Orwell on the Future

"Orwell on the Future." Review of Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1949). New Yorker 25 (June 18, 1949): 78, 81-83.

Family Album

"Family Album." Review of The Times of Melville and Whitman, by Van Wyck Brooks (New York: Dutton, 1947). Partisan Review 15 (January 1948): 105-108.

Treason in the Modern World

"Treason in the Modern World." Review of The Meaning of Treason, by Rebecca West (New York: Viking, 1947). Nation 166 (January 10, 1948): 46-48.

Neurosis and the Health of the Artist

"Neurosis and the Health of the Artist." Review of Leonardo da Vinci: A Study in Psychosexuality, by Sigmund Freud, translated by A. A. Brill (New York: Random House, 1947); and Stavrogin's Confession, by F. M. Dostoevsky, translated by Virginia Woolf and S. S. Koteliansky, with a psychoanalytical study of the author by Sigmund Freud (New York: Lear, 1947). New Leader 30 (December 13, 1947): 12.

The Problem of Influence

"The Problem of Influence." Review of Freudianism and the Literary Mind, Frederick J. Hoffman (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1945). Nation 161 (September 8, 1945): 234.

Sermon on a Text from Whitman

"Sermon on a Text from Whitman." Review of Poet of American Democracy, by Walt Whitman, selected and edited by Samuel Sillen. (New York: International Publishes, 1944). Nation 160 (February 24, 1945): 215-220.

The Head and Heart of Henry James

"The Head and Heart of Henry James." Review of Henry James: The Major Phase, by F.O. Matthiessen (New York: Oxford University Press, 1944). New York Times Book Review, November 26, 1944, 3.

Under Forty

"Under Forty." Originally published as "Under Forty: A Symposium on American Literature and the Younger Generation of American Jews." Contemporary Jewish Record 6 (February 1944). Trilling's contribution pp. 15-17.

M., W., F. at 10

"M., W., F. at 10." Review of A Survey-History of English Literature, by William Bradley Otis and Morriss H. Needleman (New York: Barnes and Noble, 1937). Nation 155 (November 21, 1942): 546-7.