attain it by a great… More
Review of On the Progress of Metaphysics
– Review of On the Progress of Metaphysics, by Julius Ebbinghaus, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, Vol. 52 (December 27, 1931). Reprinted in Gesammelte Schriften: Band 2. Reprinted in Leo Strauss: The Early Writings.Excerpt: We are used to people showing just scorn and mockery for the belief in progress. However, we are also used to these very scorners and mockers having no qualms from the outset… More
Maimonides’s Doctrine of Prophecy and Its Sources
– "Maimonides's Doctrine of Prophecy and Its Sources," Le Monde Oriental (Uppsala), Vol. 28 (1934). Reprinted in Philosophy and Law.Excerpt: One can with a certain right call Maimonides’s position “medieval religious Enlightenment.” With a certain right: namely if one accepts the view that not only… More
Philosophy and Law
– Philosophy and Law: Contributions to the Understanding of Maimonides and His Predecessors, trans. Eve Adler, State University of New York Press, 1995. Originally published as Philosophie und Gesetz: Beiträge zum Verständnis Maimunis und Seiner Vorlaüfer, Schocken Verlag, 1935.Excerpt: The latecomers, who saw that the attacks of Hobbes, Spinoza, Bayle, Voltaire, and Reimarus could not be parried by defensive measures such as Moses Mendelssohn’s, agreed,… More
Persecution and the Art of Writing
– "Persecution and the Art of Writing," Social Research, Vol. 8, No. 4 (November 1941). Reprinted in Persecution and the Art of Writing.Excerpt: In a considerable number of countries which, for about a hundred years, have enjoyed a practically complete freedom of public discussion, that freedom is now suppressed and… More
Review of C. H. McIlwain: Constitutionalism, Ancient and Modern
– Review of Constitutionalism, Ancient and Modern, by C. H. McIlwain, Social Research, Vol. 9, No. 1 (February 1942). Reprinted in What is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: This book surveys those stages in the growth of constitutionalism which are most relevant “to the political problems facing us here and now” (p. vii). There is a… More
On Classical Political Philosophy
– "On Classical Political Philosophy," Social Research, Vol. 12, No. 1 (February 1945). Reprinted (revised) in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: TODAY the status of political philosophy is more precarious, and its meaning is more blurred, than at any time since political philosophy emerged many centuries ago, somewhere in… More
Review of Leonardo Olschki: Machiavelli the Scientist
– Review of Machiavelli the Scientist, by Leonardo Olschki, Social Research, Vol. 13, No. 1 (March 1946). Reprinted in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: According to Olschki, however, Machiavelli was primarily interested in elaborating” a new science of man which anticipated in spirit and mental procedure Galileo’s… More
On a New Interpretation of Plato’s Political Philosophy
– "On a New Interpretation of Plato's Political Philosophy," Social Research, Vol. 13, No. 3 (September 1946).Excerpt: Professor Wild’s recent book on Plato is not simply a historical work. His presentation of Plato’s doctrine of man is animated by the zeal of a reformer and is meant… More
Review of Ernst Cassirer: The Myth of the State
– Review of The Myth of the State, by Ernst Cassirer, Social Research, Vol. 14, No. 1 (March 1947). Reprinted in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: However one may have to judge this view of myth, Cassirer is certainly right in negatively characterizing philosophy proper by its “struggle against myth.” In Greek… More
Political Philosophy and History
– "Political Philosophy and History," Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 10, No. 1 (January 1949). Reprinted in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: Political philosophy is not a historical discipline. The philosophic questions of the nature of political things and of the best, or just, political order are fundamentally… More
On the Spirit of Hobbes’s Political Philosophy
– "On the Spirit of Hobbes's Political Philosophy," Revue Internationale de Philosophie, Vol. 4, No. 14 (October 1950). Reprinted in Natural Right and History (Ch. 3A).Excerpt: Hobbes rejects the idealistic tradition on the basis of a fundamental agreement with it. he means to do adequately what the Socratic tradition did in a wholly inadequate… More
Preface to Isaac Husic: Philosophical Essays
– Preface to Philosophical Essays: Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern, by Isaac Husic, ed. Milton C. Nahm and Leo Strauss, Basil Blackwell, 1952.Walker’s Machiavelli
– "Walker's Machiavelli," review of Discourses of Niccolò Machiavelli, ed. L. J. Walker, Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 6, No. 3 (March 1953).Excerpt: Walker is not the first to contend that Machiavelli’s achievement consists chiefly or exclusively in the discovery of a new method. In fact, it would appear that the view… More
Machiavelli’s Intention: The Prince
