Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr. “Mobilizing the Poor”

Firing Line Videos, Hoover Institution, taped on December 11, 1967, uploaded to YouTube on March 28, 2011.

Guest: Saul David Alinsky


The common aim of all Mr. Alinsky’s organizations is to mobilize the poor–mobilize them by whatever means comes to hand (marches, sit-ins)–to demand decent housing conditions or whatever the local need may be. This one is a knock-down, drag-out from start to finish. Alinsky: “I refuse to debate with him [David Riesman], which only came up recently…I made the remark that any time I see any of his stuff, it sort of makes me feel like a grizzled, battle-scarred dog going down the street while way back, say, six blocks back or so, this little whining Pekingese comes out sniffing, yipping, and licking and growling at my leavings. And I’m not going to waste my time turning around.”
