World Inflationary Recession

“World Inflationary Recession.” Paper presented to the International Conference on World Economic Stabilization, April 17–18, 1975, co-sponsored by the First National Bank of Chicago and the University of Chicago. First Chicago Report 5/1975.

Politicians Can’t Be Trusted with Money

“Politicians Can't Be Trusted with Money.” [(Newspaper editor's title. Paper delivered in September at the Gold and Monetary Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland.) The Daily Telegraph of London, Part I (September 30, 1975).

The Formation of the Open Society

“The Formation of the Open Society.” Address given by Professor Friedrich A. von Hayek at the University of Dallas Commencement Exercises, May 18, 1975. [Unpublished typescript, available at the Institute for Humane Studies.]

The Courage of His Convictions

"The Courage of His Convictions.” In Tribute to Mises 1881–1973. The Session of the Mont Pélèrin Society at Brussels 1974 devoted to the Memory of Ludwig von Mises. Chislehurst, 1975.

The Pretense of Knowledge

“The Pretence of Knowledge.” An Alfred Nobel Memorial Lecture, delivered December 11, 1974 at the Stockholm School of Economics. In Les Prix Nobel en 1974. Stockholm: Nobel Foundation, 1975.

Full Employment at Any Price?

Full Employment at Any Price? London: Institute of Economic Affairs (Occasional Paper 45), 1975/1978, (Italy 1975), 52 pp.