Making Men More Human

"Making Men More Human." Review of The Humanities at Work, Regional Conference on the Humanities, Social Science Foundation, University of Denver (University of New Mexico Press, 1945). Saturday Review of Literature 28 (September 15, 1945): 36.

A Valedictory

"A Valedictory." Tri-Quarterly 1 (Fall 1964): 26-31. Also published in Encounter, March 1965: 57-60.

Literary Pathology

"Literary Pathology." Lecture given at the American Psychoanalytic Association, December 7, 1962.

A Comedy of Evil

"A Comedy of Evil." Review of The Short Novels of Dostoevsky, by Fyodor Dostoevsky (New York: Dial, 1945). Mid-Century 32 (November 1961): 7-11.

Yeats as Critic

"Yeats as Critic." Review of Essays and Introductions, by William Butler Yeats (New York: Macmillan, 1961). Mid-Century 28 (Summer 1961): 3-8.

An American Classic

"An American Classic." Review of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, by James Agee and Walker Evans (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960). Mid-Century 16 (September 1960): 3-10.

The Assassination of Leon Trotsky

"The Assassination of Leon Trotsky." Originally published as "The Mind of an Assassin." Review of The Mind of an Assassin, by Isaac Don Levine (New York: Farrar, Straus, & Cudahy, 1959). Mid-Century 8 (January 1960): 11-17.

Paradise Reached For

"Paradise Reached For." Review of Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytic Meaning of History, by Norman O. Brown (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1959). Mid-Century 5 (Fall 1959): 16-21.

Reflections on a Lost Cause: English Literature and American Education

"Reflections on a Lost Cause: English Literature and American Education." Originally published as "English Literature and American Education." Sewanee Review 66 (Summer 1958): 364-81. Also published as "Reflections on a Lost Cause: English Literature and American Education" in Encounter, September 1958: 3-11.