What Is Anti-Semitism? An Open Letter to William F. Buckley, Jr.

Norman Podhoretz, Commentary, February 1992.


All in all, with this essay you have burnished your record as a warrior against anti-Semitism, and most especially by your willingness to call Pat Buchanan’s descent into anti-Semitism by its true and proper name. In so doing, you have taken another step in the campaign you inaugurated some 35 years ago to rescue the conservative movement from those who would besmirch it by spreading anti-Semitism in its name. If the people who lead the Left nowadays only had the decency and the courage to police their own ideological precincts in the same way and to the same degree, there would be little cause to worry as much as some of us do about a resurgence of anti-Semitism in this country—and not, alas, just the new kind that focuses mainly on Israel.
