Inveighing We Will Go

G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1972.


This is the beloved 1972 collection of Bill Buckley’s then-most-recent columns, articles, and so much more, captured at the height of his cultural power and influence. From his first-hand reports on Richard Nixon’’s trip to China to an evaluation of Helen Gurley Brown’s Cosmopolitan, in Inveighing Buckley reflects on almost everything of current interest; the end of the Vietnam war; life within the Soviet Union (a famous WFB essay first printed in Playboy); accounts of Latin America, Israel, the South Pole, Ireland and New Delhi; a report on the kids, on disruptions and violence, on repression and reform; the politics of John Lindsay and Richard Nixon, of Senator Muskie and Pete McCloskey; treatment of pollution and conscription, busing and ecology; a look at the economy, at railroad reform and inflation, and Keynesianism and price controls, at the love affair between Kenneth Galbraith and Richard Nixon; a melancholy view of the decline of organized religion; and portraits of Lady Bird, Senator Buckley, Edgar Smith, Tom Wolfe, John Lennon, Clare Booth Luce and John Dos Passos; a look at Beethoven’s 200th anniversary and the new Oxford English Dictionary; a voyage to Rome, by the modern traveler. Whew. And all done in the style that has won Buckley the largest constituency of any journalist in America.

National Review