– "Machiavelli's Intention: The Prince," American Political Science Review, Vol. 51, No. 1 (March 1957). Reprinted in Thoughts on Machiavelli (Ch. 2).Excerpt: Let us follow this movement somewhat more closely. At first sight The Prince belongs to the traditional genre of Mirrors of Princes, which are primarily addressed to legitimate… More
The Liberalism of Classical Political Philosophy
– "The Liberalism of Classical Political Philosophy," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 12, No. 3 (March 1959). Reprinted in Liberalism Ancient and Modern. Review essay on E. A. Havelock: The Liberal Temper in Greek Politics.Excerpt: Some readers may blame us for having devoted so much time and space to the examination of an unusually poor book. We do not believe that their judgment of the book is fair. Books… More
What Is Political Philosophy?
– "What Is Political Philosophy?" What Is Political Philosophy, The Free Press, 1959. Revised version of the Judah L. Magnes Lectures given at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in December 1954-January 1955. Hebrew translation published in Iyyun in April 1955.Excerpt: When we describe the political philosophy of Plato and of Aristotle as classical political philosophy, we imply that it is the classic form of political philosophy. The classic was… More
On the Basis of Hobbes’s Political Philosophy
– "On the Basis of Hobbes's Political Philosophy," What Is Political Philosophy?, The Free Press, 1959. First printing of English original of "Les fondements de la philosophie politque de Hobbes," Critique, Vol. 10, No. 83 (April 1954).Excerpt: We begin by wondering why we should study Hobbes. This question implies that we doubt whether Hobbes’s teaching is the true teaching. It implies, therefore, that our… More
Comment on W. S. Hudson: The Weber Thesis Re-examined
– "Comment on W. S. Hudson: The Weber Thesis Re-examined," Church History, Vol. 30, No. 1 (March 1961).Excerpt: This meeting, I gather, is concerned with the need for reinterpretation. I am not at all certain that reinterpretation is a universal necessity, i.e., that there cannot be final or… More
Liberal Education and Responsibility
– "Liberal Education and Responsibility," Education: The Challenge Ahead, ed. C. Scott Fletcher, Norton, 1962. Reprinted in Liberalism Ancient and Modern.Excerpt: In the light of philosophy, liberal education takes on a new meaning: liberal education, especially education in the liberal arts, comes to sight as a preparation for philosophy. … More
The Crisis of Our Time and The Crisis of Political Philosophy
– "The Crisis of Our Time" and "The Crisis of Political Philosophy," in The Predicament of Modern Politics, ed. Harold J. Spaeth, University of Detroit Press, 1964.The City and Man
– The City and Man, Rand McNally, 1964. Reprint: University of Chicago Press, 1978.Excerpt: It is not self-forgetting and pain-loving antiquarianism nor self-forgetting and intoxicating romanticism which induces us to turn with passionate interest, with unqualified… More
Philosophy and Politics I and II
– Victor Gourevitch, "Philosophy and Politics I," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Sep. 1968). Victor Gourevitch, "Philosophy and Politics I," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Dec. 1968).Excerpt: On the face of it, On Tyranny is a straightforward commentary on Xenophon’s dialogue Hiero or Tyrannicus. As such it is a very model of thoroughness and learning. It amply… More
Liberalism Ancient and Modern
– Liberalism Ancient and Modern, Basic Books, 1968. Reprint: University of Chicago Press, 1995.Excerpt: Liberal education is education in culture or toward culture. The finished product of a liberal education is a cultured human being. “Culture” (cultura) means… More
Machiavelli and Classical Literature
– "Machiavelli and Classical Literature," Review of National Literatures, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Spring 1970).Excerpt: I shall speak somewhat less briefly on La Vita de Castruccio Castracani da Lucca, For this graceful little work reveals Machiavelli s moral taste in a more direct or simple and… More
A Giving of Accounts
– "A Giving of Accounts," with Jacob Klein, The College, Vol. 22, No. 1 (April 1970).Excerpt: I must begin with an introduction to my introduction. Some faculty members, I was told, had misgivings about this meeting. The only ones which are justified concern this… More
Niccolo Machiavelli
– History of Political Philosophy, ed. Leo Strauss and Joseph Cropsey, Rand McNally, 1963. Second Edition: Rand McNally, 1972. Third Edition, University of Chicago Press, 1987.Excerpt: Men often speak of virtue without using the word but saying instead “the quality of life” or “the great society” or “ethical” or even… More
The Three Waves of Modernity
– "The Three Waves of Modernity," Political Philosophy: Six Essays, ed. Hilail Gildin, Pegasus-Bobbs-Merrill, 1975.Excerpt: The crisis of modernity reveals itself in the fact, or consists in the fact, that modern western man no longer knows what he wants–that he no longer believes that he can know… More
Progress or Return?
