Hayek and the Modern World: Economic Organization and Activity

Conference, Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond, April 12, 2013.

The Jepson School of Leadership Studies brought together invited scholars to explore economist Friedrich A. Hayek’s contributions to political economy in theory and practice and his influence today. The second session of the conference, Hayek and the Modern World: Economic Organization and Activity, covered Contributions to the Political Economy in Theory and Practice. Bruce Caldwell, Duke University, Emily Skarbek, King’s College, London, and Chris Martin, Jepson School of Leadership Studies, presented papers that will be collected in a volume that will become part of the Jepson Studies in Leadership Studies.

Conference Papers:

Peter McNamara
Poltical Science, Utah State University
“F.A. Hayek and the Eighteenth Century Science of Human Nature”

Jerry Gaus
James E. Rogers Professor of Philosophy, University of Arizona
“The Evolution, Evaluation and Reform of Social Morality: A Hayekean Analysis”

Sandra Peart & David Levy
Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond and Economics, George Mason University
“Hayek and the Individualists”

Bruce Caldwell
Research Professor of Economics, Duke University
Director, Center for the History of Political Economy
“F. A. Hayek and the ‘Economic Calculus’: The Cambridge and Virginia Lectures”

Emily Skarbek
Department of Political Economy, King’s College, London
“F.A. Hayek and the Early Foundations of Spontaneous Order”

Chris Martin
Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond
“Hayek and the Nomothetes”

Ekkehard Kohler
Walter Eucken Institute
“Hayek’s Search for a Monetary Constitution – (Confessions of a Crisis Ridden Economist)”

Kenneth Minogue
Political Science, Emeritus, London School of Economics
“Hayek and the Conditions of Freedom”

Jason Clemens
Executive Vice-President, Fraser Institute
“Hayekian Perspectives on Canada’s Economic and Social Reforms of the 1990′s”

– See more at: http://hayekcenter.org/?p=5565#sthash.zudXBqIm.dpuf