Exploitation of Workers by Workers

“Exploitation of Workers by Workers.” The last of three talks given by Professor F. A. Hayek under the title, “The Market Economy” (Radio 3, BBC). The Listener (August 17, 1978): 202–203.

Can we still avoid inflation?

“Can we still avoid inflation?” In Richard M. Ebeling (ed.) The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays. New York: Center for Libertarian Studies (Occasional Paper Series 8) 1978.

The Dethronement of Politics

“Die Entthronung der Politik.” In Uberforderte Demokratie? hrsg. von D. Frei, Sozialwissenschaftliche Studien de schweizerischen Instituts für Auslandsforschung, N.F. 7, Zurich 1978.

Will the Democratic Ideal Prevail

“Will the Democratic Ideal Prevail?” In Arthur Seldon, ed. The Coming Confrontation: Will the Open Society Survive to 1989? London: The Institute for Economic Affairs (Hobart Paperback No. 12), 1978, pp. 61–73.

Coping with Ignorance

“Coping with Ignorance.” Ludwig von Mises Memorial Lecture. Imprimis (Hillsdale College) 7 (July 1978) 6 pp.


"Liberalism," New Studies in Philosophy, Politics,  Economics and the History of Ideas, Routledge & Keagan Paul, London and Henley, 1982 [1978], pp. 119-151.