We Are the World?

National Review, February 26, 1996.


One would never know from the list of celebrities attending the recent “State of the World Forum,” sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation U.S.A., that there was a time when the subject of a new world order was addressed by serious thinkers. (I have in mind Thomas Hobbes, the Abbé de Saint-Pierre, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant, and, in his own way, even Karl Marx.) No longer. The topics on the agenda of this San Francisco forum were serious enough–“Ecology: The New Science of the Sacred,” and (presumably in an effort to gain the custom of Hillary Rodham Clinton) “The Global Crisis of Value and the Search for Meaning”–but, in addition to a handful of Third World mystics and washed-up politicians, Gorby’s Bash by the Bay attracted mainly the likes of Ted Turner, Jane Fonda, John Denver, and (inevitably) Shirley MacLaine.

American Enterprise Institute