[W]hen he wrote, Ed was assailing prevailing opinion…The truth had to be pursued, no matter how inconvenient, unpopular; unfashionable or discomforting. Ed did not teach that; he lived it. This was his code, and it was—for anyone willing to receive it—an immeasurable gift.

Edward C. Banfield (1916–1999) was a political scientist who taught at the University of Chicago, Harvard University, and the University of Pennsylvania. He was Henry Lee Shattuck Professor of Urban Government at Harvard.
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Edward C. Banfield was a political scientist who taught for nearly four decades at the University of Chicago, Harvard University, and the University of Pennsylvania. He served as an adviser to two presidents (Nixon and Reagan) and held academic positions, including the vice presidency of the American Political Science Association. Banfield wrote 16 books and dozens of articles and essays, which received widespread acclaim and criticism.
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On a recent episode of Conversations with Bill Kristol, Hudson Institute Distinguished Fellow Christopher DeMuth, who studied under Banfield at Harvard, discusses his mentor Edward Banfield.