Problems in the Study of Urban Politics

James Q. Wilson, "Problems in the Study of Urban Politics," in Edward H. Buehrig, editor, Essays in Political Science (Indiana University Press, 1966), pp. 131-150.

The Negro in City Politics

Edward C. Banfield and James Q. Wilson, "The Negro in City Politics," in Raymond J. Murphy and Howard Elinson, editors, Problems and Prospects of the Negro Movement (Wadsworth, 1966), pp. 376-394.

The Negro in Politics

James Q. Wilson, "The Negro in Politics," Daedalus, Vol. 94, No. 4 (Fall 1965), pp. 949-973. Reprinted in Talcott Parsons and Kenneth B. Clark, editors, The Negro American (Houghton Mifflin, 1965).

Voting Behavior on Municipal Public Expenditures

James Q. Wilson and Edward C. Banfield, "Voting Behavior on Municipal Public Expenditures: A Study of Rationality and Self-Interest," in Julius Margolis, editor, The Public Economy of Urban Communities (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1965).

Patronage in New York State, 1955-1959

Daniel Patrick Moynihan and James Q. Wilson, "Patronage in New York State, 1955-1959," American Political Science Review, Vol. 58, No. 2 (June 1964), pp. 286-301.