De civitate Dei

"De civitate Dei." In Augustine: An Encyclopedia, 196-202. Edited by Allan Fitzgerald. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1999. Collected Essays vol. 4, 71-82. Revised version of "Justice as the Foundation of the Political Community" (1997).

Justice as the Foundation of the Political Community

"Justice as the Foundation of the Political Community: Augustine and His Pagan Models." In Augustinus: De civitate Dei, 41-62. Edited by Christoph Horn. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1997. Revised and published as "De civitate Dei" (1999).

On the Presumed Medieval Origin of Individual Rights

"On the Presumed Medieval Origin of Individual Rights." In Final Causality in Nature and Human Affairs, 86-106. Edited by Richard Hassing. Washington: Catholic University of America Press. Reprinted in Communio 26 (Spring 1999): 55-79. Collected Essays vol. 2, 243-64.