The Concept of Military Professionalism

Harries-Jenkins, Gwyn. "The Concept of Military Professionalism." Defense Analysis 6:2 (Jun. 1990): 117-130.

“The publication in 1957 of Huntington’s The Soldier and the State and of Janowitz’s The Professional Soldier 3 years later stimulated considerable interest in the study of the complex relationships between armed forces and the parent society. A major theme of this interest was the analysis of the military as a profession. In an initial concept formation phase, various hypotheses were formulated. Of these, the most significant were, firstly, Huntington’s contention that there was a relationship between the level of military professionalism and the propensity to intervene in the domain of civil power, and, secondly, Janowitz’s five working hypotheses designed to facilitate an understanding o the changes that had occurred in the political behavior of the American military.”

– Excerpt

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