Getting Me Wrong [with Reply]

Huntington, Samuel P and Alan Wolfe. "Getting Me Wrong [with Reply]." Foreign Affairs v. 83, n. 5 (2004): 155-159.

In evaluating a novel, a poem, or a scholarly study, it can be useful and insightful to consider that work in the context of the author’s other writings, if those exist. For social science, the relevant questions concern how the recent work embodies continuities or changes from previous works in terms of subject, style, methods of analysis, normative assumptions, arguments, and conclusions. Elaboration of these similarities and differences can greatly help a reader gain an understanding of the meaning and the significance of the volume under review.

Alan Wolfe is thus to be commended for his effort (“Native Son,” May/June 2004) to relate my new book, Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity, to several of my previous studies. He is also, however, to be faulted for getting wrong the nature of my previous books and for misrepresenting the argument of Who Are We? I do not normally respond to critical reviews of my books, but his errors are such that I feel I must correct them.
