Freedom at Issue (May-June 1973).
Reconsideration: Edmund Burke
New Republic (March 17, 1973).
The Overworked Court: A Reply to Arthur Goldberg
New Republic (February 17, 1973).
Civil Disobedience and the Duty to Obey
Gonzaga Law Review 8, no. 2 (Spring 1973).
Citizenship in the American Constitution
Arizona Law Review 15 (1973).
The “Uninhibited, Robust, and Wide-Open” First Amendment: From “Sullivan” to the Pentagon Papers
Commentary (November 1972).
More on Quotas
New Republic (October 28, 1972).
Untangling the Busing Snarl
New Republic (September 30, 1972).
Will the Democrats Survive Miami?
New Republic (July 15, 1972).
The Constitution and the War
Commentary (July 1972).