Polanyi, Michael. “The Determinants of Social Action.” In Roads to Freedom: Essays in Honour of Friedrich A. von Hayek. Edited by Erich Streissleret.al. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969, pp. 145–179.
Roads to Freedom: Essays in Honour of Friedrich A. von Hayek
Roads to Freedom: Essays in Honour of Friedrich A. von Hayek. Edited by Erich Streissler et.al. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1969.
The Hayek Story
Heimann, E. “The Hayek Story.” In Critical Essays in Monetary Theory. Oxford University Press: 1967.
Revival of the Philosophy of Economics: A Critique of Hayek’s System of Liberty
Murray, A.H. “Revival of the Philosophy of Economics: A Critique of Hayek's System of Liberty.” The Economics Studies Quarterly 15, no. 2. (Tokyo 1965).
Hayek’s Theory of Sensory Order and the Methodology of the Social Sciences
Murray, A.H. “Hayek's Theory of Sensory Order and the Methodology of the Social Sciences.” The Journal of Applied Sociology 7 (Tokyo 1964).
Theories and Thoughts of Prof. Hayek
Keizai, S. “Theories and Thoughts of Prof. Hayek.” The World Economy. Tokyo, 1964.
Hayek on Freedom and Coercion
Viner, Jacob. “Hayek on Freedom and Coercion.” Southern Economic Journal 27 (January 1961): 230–236.
Seldon, Arthur, ed. “Philosophy” Agenda for a Free Society: Essays on Hayek's The Constitution of Liberty. London: Published for the Institute of Economic Affairs by Hutchinson, 1961.