Jerome C. Foss, "John Rawls: Theorist of Modern Liberalism," The Heritage Foundation, Makers of American Political Thought Series.
Professor Ian Shapiro: The Rawlsian Social Contract
Yale Courses, YouTube, uploaded on April 6, 2011.
The Antipolitical Philosophy of John Rawls by Brian Anderson
Brian Anderson, "The Antipolitical Philosophy of John Rawls," The Public Interest, Spring 2003.
Political Liberalism
John Rawls, Political Liberalism (New York: Columbia University Press, 1993; Revised 1996, 2005).
Liberalism and the Limits of Justice by Michael Sandel
Michael Sandel, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1982; second edition, 1998).
Rawls, Nozick, and Educational Equality by James Coleman
James Coleman, "Rawls, Nozick, and Educational Equality," The Public Interest, Spring: 1976.
Rawls on Justice by Victor Gourevitch
Victor Gourevitch, “Rawls on Justice,” The Review of Metaphysics 28 (1975).
John Rawls Vs. The Tradition of Political Philosophy by Allan Bloom
Allan Bloom, “Justice: John Rawls Vs. the Tradition of Political Philosophy,” The American Political Science Review 69 (1975): 648–62.
A Theory of Justice
John Rawls, A Theory of Justice (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1971. Revised 1999).