Rumbles Left and Right: A Book About Troubling People and Ideas

G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1963.


WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY’S newest book deals mostly with people people on the political left, and on the political right, who have made and are making news.

Here, Russell Kirk says in his Introduction, “is social criticism worthy of survival in its own right.” If the people about whom he writes hadn’t made news, they made it the moment they attracted Mr. Buckley’s bright attention.

Mr. Buckley, “the paladin of the American right,” as Time has called him, and the author of God and Man at Yale and Up From Liberalism, is in rare form, whether ripping into lawyer Edward Bennett Williams, teasing Richard Rovere to come clean on the Establishment, analyzing the non-think behind President Eisenhower’s invitation to
Khrushchev, explaining his admiration for Barry Goldwater, or telling the moving tale of Whittaker Chambers’ last years.

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