“Ordinamento giuridico e ordine sociale.” Il Politico 33, no. 4 (December 1968): 693–724.
Hayek’s Essays
Bruno Leoni, the Scholar
“Bruno Leoni, the Scholar.” Il Politico 33, no. 1 (March 1968): 21–25
The Confusion of Language in Political Thought, With Some Suggestions for Remedying It
The Confusion of Language in Political Thought, With Some Suggestions for Remedying It. London: Institute of Economic Affairs (Occasional Paper 20), 1968/1976, 36 pp.
The Constitution of A Liberal State
“The Constitution of A Liberal State.” Il Politico 32, no. 1 (Sept. 1967): 455–461.
Legal Order and Commercial Order
“Rechtsordnung und Handelnsordnung.” In Eric Streissler (ed.), Zur Einheit der Rechts-und Staatswissenschaften, Vol. 27. Karlsruhe, 1967.
Remarks on “Ernst Mach und das sozialwissenschaftliche Denken in Wien”
Remarks on “Ernst Mach und das sozialwissenschaftliche Denken in Wien.” In Ernst Mach Institut (ed.), Symposium aus Anlass des 50. Todestages von Ernst Mach. (Freiburg i. B., 1967.)
The Results of Human Action but not of Human Design
Résultats de l'action des hommes mais non de leurs desseins.” In: Les Fondements Philosophiques des Systèmes Economiques. Textes de Jacques Rueff et essais rédiges en son honneur. (Paris 1967).
Dr. Bernard Mandeville
“Dr. Bernard Mandeville.” Proceedings of the British Academy 52 (1966), London 1967.
The Economy, Science and Politics
"The Economy, Science and Politics,” Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1967/1969, pp.251-269.
The Gold Standard—Its Evolution
“L'Etalon d'Or — Son Evolution.” Revue d'Economie Politique 76 (1966).