“The “Clash” of Civilizations? Or an Emerging “East Asian Modernity”?

C.J.W Wee, "The "Clash" of Civilizations? Or an Emerging "East Asian Modernity"? Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 11:2 (October 1996): 211-230.

“This paper examines Samuel Huntington’s influential article, “The Clash of Civilizations?”, particularly his interest in “Confucian” civilizations. Huntington’s “Civilizational” approach, this paper suggests, is marred by ahistorical essentialist thinking on both the causes of the emergence of East and Southeast Asian newly industrializing economies (NIES0 and the reasons for the clashes between East and West in recent years. What is at stake instead is to a large measure a question of what an “East Asian modernity” might look like, and whether the NIEs have achieved such a modernity that could be an alternative to the Western version of it.”

– Abstract