– "Progress or Return? The Contemporary Crisis in Western Civilization," Modern Judaism, Vol. 1, No. 1 (May 1981). Reprinted in The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism.Excerpt: The title of this lecture indicates that progress has become a problem-that it could seem as if progress has led us to the brink of an abyss, and it is therefore necessary to… More
Strauss’ Natural Right and History
– Richard Kennington, "Strauss' Natural Right and History," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Sep. 1981).Excerpt: At the time Strauss published Natural Right and History (1953) the state of the question of natural right was a mixture of oblivion and fitful restoration. Natural right had… More
Correspondence Concerning Modernity
– "Correspondence Concerning Modernity," Independent Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 4 (1983). Reprinted in Leo Strauss: Gesammelte Schriften, Band 3.Leo Strauss and the History of Political Philosophy
– Nathan Tarcov and Thomas L. Pangle, "Epilogue: Leo Strauss and the History of Political Philosophy," History of Political Philosophy, Third Edition, ed. Leo Strauss and Joseph Cropsey, University of Chicago Press, 1987.Excerpt: A student using this book might legitimately and naturally wonder about the approach to the teaching of political philosophy presented here. The originator of this approach was the… More
On a Certain Critique of “Straussianism”
– Nathan Tarcov, "On a Certain Critique of 'Straussianism,'" The Review of Politics, Vol. 53, No. 1 (Winter 1991).Excerpt: This article examines a certain critique of what I will take the liberty of calling “Straussianism,” a critique which raises questions I believe are worth discussing,… More
A Return to Classical Political Philosophy and the Understanding of the American Founding
– Christopher Bruell, "A Return to Classical Political Philosophy and the Understanding of the American Founding," The Review of Politics, Vol. 53, No. 1 (Winter 1991).Excerpt: What is the significance for the understanding of the American Founding of Leo Strauss’s efforts toward the recovery of classical political philosophy? That this is a… More
German Nihilism
– "German Nihilism," Interpretation, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Spring 1999). Corrections to "German Nihilism," Interpretation, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Fall 2000). Talk given on February 26, 1941 at the New School for Social Research.Excerpt: What is nihilism? And how far can nihilism be said to be a specifically German phenomenon? I am not able to answer these questions; I can merely try to elaborate them a little. For… More
The Living Issues of German Postwar Philosophy
– "The Living Issues of German Postwar Philosophy," Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem, by Heinrich Meier, Cambridge University Press, 2006.Excerpt: But Husserl was not the only superior mind who was responsible for the great change we have been witnessing. At least as influential in this respect was the work of Nietzsche.… More
Reason and Revelation
– "Reason and Revelation," Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem, Cambridge University Press, 2006. Talk given on April 27, 1948, at Hartford Theological Seminary.Excerpt: Today, we do not have a direct access to what philosophy originally meant. Our concept of philosophy is derived from modern philosophy, i.e. a derivative form of philosophy. Modern… More
Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem by Heinrich Meier
– Heinrich Meier, Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem, Cambridge University Press, 2006.From the publisher: This book, by one of the most prominent interpreters of the Leo Strauss’s thought, is the first to examine the theme that Leo Strauss considered to be key to his… More
What Can We Learn from Political Theory?
