Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil

New York: Penguin, 1963.


Originally appearing as a series of articles in The New Yorker, Hannah Arendt’s authoritative and stunning report on the trial of Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann sparked a flurry of debate upon its publication. This revised edition includes material that came to light after the trial, as well as Arendt’s postscript directly addressing the controversy that arose over her account. A major journalistic triumph by an intellectual of singular influence, Eichmann in Jerusalem is as shocking as it is informative—an unflinching look at one of the most unsettling (and unsettled) issues of the twentieth century that remains hotly debated to this day.

Table of Contents:

Note to the Reader
I The House of Justice
II The Accused
III An Expert on the Jewish Question
IV The First Solution: Expulsion
V The Second Solution: Concentration
VI The Final Solution: Killing
VII The Wannsee Conference, Or Pontius Pilate
VIII Duties of a Law-Abiding Citizen
IX Deportations from the Reich – Germany, Austria, and the Protectorate
X Deportations from Western Europe – France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Italy
XI Deportations from the Balkans – Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania
XII Deportations from Central Europe – Hungary and Slovakia
XIII The Killing Centers in the East
XIV Evidence and Witnesses
V Judgment, Appeal, and Execution

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