Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr. “How to Protest”

Firing Line Videos, Hoover Institution, taped on May 1, 1967, uploaded to YouTube on August 13, 2010.

Guest: Dwight Macdonald


Mr. Macdonald had recently been an organizer of the “Step Out Movement”–that is, to step out of a hall where Vice President Humphrey would be speaking, in protest against the Vietnam War. This show offers a fast-paced duel between two longtime adversaries. Buckley: “Well, Mr. Macdonald, why don’t we try to isolate those forms of protest that you disagree with. You would disagree with, let’s say, shooting the president?” Macdonald: “Yes.” Buckley: “Would you disagree with forming the equivalent of an Abraham Lincoln Brigade to go to North Vietnam to fight on the side of the Vietcong?” Macdonald: “Yes, I would.” Buckley: “Would you disapprove of discounting from your income tax that sum of money we have roughly spent on defense?” Macdonald: “I approve of that. I haven’t done it, however, because it occurred to me that the net result would be that they would get the money anyway plus a certain amount of penalties, which in effect would amount to more.”