– "What Can We Learn from Political Theory?" Review of Politics, Vol. 69, No. 4 (Fall 2007). Talk given in July 1942 at the New School for Social Research.Excerpt: The title of this lecture is not entirely of my own choosing. I do not like very much the term political theory; I would prefer to speak of political philosophy. Since this… More
The Truth about Leo Strauss: Political Philosophy and American Democracy
– Catherine and Michael Zuckert, The Truth about Leo Strauss: Political Philosophy and American Democracy, University of Chicago Press, 2008.From the publisher: Is Leo Strauss truly an intellectual forebear of neoconservatism and a powerful force in shaping Bush administration foreign policy? The Truth about Leo Strauss puts… More
The Cambridge Companion to Leo Strauss
– The Cambridge Companion to Leo Strauss, ed. Steven B. Smith, Cambridge University Press, 2009.Table of Contents: 1. Introduction: Leo Strauss today by Steven B. Smith 2. Leo Strauss: the outlines of a life by Steven B. Smith 3. Leo Strauss and the theologico-political predicament… More
Leo Strauss: An Intellectual Biography
– Daniel Tanguay, Leo Strauss: An Intellectual Biography, Yale University Press, 2011.From the publisher: Since political theorist Leo Strauss’ death in 1973, American interpreters have heatedly debated his intellectual legacy. Daniel Tanguay recovers Strauss from the… More
Ancients and Moderns: Did Leo Strauss Exaggerate the Break?
– "Ancients and Moderns: Did Leo Strauss Exaggerate the Break?," A Faculty Roundtable, featuring Leo Paul de Alvarez, Jonathan Culp, Richard Dougherty, Tiffany Jones Miller, and Thomas G. West, University of Dallas, February 22, 2012.Teaching
Paul de Lagarde
– "Paul de Lagarde," Der Jude, Vol. 8, No. 1 (January 1924). Reprinted in Gesammelte Schriften: Band 2. Reprinted in Leo Strauss: The Early Writings.Excerpt: The Jew is in need of an extraordinary measure of reflectiveness; while for the peoples of the world a distance is given from the start, he must first attain it by a great… More
Review of On the Progress of Metaphysics
– Review of On the Progress of Metaphysics, by Julius Ebbinghaus, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, Vol. 52 (December 27, 1931). Reprinted in Gesammelte Schriften: Band 2. Reprinted in Leo Strauss: The Early Writings.Excerpt: We are used to people showing just scorn and mockery for the belief in progress. However, we are also used to these very scorners and mockers having no qualms from the outset… More
Maimonides’s Doctrine of Prophecy and Its Sources
– "Maimonides's Doctrine of Prophecy and Its Sources," Le Monde Oriental (Uppsala), Vol. 28 (1934). Reprinted in Philosophy and Law.Excerpt: One can with a certain right call Maimonides’s position “medieval religious Enlightenment.” With a certain right: namely if one accepts the view that not only… More
Philosophy and Law
– Philosophy and Law: Contributions to the Understanding of Maimonides and His Predecessors, trans. Eve Adler, State University of New York Press, 1995. Originally published as Philosophie und Gesetz: Beiträge zum Verständnis Maimunis und Seiner Vorlaüfer, Schocken Verlag, 1935.Excerpt: The latecomers, who saw that the attacks of Hobbes, Spinoza, Bayle, Voltaire, and Reimarus could not be parried by defensive measures such as Moses Mendelssohn’s, agreed,… More
Persecution and the Art of Writing
– "Persecution and the Art of Writing," Social Research, Vol. 8, No. 4 (November 1941). Reprinted in Persecution and the Art of Writing.Excerpt: In a considerable number of countries which, for about a hundred years, have enjoyed a practically complete freedom of public discussion, that freedom is now suppressed and… More
Review of C. H. McIlwain: Constitutionalism, Ancient and Modern
