Wildavsky, Aaron. Dixon-Yates: A Study in Power Politics. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962.

Wildavsky, Aaron. Dixon-Yates: A Study in Power Politics. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962.
Wildavsky, Aaron. Politics of the Budgetary Process. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1964.
Wildavsky, Aaron and Nelson Polsby. Presidential Elections: Strategies of American Electoral Politics. New York: Scribner, 1964.
Wildavsky, Aaron and Jeffrey Pressman. Implementation: How Great Expectations in Washington are Dashed in Oakland; or, Why It's Amazing That Federal Programs Work At All. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1973.
Wildavsky, Aaron and Edward Friedland and Paul Seabury. The Great Detente Disaster: Oil and the Decline of American Foreign Policy. New York: Basic Book, 1973.
Wildavsky, Aaron and Naomi Caiden. Planning and Budgeting in Poor Countries. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1974.
Heclo, Hugh and Aaron Wildavsky. The Private Government of Public Money. New York: Macmillan, 1974.
Wildavsky, Aaron. Budgeting: A Comparative Theory of Budgetary Processes. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1975.
Wildavsky, Aaron. Speaking Truth to Power: The Art and Craft of Policy Analysis. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1979.
Wildavsky, Aaron and Ellen Tenebaum. The Politics of Mistrust: Estimating Oil and Gas Reserves. Beverly Hills: SAGE, 1981.
Douglas, Mary and Aaron Wildavsky. Risk and Culture: An Essay on the Selection of Technological and Environmental Dangers. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982.
Wildavsky, Aaron. The Nursing Father: Moses as a Political Leader. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1984.
Webber, Carolyn and Aaron Wildavsky. A History of Taxation and Expenditure in the Western World. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1986.
Wildavsky, Aaron. Assimilation Versus Separation: Joseph the Administrator and the Politics of Religion in Biblical Israel. New Jersey: Transaction Books, 1987.
Wildavsky, Aaron. Searching for Safety. New Jersey: Transaction Books, 1988.
White, Joseph and Aaron Wildavsky. The Deficit and the Public Interest: The Search for Responsible Budgeting in the 1980s. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1989.
Thompson, Michael, Richard Ellis, and Aaron Wildavsky. Cultural Theory. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1990.
Ed. Lynn, Naomi and Aaron Wildavsky. Public Administration: The State of the Discipline. London: Chatham House Publishers, 1990.
Wildavsky, Aaron. The Beleaguered Presidency. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1991.
Wildavsky, Aaron. The Rise of Radical Egalitarianism. Washington, D.C.: American University Press, 1991.
Wildavsky, Aaron. Craftways: On the Organization of Scholarly Work. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1993.
Singer, Max and Aaron Wildavsky. The Real World Order: Zones of Peace / Zones of Turmoil. London: Chatham House Publishers, 1993.
Wildavsky, Aaron. But Is It True?: A Citizen's Guide to Environmental Health and Safety Issues. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995.
Wildavsky, Aaron. Culture and Social Theory. New Jersey: Transaction Books, 1998.
Wildavsky, Aaron. Budgeting and Governing. New Jersey: Transaction Books, 2001.
Wildavsky, Aaron and Naomi Caiden. The New Politics of the Budgetary Process. New York: Longman Classics, 2003.
Wildavsky, Aaron. Cultural Analysis: Politics, Public Law, and Administration. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 2005.
Wildavsky, Aaron. Moses as a Political Leader, Jerusalem, Shalem Press: 2005.
Wildavsky, Aaron. Studies in Australian Politics. Melbourne: F.W. Cheshire, 1958.
Wiladvsky, Aaron. Trial Without Error: Anticipation Vs. Resilience As Strategies for Risk Reduction. St. Leonards: Centre for Independent Studies, 1985.
Wildavsky, Aaron, ed., Brendan Swedlow, David Schleicher, and Daniel Elazar. Federalism and Political Culture. New Jersey: Transaction Books, 1997.