Boston: The Job Ahead

With Martin Meyerson, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1966.

“Two university scholars of outstanding ability, Martin Meyerson and Edward C. Banfield…. were invited by Boston business leaders to publish a series of 12 essays on key public policy topics. These reached a mass audience by being printed as full-page, uncensored advertisements in the daily newspapers of the area. In Boston: The Job Ahead… the essays are made available in hard-cover form…. It is fascinating to see how the authors analyze a wide variety of the city’s public issues and the specific strategies they propose for coping with Boston’s future. In the hands of authors not so well qualified, this sort of two-man braintrust might be a risky enterprise, susceptible to the twin dangers of superficiality and idiosyncratic outlook. That these dangers have been largely avoided is a tribute to the writers.” — Henry Fagin

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