– Review of Constitutionalism, Ancient and Modern, by C. H. McIlwain, Social Research, Vol. 9, No. 1 (February 1942). Reprinted in What is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: This book surveys those stages in the growth of constitutionalism which are most relevant “to the political problems facing us here and now” (p. vii). There is a… More
On Classical Political Philosophy
– "On Classical Political Philosophy," Social Research, Vol. 12, No. 1 (February 1945). Reprinted (revised) in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: TODAY the status of political philosophy is more precarious, and its meaning is more blurred, than at any time since political philosophy emerged many centuries ago, somewhere in… More
Review of Leonardo Olschki: Machiavelli the Scientist
– Review of Machiavelli the Scientist, by Leonardo Olschki, Social Research, Vol. 13, No. 1 (March 1946). Reprinted in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: According to Olschki, however, Machiavelli was primarily interested in elaborating” a new science of man which anticipated in spirit and mental procedure Galileo’s… More
On a New Interpretation of Plato’s Political Philosophy
– "On a New Interpretation of Plato's Political Philosophy," Social Research, Vol. 13, No. 3 (September 1946).Excerpt: Professor Wild’s recent book on Plato is not simply a historical work. His presentation of Plato’s doctrine of man is animated by the zeal of a reformer and is meant… More
Review of Ernst Cassirer: The Myth of the State
– Review of The Myth of the State, by Ernst Cassirer, Social Research, Vol. 14, No. 1 (March 1947). Reprinted in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: However one may have to judge this view of myth, Cassirer is certainly right in negatively characterizing philosophy proper by its “struggle against myth.” In Greek… More
Political Philosophy and History
– "Political Philosophy and History," Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 10, No. 1 (January 1949). Reprinted in What Is Political Philosophy?Excerpt: Political philosophy is not a historical discipline. The philosophic questions of the nature of political things and of the best, or just, political order are fundamentally… More
On the Spirit of Hobbes’s Political Philosophy
– "On the Spirit of Hobbes's Political Philosophy," Revue Internationale de Philosophie, Vol. 4, No. 14 (October 1950). Reprinted in Natural Right and History (Ch. 3A).Excerpt: Hobbes rejects the idealistic tradition on the basis of a fundamental agreement with it. he means to do adequately what the Socratic tradition did in a wholly inadequate… More
Preface to Isaac Husic: Philosophical Essays
– Preface to Philosophical Essays: Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern, by Isaac Husic, ed. Milton C. Nahm and Leo Strauss, Basil Blackwell, 1952.Walker’s Machiavelli
– "Walker's Machiavelli," review of Discourses of Niccolò Machiavelli, ed. L. J. Walker, Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 6, No. 3 (March 1953).Excerpt: Walker is not the first to contend that Machiavelli’s achievement consists chiefly or exclusively in the discovery of a new method. In fact, it would appear that the view… More
Machiavelli’s Intention: The Prince
– "Machiavelli's Intention: The Prince," American Political Science Review, Vol. 51, No. 1 (March 1957). Reprinted in Thoughts on Machiavelli (Ch. 2).Excerpt: Let us follow this movement somewhat more closely. At first sight The Prince belongs to the traditional genre of Mirrors of Princes, which are primarily addressed to legitimate… More
The Liberalism of Classical Political Philosophy
– "The Liberalism of Classical Political Philosophy," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 12, No. 3 (March 1959). Reprinted in Liberalism Ancient and Modern. Review essay on E. A. Havelock: The Liberal Temper in Greek Politics.Excerpt: Some readers may blame us for having devoted so much time and space to the examination of an unusually poor book. We do not believe that their judgment of the book is fair. Books… More
What Is Political Philosophy?
