Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr. “A Foreign Policy for the GOP”

Firing Line Videos, Hoover Institution, taped on September 11, 1967, uploaded to YouTube on May 7, 2010.

Guest: Charles Percy


Senator Percy is a bit given to the stump-speech mode (“I truly believe that we will fight Communism just as effectively, if not more so, [by not] fighting it just in Havana and in Hanoi. We have to fight Communism in Watts; we have to fight it in Newark, and we have to fight it in Harlem; and we have to fight it by building a better America there and not giving any chance for a Communist society to point to the hypocrisy of America and say that the American dream is only available to some people”), but we do come down to earth periodically, with concrete observations about, e.g., Yugoslavia, Poland, and Red China.
