Hayek on Liberty

Robbins, Lionel. “Hayek on Liberty.” Economica (February 1961): 66–81.


“This is a very ambitious book. “It has been a long time,” says the author, “since that ideal of freedom which inspired modern Western civilization and whose partial realization made possible the achievements of that civilization was effectively restated”: it is such a restatement which is attempted here. The range covered is extensive: social philosophy, jurisprudence, economics and politics are all summoned to make their contribution to the main theme and a broad historical perspective informs the whole. In a revealing passage Prof. Hayek explains that, although he still regards himself as mainly an economist, he has “come to feel more and more that the answers to many of the pressing social questions of our time are to be found ultimately in the recognition of principles that lie outside the scope of technical economics or of any other single discipline.” It is with such principles that this book is chiefly concerned.”