– "What Is Political Philosophy?" What Is Political Philosophy, The Free Press, 1959. Revised version of the Judah L. Magnes Lectures given at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in December 1954-January 1955. Hebrew translation published in Iyyun in April 1955.Excerpt: When we describe the political philosophy of Plato and of Aristotle as classical political philosophy, we imply that it is the classic form of political philosophy. The classic was… More
On the Basis of Hobbes’s Political Philosophy
– "On the Basis of Hobbes's Political Philosophy," What Is Political Philosophy?, The Free Press, 1959. First printing of English original of "Les fondements de la philosophie politque de Hobbes," Critique, Vol. 10, No. 83 (April 1954).Excerpt: We begin by wondering why we should study Hobbes. This question implies that we doubt whether Hobbes’s teaching is the true teaching. It implies, therefore, that our… More
Comment on W. S. Hudson: The Weber Thesis Re-examined
– "Comment on W. S. Hudson: The Weber Thesis Re-examined," Church History, Vol. 30, No. 1 (March 1961).Excerpt: This meeting, I gather, is concerned with the need for reinterpretation. I am not at all certain that reinterpretation is a universal necessity, i.e., that there cannot be final or… More
Liberal Education and Responsibility
– "Liberal Education and Responsibility," Education: The Challenge Ahead, ed. C. Scott Fletcher, Norton, 1962. Reprinted in Liberalism Ancient and Modern.Excerpt: In the light of philosophy, liberal education takes on a new meaning: liberal education, especially education in the liberal arts, comes to sight as a preparation for philosophy. … More
The Crisis of Our Time and The Crisis of Political Philosophy
– "The Crisis of Our Time" and "The Crisis of Political Philosophy," in The Predicament of Modern Politics, ed. Harold J. Spaeth, University of Detroit Press, 1964.The City and Man
– The City and Man, Rand McNally, 1964. Reprint: University of Chicago Press, 1978.Excerpt: It is not self-forgetting and pain-loving antiquarianism nor self-forgetting and intoxicating romanticism which induces us to turn with passionate interest, with unqualified… More
Philosophy and Politics I and II
– Victor Gourevitch, "Philosophy and Politics I," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Sep. 1968). Victor Gourevitch, "Philosophy and Politics I," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Dec. 1968).Excerpt: On the face of it, On Tyranny is a straightforward commentary on Xenophon’s dialogue Hiero or Tyrannicus. As such it is a very model of thoroughness and learning. It amply… More
Liberalism Ancient and Modern
– Liberalism Ancient and Modern, Basic Books, 1968. Reprint: University of Chicago Press, 1995.Excerpt: Liberal education is education in culture or toward culture. The finished product of a liberal education is a cultured human being. “Culture” (cultura) means… More
Machiavelli and Classical Literature
– "Machiavelli and Classical Literature," Review of National Literatures, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Spring 1970).Excerpt: I shall speak somewhat less briefly on La Vita de Castruccio Castracani da Lucca, For this graceful little work reveals Machiavelli s moral taste in a more direct or simple and… More
A Giving of Accounts
– "A Giving of Accounts," with Jacob Klein, The College, Vol. 22, No. 1 (April 1970).Excerpt: I must begin with an introduction to my introduction. Some faculty members, I was told, had misgivings about this meeting. The only ones which are justified concern this… More
Niccolo Machiavelli
– History of Political Philosophy, ed. Leo Strauss and Joseph Cropsey, Rand McNally, 1963. Second Edition: Rand McNally, 1972. Third Edition, University of Chicago Press, 1987.Excerpt: Men often speak of virtue without using the word but saying instead “the quality of life” or “the great society” or “ethical” or even… More
The Three Waves of Modernity
– "The Three Waves of Modernity," Political Philosophy: Six Essays, ed. Hilail Gildin, Pegasus-Bobbs-Merrill, 1975.Excerpt: The crisis of modernity reveals itself in the fact, or consists in the fact, that modern western man no longer knows what he wants–that he no longer believes that he can know… More
Progress or Return?
