Understanding and Controlling Crime: Toward a New Research Strategy

David P. Farrington, Lloyd E. Ohlin, and James Q. Wilson, Understanding and Controlling Crime: Toward a New Research Strategy (Springer, 1986, reprinted 2012).

Wilson “played a major role in persuading the MacArthur Foundation of the need for longitudinal research in criminology, and he coauthored the MacArthur-sponsored book Understanding and Controlling Crime: Toward a New Research Strategy in 1986 with Lloyd Ohlin and myself. In chapter 1 of that book, he set out his crime control strategy: Identify high-risk youngsters at an early age and provide services, counseling, and assistance to their families. Improve their neighborhoods and help them to succeed in school and employment. But if they commit a serious crime: Arrest and prosecute them promptly and send them to a correctional program that is suited to their temperament and personal history. On release from the program, help them find a job and give them financial and other forms of assistance to encourage desistance.”
David P. Farrington