Michael Zuckert, "On Allan Bloom," The Good Society, Vol. 17, No. 2 (2008), pp. 81-83.
Allan Bloom and America by Thomas West
Thomas G. West, "Allan Bloom and America," Claremont Review of Books, 19 November 2007.
The Ladder of Love
"The Ladder of Love," Plato's Symposium, trans. Seth Benardete, University of Chicago Press, 2001. First published in Love and Friendship, Simon and Schuster, 1993.
Erotic Adventures of the Mind by Diana Schaub
Diana Schaub, "Erotic Adventures of the Mind," Public Interest, Winter 1994.
Reflections on Bloom and His Critics by Peter Lawler
Peter Lawler, "Reflections on Bloom and His Critics," The Journal of General Education, Vol. 41 (1992), pp. 273-285.
Essays on the Closing of the American Mind edited by Robert Stone
Essays on the Closing of the American Mind, Robert L. Stone, ed., Chicago Review Press, 1989.
How Nietzsche Conquered America
"How Nietzsche Conquered America," The Wilson Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 3 (Summer 1987), pp. 80-93.
Our Listless Universities
"Our Listless Universities," Change, Vol. 15, No. 3 (Apr. 1983), pp. 29-35.
The Education of Democratic Man: Emile
"The Education of Democratic Man: Emile," Daedalus, Vol. 107, No. 3, Rousseau for Our Time (Summer 1978), pp. 135-153.
Shakespeare on Jew and Christian: An Interpretation of The Merchant of Venice
"Shakespeare on Jew and Christian: An Interpretation of the Merchant of Venice," Social Research, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Spring 1963), pp. 1-22.