– "Progress or Return? The Contemporary Crisis in Western Civilization," Modern Judaism, Vol. 1, No. 1 (May 1981). Reprinted in The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism.Excerpt: The title of this lecture indicates that progress has become a problem-that it could seem as if progress has led us to the brink of an abyss, and it is therefore necessary to… More
Strauss’ Natural Right and History
– Richard Kennington, "Strauss' Natural Right and History," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Sep. 1981).Excerpt: At the time Strauss published Natural Right and History (1953) the state of the question of natural right was a mixture of oblivion and fitful restoration. Natural right had… More
Correspondence Concerning Modernity
– "Correspondence Concerning Modernity," Independent Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 4 (1983). Reprinted in Leo Strauss: Gesammelte Schriften, Band 3.Leo Strauss and the History of Political Philosophy
– Nathan Tarcov and Thomas L. Pangle, "Epilogue: Leo Strauss and the History of Political Philosophy," History of Political Philosophy, Third Edition, ed. Leo Strauss and Joseph Cropsey, University of Chicago Press, 1987.Excerpt: A student using this book might legitimately and naturally wonder about the approach to the teaching of political philosophy presented here. The originator of this approach was the… More
On a Certain Critique of “Straussianism”
– Nathan Tarcov, "On a Certain Critique of 'Straussianism,'" The Review of Politics, Vol. 53, No. 1 (Winter 1991).Excerpt: This article examines a certain critique of what I will take the liberty of calling “Straussianism,” a critique which raises questions I believe are worth discussing,… More
A Return to Classical Political Philosophy and the Understanding of the American Founding
– Christopher Bruell, "A Return to Classical Political Philosophy and the Understanding of the American Founding," The Review of Politics, Vol. 53, No. 1 (Winter 1991).Excerpt: What is the significance for the understanding of the American Founding of Leo Strauss’s efforts toward the recovery of classical political philosophy? That this is a… More
German Nihilism
– "German Nihilism," Interpretation, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Spring 1999). Corrections to "German Nihilism," Interpretation, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Fall 2000). Talk given on February 26, 1941 at the New School for Social Research.Excerpt: What is nihilism? And how far can nihilism be said to be a specifically German phenomenon? I am not able to answer these questions; I can merely try to elaborate them a little. For… More
The Living Issues of German Postwar Philosophy
– "The Living Issues of German Postwar Philosophy," Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem, by Heinrich Meier, Cambridge University Press, 2006.Excerpt: But Husserl was not the only superior mind who was responsible for the great change we have been witnessing. At least as influential in this respect was the work of Nietzsche.… More
Reason and Revelation
– "Reason and Revelation," Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem, Cambridge University Press, 2006. Talk given on April 27, 1948, at Hartford Theological Seminary.Excerpt: Today, we do not have a direct access to what philosophy originally meant. Our concept of philosophy is derived from modern philosophy, i.e. a derivative form of philosophy. Modern… More
Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem by Heinrich Meier
– Heinrich Meier, Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem, Cambridge University Press, 2006.From the publisher: This book, by one of the most prominent interpreters of the Leo Strauss’s thought, is the first to examine the theme that Leo Strauss considered to be key to his… More
What Can We Learn from Political Theory?
– "What Can We Learn from Political Theory?" Review of Politics, Vol. 69, No. 4 (Fall 2007). Talk given in July 1942 at the New School for Social Research.Excerpt: The title of this lecture is not entirely of my own choosing. I do not like very much the term political theory; I would prefer to speak of political philosophy. Since this… More
The Truth about Leo Strauss: Political Philosophy and American Democracy
– Catherine and Michael Zuckert, The Truth about Leo Strauss: Political Philosophy and American Democracy, University of Chicago Press, 2008.From the publisher: Is Leo Strauss truly an intellectual forebear of neoconservatism and a powerful force in shaping Bush administration foreign policy? The Truth about Leo Strauss puts… More
The Cambridge Companion to Leo Strauss
– The Cambridge Companion to Leo Strauss, ed. Steven B. Smith, Cambridge University Press, 2009.Table of Contents: 1. Introduction: Leo Strauss today by Steven B. Smith 2. Leo Strauss: the outlines of a life by Steven B. Smith 3. Leo Strauss and the theologico-political predicament… More
Leo Strauss: An Intellectual Biography
– Daniel Tanguay, Leo Strauss: An Intellectual Biography, Yale University Press, 2011.From the publisher: Since political theorist Leo Strauss’ death in 1973, American interpreters have heatedly debated his intellectual legacy. Daniel Tanguay recovers Strauss from the… More