Submitted by Samuel P. Huntington, Arthur Maass, James Q. Wilson, and Harvey C. Mansfield, Harvard University Gazette, January 2001.
At a meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on October 17, 2000, the following Minute was placed upon the records.
Edward C. Banfield, the George D. Markham Professor of Government Emeritus, died peacefully at his Vermont summer home on September 30, 1999. He was born on a farm in Bloomfield, Connecticut, on November 19, 1916. He received a B.A. in English from the University of Connecticut in 1938 and went to work for the United States Forest Service. After jobs at other government agencies he went to the University of Chicago, where he received a Ph.D. in political science in 1952 and served on the faculty until 1959, when he came to Harvard. He left Chicago much regretted by his friend Leo Strauss, who warned him in farewell remarks that he was going to “another university…inferior to ours in everything except endowment and old age.”
Harvard Gazette