Tag: Nineties


A Firing Line Debate: Resolved: That the ACLU Is Full of Baloney

– Firing Line Videos, Hoover Institution, taped on May 4, 1998, uploaded to YouTube on March 5, 2015.
Guests: Lino A. Graglia, William A. Donohue, Robert H. Knight, Ira Glasser, Nadine Strossen, Leon Botstein, Barry W. Lynn Summary: Nadine Strossen starts by stating that, “The… More

Firing Line with William F. Buckley “Tom Wolfe and His Critics”

– Firing Line Videos, Hoover Institution, taped on January 19, 1999, uploaded to YouTube on March 5, 2015.
Guest: Tom Wolfe Summary: Tom Wolfe had just published his first novel in 11 years, “A Man in Full,” to significant, but not universal, acclaim. Amongst the negative review were… More


A Firing Line Debate: Resolved: That the ACLU Is Full of Baloney

– Firing Line Videos, Hoover Institution, taped on May 4, 1998, uploaded to YouTube on March 5, 2015.
Guests: Lino A. Graglia, William A. Donohue, Robert H. Knight, Ira Glasser, Nadine Strossen, Leon Botstein, Barry W. Lynn Summary: Nadine Strossen starts by stating that, “The… More

Firing Line with William F. Buckley “Tom Wolfe and His Critics”

– Firing Line Videos, Hoover Institution, taped on January 19, 1999, uploaded to YouTube on March 5, 2015.
Guest: Tom Wolfe Summary: Tom Wolfe had just published his first novel in 11 years, “A Man in Full,” to significant, but not universal, acclaim. Amongst the negative review were… More


A Firing Line Debate: Resolved: That the ACLU Is Full of Baloney

– Firing Line Videos, Hoover Institution, taped on May 4, 1998, uploaded to YouTube on March 5, 2015.
Guests: Lino A. Graglia, William A. Donohue, Robert H. Knight, Ira Glasser, Nadine Strossen, Leon Botstein, Barry W. Lynn Summary: Nadine Strossen starts by stating that, “The… More

Firing Line with William F. Buckley “Tom Wolfe and His Critics”

– Firing Line Videos, Hoover Institution, taped on January 19, 1999, uploaded to YouTube on March 5, 2015.
Guest: Tom Wolfe Summary: Tom Wolfe had just published his first novel in 11 years, “A Man in Full,” to significant, but not universal, acclaim. Amongst the negative review were… More


A Firing Line Debate: Resolved: That the ACLU Is Full of Baloney

– Firing Line Videos, Hoover Institution, taped on May 4, 1998, uploaded to YouTube on March 5, 2015.
Guests: Lino A. Graglia, William A. Donohue, Robert H. Knight, Ira Glasser, Nadine Strossen, Leon Botstein, Barry W. Lynn Summary: Nadine Strossen starts by stating that, “The… More

Firing Line with William F. Buckley “Tom Wolfe and His Critics”

– Firing Line Videos, Hoover Institution, taped on January 19, 1999, uploaded to YouTube on March 5, 2015.
Guest: Tom Wolfe Summary: Tom Wolfe had just published his first novel in 11 years, “A Man in Full,” to significant, but not universal, acclaim. Amongst the negative review were… More


A Firing Line Debate: Resolved: That the ACLU Is Full of Baloney

– Firing Line Videos, Hoover Institution, taped on May 4, 1998, uploaded to YouTube on March 5, 2015.
Guests: Lino A. Graglia, William A. Donohue, Robert H. Knight, Ira Glasser, Nadine Strossen, Leon Botstein, Barry W. Lynn Summary: Nadine Strossen starts by stating that, “The… More

Firing Line with William F. Buckley “Tom Wolfe and His Critics”

– Firing Line Videos, Hoover Institution, taped on January 19, 1999, uploaded to YouTube on March 5, 2015.
Guest: Tom Wolfe Summary: Tom Wolfe had just published his first novel in 11 years, “A Man in Full,” to significant, but not universal, acclaim. Amongst the negative review were… More