About Us

The Foundation for Constitutional Government is a not-for-profit foundation devoted to supporting the serious study of politics and political philosophy, with particular attention to the Constitutional character of American government and the founding of the United States.

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Andy Zwick is founder and president of Derm101.com, a pioneer in online dermatology education, and Executive Director of the Foundation for Constitutional Government. He also is Executive Director of the Program on Constitutional Government at Harvard. During the late 2000’s, Mr. Zwick was a principal of Sunwick Stone Development, a real estate firm that financed and built two affordable housing projects in Manhattan for senior citizens. He was the business manager of A. Bernard Ackerman, M.D., a preeminent skin pathologist, until Dr. Ackerman’s death in 2008. While starting Derm101 in the early 2000’s, Mr. Zwick played a pivotal role in the creation of the Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology, a medical practice in New York City that hosts the nation’s largest fellowship training program in the field. Mr. Zwick received his A.B. (2000) from Harvard, where he concentrated in history and wrote a thesis on medicine and democracy in 19th-century America.

William Kristol is founder and editor of The Weekly Standard, a journal of politics and ideas located in Washington, D.C. He is also a regular panelist on Fox News Sunday. Before starting the Weekly Standard in 1995, Mr. Kristol led the Project for the Republican Future, where he helped shape the strategy that produced the 1994 Republican congressional victory. Prior to that, Mr. Kristol served as chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle during the first Bush Administration, and to Education Secretary William Bennett under President Reagan. Before coming to Washington in 1985, Mr. Kristol was on the faculty of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government (1983-1985) and the Department of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania (1979-1983). Mr. Kristol has published widely in areas ranging from foreign policy to constitutional law to political philosophy. Mr. Kristol received both his A.B. (1973) and Ph.D. (1979) from Harvard University.

Fred Farkouh is Managing Partner of Farkouh, Furman, & Faccio LLP.  Founded in 1974, Farkouh, Furman, & Faccio is a boutique accounting firm that specializes in financial services, oil services, real estate, and shipping. A defining focus of Mr. Farkouh’s practice that cuts across all areas of specialization is developing new companies and expanding existing businesses.

Programs We Support

The Foundation for Constitutional Government is pleased to support the Program on Constitutional Government at Harvard University.  The Program on Constitutional Government is associated with the Center for American Political Studies in the Department of Government at Harvard University. It was founded in 1985 by Harvey Mansfield and William Kristol, and guided since then by Mansfield and R. Shep Melnick of Boston College. The Program promotes the study of the U.S. Constitution and its principles, combining the fields of political theory and American government. It brings visiting professors to Harvard, invites guest speakers, and supports postdoctoral fellowships. It seeks to improve the access of Harvard students to political debate by ensuring that the principle of diversity is not confined to favored classes of Americans but extended to political opinion—since it is the interest of all that both sides be heard.