
Thinking about Politics: Remembering James Q. Wilson

– Derthick, Martha. “Thinking about Politics: Remembering James Q. Wilson.” As part of “Thinking about Politics: A Conference Dedicated to Explaining and Perpetuating the Political Insights of James Q. Wilson" Conference, April 4, 2013, Harvard University.  
A group of James Q. Wilson’s former students gathered to discuss his work at a two-day conference, April 4-5, 2013, at Harvard University and Boston College.

American Federalism in Theory and Practice

– Derthick, Martha. “American Federalism in Theory and Practice” panel. Hillsdale College’s Constitution Day Celebration, Washington, D.C., September 18, 2011.
The panel was chaired by the Honorable John Shadegg and also featured Paul Moreno and Thomas G. West.