In Defense of Satan

"In Defense of Satan: Christian Perspectives on the Problem of Evil." This World 25 (1989): 50-58. Collected Essays vol. 3, 241-51.

Aristotle and the Sociobiologists

"Aristotle and the Sociobiologists: An Old Controversy Revisited." Politics and the Life Sciences 6, no. 2 (1988): 205-8. Collected Essays vol. 4, 281-86.

Making Ends Meet: The Dilemma of Catholic Thought

"Making Ends Meet: The Dilemma of Catholic Thought." Free Inquiry 8, no. 1 (1987): 36-39. Revised and published as "The Trouble with Catholic Social Thought," Boston College Magazine 47, no. 3: 37-42. Collected Essays vol. 3, 303-13.

Basil the Great and the Choice of Hercules

"Basil the Great and the Choice of Hercules: A Note on the Christianization of a Pagan Myth." Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 11, no. 2 (1986): 65-81. Collected Essays vol. 1, 153-68.

Faith and Reason in Contemporary Perspective

"Faith and Reason in Contemporary Perspective: Apropos of a Recent Book." Review of The God of Faith and Reason: The Foundations of Christian Theology, by Robert Sokolowski. Interpretation 14, nos. 2-3 (1986): 371-87. Collected Essays vol. 2, 297-316.

Dawson and Augustine

"Dawson and Augustine." Dawson Newsletter 4, no. 4 (1985-86): 12-14. Reprinted as "A Note on Dawson and St. Augustine," Collected Essays vol. 1, 115-22.