Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr. “Black Power”

Firing Line Videos, Hoover Institution, taped on March 7, 1967, uploaded to YouTube on July 15, 2010.

Guest: Nat Hentoff


Mr. Hentoff had, Mr. Buckley tells us, written that “We must have black power to overcome white power.” What exactly is meant by black power? Does it matter whether the person talking about it is the Harlem teacher who is the subject of Mr. Hentoff’s book, or Elijah Muhammad? And why are the New York Times and the New York Post so chary of it? Hentoff: “I suppose they think of the doctrine as a racist doctrine and the corollary concern seems to be that thereby the Negroes will alienate their good white friends and make things much more difficult for the coalition–that luminous coalition of labor, the Church, and civil-rights groups and the like which is apparently about to end the final verse of ‘We Shall Overcome’.” In fact, suggests Mr. Hentoff, what black power is properly about is the power of blacks to have some say in the running of their own neighborhoods and their own children’s schools.
