Menschenrechte und Allgemeinwohl

"Menschenrechte und Allgemeinwohl." Communio: Internationale Katholische Zeitschrift 25 (1996): 1-12. Translation of "Human Rights and the Common Good" (1994).

Politique et philosophie au moyen âge

"Politique et philosophie au moyen âge: la révolution aristotélicienne." In Moral and Political Philosophies in the Middle Ages. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Medieval Philosophy. Edited by C. Bazan, E. Andújar and L. Sbrocchi. Ottawa: Legas, 148-66.

Natural Law

"Natural Law." In The Encyclopedia of Democracy, 878-80. Edited by Seymour Martin Lipset. Washington: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1995. Collected Essays vol. 3, 159-64.

Christianity, Science and the Environment

"The Bible Made Me Do It: Christianity, Science, and the Environment." Review of Politics 57 (1995): 197-223. Translation of "Perspectives bibliques sur l'écologie." Collected Essays vol. 3, 111-33.

The Strauss-Voegelin Correspondence

"The Strauss-Voegelin Correspondence: Two Reflections and Two Comments." With G. Hughes. Review of Politics 56 (1994): 337-57. Collected Essays vol. 2, 329-36, and vol. 4, 277-79.

In Memoriam: Allan Bloom, 1930-1992

"In Memoriam: Allan Bloom, 1930-1992." In Allan Bloom: Friend, Mentor, and Educator. Chicago: University of Chicago Committee on Social Thought, 1994.

Human Rights and the Common Good

"Human Rights and the Common Good." CCICA Annual 13 (1994): 1-16. Reprinted, with variations, as "The Natural Wrong in Natural Rights." Crisis 12, no. 5 (1994): 20-25. Collected Essays vol. 3, 19-28.