Worsthorne, Peregrine. “F. A. Hayek: Next Construction for the Giant.” In: Prophets of Freedom and Enterprise. Edited by Michael Ivens. London: Kogan Page, Ltd., for Aims of Industry, 1975. pp. 70–80.
Inflation, Unemployment and Hayek
Spencer, Roger W. “Inflation, Unemployment and Hayek.” Review (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.) 57 (1975): 6–10.
Friedrich August von Hayek o el intento de romper con la neoclassica
Sacristan, A. “Friedrich August von Hayek o el intento de romper con la neoclassica.” In Comercio Esterior 25 (1975), pp. 193–195.
Hayek and Keynes: A Retrospective Assessment
O'Driscoll, Jr. Gerald P. “Hayek and Keynes: A Retrospective Assessment.” Iowa State University Department of Economics Staff Paper No. 20. Ames, Iowa: Xerox 1975. [Paper prepared for the Symposium on Austrian Economics, University of Hartford, June 22–28, 1975.]
Ausgewählte Bibliographie zur Wiederauflage
Leube, Kurt R. “Ausgewählte Bibliographie zur Wiederauflage F.A. Hayek: Preise und Produktion.” Vienna, 1975.
F.A. von Hayek. Zu sienem 75. Geburtstag
Leube, Kurt R. “F.A. von Hayek. Zu sienem 75. Geburtstag.” Salzburger Nachrichten 1975
The Facts of Hayek
Johnson, Frank. “The Facts of Hayek.” Sunday Telegraph Magazine, September 26, 1975, pp. 30–34.
Review of 4 books: F.A. Hayek’s The Counter-Revolution of Science; Individualism and Economic Order; Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics; and Ludwig M. Lachmann’s The Legacy of Max Weber.
Grinder, Walter E. Review of 4 books: F.A. Hayek's The Counter-Revolution of Science; Individualism and Economic Order; Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics; and Ludwig M. Lachmann's The Legacy of Max Weber. In Libertarian Review 4, no. 4 (April 1975): 4–5.
Hayek: The Road to Stockholm
“Hayek: The Road to Stockholm.” The Alternative: An American Spectator 8, no. 8 (May 1975): 10–12